So ging es also auf Reisen...

Von links oben nach links unten im Uhrzeigersinn: 1) Cham-Turm in der Naehe von Na Thrang.
2) Die riesigen Wurzeln des Spung-Baumes
verschlingen Ta Prohm (Angkor), und die
Anne staunt.
3) Ein Seiden-Lampigon-Geschaeft in Hoi An.
4) Auf dem schwimmende Markt von Cai Rang.
Ohne Nummer) -hab ich nicht hingekriegt. verflixt und zugenaeht!- Reisterrassen von SaPa.
6) Die vielen Gesichter von Bayon /Angkor Thom.
(Wenn man draufklickt, wird's groesser...)
a , so ein paar kleinere und groessere Wiedersehensfreudentraenen konnten meine Augen dann doch nicht zurueckhalten, sie kullerten einfach so drauf los. Immerhin hatte ich meinen Bruder sieben Monate nicht gesehen. Sieben Monate, die letztlich aber doch ruckzuck weggefegt waren, als haette es sie nicht gegeben. Gemeinsam machten wir uns also auf, Vietnam und ein klein wenig auch Kambodscha zuerkunden. Einmal von Nord nach Sued und
noch 'n Stueck nach Westen (und zwar drei Wochen lang, von Ende Maerz bis fast Ende April, ja, ich weiss, ich bin spaet dran...). Auf unzaehligen Wanderungen und Spaziergaengen, Boots-, Rad- und Bustouren gab's allerhand zu sehen: malerische Berglandschaften, dschungelige Nationalparks, between tradition and modernity everyday sparkling cities and seemingly endless beaches and lots of sea, the South China. In between, there breathed in temples, pagodas and museums and over again to (cultural) history. How should I now just everything, all the seen, experienced, thought, felt explain in a concise manner? Hmm I'm starting to contact us.
starting point of our trip was Hanoi. After we had there smelled a bit of life, culture and history, it went by night train to Sapa, the destination in northwest Vietnam, the gateway to mysterious Bergvoelkern bezuabernden and landscapes, it describes the Lonely Planet guide books in best-speech. For me a trip high point at the beginning. Rice fields and rice terraces, die von oben ausschauen wie ein einziger riesiger bunter Flickenteppich, umzingelt von den massiven Gipfeln des Hoang-Lieu-Gebirges - unglaublich schoen anzusehen, in der Tat bezaubernd und faszinierend. Ebenso wie die ethnischen Minderheiten der Region, allen voran die Hmong und die Roten Dao, die in ihren bunten Trachten die Blicke regelrecht magisch anziehen. Vietnamesische Voelkerkunde wuerde ich aber gerne an anderer Stelle, in einem Extra-Eintrag noch mal ausfuehrlicher betreiben.
Auf groesstenteils unbefestigten Strassen mit dem Bus nach Hanoi zurueck geholpert und gestolpert, ging es von dort aus in die karstbergige Ha Long Bucht, im Grunde auch beim zweiten Mal nichts von ihrer Magie eingebuesst.
Naechste Station: die kleine Provinzstadt Ninh Binh inmitten the Red River Delta, surrounded by an equally beautiful karst landscape. And because the karst mountains rising water ausdem not here, but from lush green rice fields, one also speaks of the dry Ha Long Bay.
then in the adjacent Cuc Phoung National Park, tasted one of the most important protected areas of Vietnam still a tiny bit of jungle with all the An adjacent Gezirpse and Gesurre and Irma, Johanna, Hien and all the other monkeys in the International Primate Rescue Center "" Good day! " said. Then: once more back to Hanoi and from there again by night train namely belong to the south, in the old and the last emperor or king city of Hue, the historic buildings since 1993, a World Heritage Site. Unfortunately, many buildings in the Indochina and Vietnam War were heavily damaged, but it works hard, restoration and reconstruction are ongoing
. a little more moving moment, I felt in the adjacent Thien Mu Pagoda. For there is the Austin, with the monk Thich Quang to Saigon in 1963 you went to with his self-immolation to protest against the militant, authoritarian and discriminatory policies of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem, this image was seen around the world. There I felt it very clear the air of recent history.
over the Hai Van, called Seewolken Pass at a dizzying height of 496 m, at the same time also something of a geographical climatic or weather border between North and South Vietnam to buy - we had up there with all kinds of rain, gray clouds, fog and extremely cool temperatures to fight, it was a stroke sunny, clouds clear much warmer - we reached the former port town of Hoi An. And in Hoi An I was instantly in love. What a beautiful little town! A beautiful old town, narrow streets and lanes, are lining up small, usually bright yellow traditional Kaufmannshaeuser, in which there are still small shops, Handwerkstaetten or restaurants. In between, every now and then brightly colored temple. Somehow, Fairy tale also countless silk lanterns, everywhere in the streets, at and in the houses, in the windows, in the shops and restaurants, on the day in their bright colors shine in the dark and light shine. Lovely! And no car to leisurely stroll through the old town will ever disturb.
The plane we went first to Cam Ranh and then finally to Na Thrang, Seaside Resort for a number of domestic and foreign tourists as well as a transparent center of the ancient Hindu kingdom of Champa-Koenig (2nd - 5th century AD). leave throughout the south are still well preserved shrines of that time, the famous about Cham towers eg brick. Including in and around Na Thrang. And we've looked at. Very impressive!
Then: further south in Mui Ne still snatched a little Wuestenflair and through the hot, red Duenensand trudged before we finally got in the biggest city and economic hub of the country came: Ho Chi Minh City, also still called Saigon. I was very curious. And then everything was different than in Hanoi. More mopeds, more cars, even bigger and more expensive, a modern high-rise at the other. A juggernaut! What then n bit lacking: historical flair. So I prefer the older lady Hanoi proud, no question. Very moving and impressive: the war remnants museum, which leads to relentless images of the horrors of war in mind. I could eat nothing dannach long time.
completion of our exploration Vietnam tour was a visit to the Mekong Delta, also called "rice bowl" or "breadbasket" of the country called. In addition to spring rice the fertile soil also Zuckerroht, coconuts and tons of fruits and vegetables. What a mighty, so further river, the Mekong! We have a boat appeared in this very own world. On a very, very early this morning, we visited one of the zaehlreichen floating markets, namely those in Cai Rang, the biggest in the Delta. What a wonderfully colorful, bustling with life and bustle! From the boat is purchased and VER. On long, outstanding dealer Holzpfaehlen hanging samples of their goods on, visibly, so that the customers who umherschippern in small wooden boats from the floating market stalls, find fast, what they seek. I was very impressed by this original.
Yes, and then, on 17 Day of our trip Finally, we whizzed by speed boat on the Mekong-course - over to Cambodia. The remaining 3 1 / 2 days that we stayed, our attention and our interest was primarily the huge temple of Angkor Empire, the capital of the Khmer from the 9th and 13 Century. With more than 300 temples on an area of \u200b\u200b232 km2 and Angkor Wat, the largest religious structure in the world in 1992 it declared a World Heritage Site. Unique, deeply impressive, mythical and mystical, almost surreal. Yes, one is overwhelmed at the sight, stunned, hardly find words. And around the overgrown jungle. Hundreds of years old trees, under, over, between, have grown from the temples, their huge thick, strong Roots enclose, surround, embrace, engulf almost the towers, facades and walls of buildings. A mighty work of man's even more powerful nature delivered seemingly helpless. But it is also the jungle, the temple also kept in front Einzturz that holds them together. So fascinating! I still lack the words.
Yes, fascinating, impressive, elegant and beautiful are words that can describe a lot of things seen on this trip. So I've also experienced. And yet ...
... yet. "Freud" and "suffering" are indeed sometimes not that far apart. And so my trip I was not only fascinated and excited, but in many respects trauig and thoughtful, very much so, voted.
travel takes time, which I had seen. Time to look, internalization, for understanding. Time to dip right to know. Time to do something in the experience with, changed one a little further can. Time that had my brother and me in the sense hardly, unfortunately. Yes, we have seen in just three weeks a great deal. Finally, we have a lot more but then striped umhaucht and guessed as / learn because really. That's sad, very sad! Namely because we had that very fact that our time frame decided to just these three weeks limited, for the more convenient variant of an organized tour, which we see in our case and all kinds of promised to do, namely close to the culture and the country tuned, a meeting of equals, so to speak, the way we wanted it too. What a mistake, as we should see soon. A more or less strict Following Program, raging from one place to another and rushing, really was very little time, to let all the impressions and reflect. The people and places one must under such conditions remain rather strange. Here, too, shows once more: not on the lot, the quantity but the quality, content, not how much you, but what you see is what matters. Or you have a whole lot of time. Sure, if we were traveling on your own, we would have them do not even have had more, but we had had the freedom to stay longer, where there had dislike us and leave a place just when we had nothing felt. And maybe you could have looked here and there about the tourist paths and also married.
we had for the two Vietnamese cities of Hanoi and Saigon only half of a day available - where I should have my brother in "my" Hanoi but showed so much so much more - so we had to suddenly having two beach days to arrange, where We at all but both are no bathers. In contrast of most other in our group, whose needs can be ACTING. Do we feel us both anyway rather than traveling for a private holiday primaer Following the desire to discover a different reality than to relax and just have fun. It all sounded so promising, but we were wrong. And it is: once and never again! In the end, but then we tried to make the best of it, that makes you always. And gave insights and knowledge of various kinds are so abundant in spite of everything.
Z. B in terms of the nature of travel. The question is: What is travel? Is traveling in the sense of discovering the world, but not more of an illusion? Because it's so much for this time of need, time, who take most people do not, do not have? Are the people, the travelers at the end so much more cosmopolitan, tolerant and verstaendisvoller than before, or see they do not sometimes, all their prejudices confirmed, at first glance, because they lack the time to look deeper and understand and then to identify any that things are very different from what they seem? Because, the travelers, tourists, after all primaer keep to themselves, to send in their hotels, expensive restaurants, in their rented buses and cars? Because they expect a certain standard, comfort and luxury, which ultimately separates them from the real, actual life? "Whoever wants to become wiser through travel," says Socrates, "not allowed to take themselves." Only the very few are capable indeed to leave at home. If the travel does not become more part of a lifestyle more? Something that fits into a picture? Something you can afford? It is like not in the current version is more like a volatile consumption than a deep understanding of the world and discover the world? You buy travel, just as one clothes, furniture or car purchases. Travel - the pleasure principle, without any consideration for losses?
I was certainly very shocked about the extent of tourism in Vietnam and Cambodia. It is booming in Vietnam, perhaps even more than in Cambodia. Everywhere you look everywhere: everywhere tourists. In regular troops traveling to and from flooding streets, squares, Kulturstaetten, entire villages and the countryside. A luxury hotel joins to the other and there are more, but nature is destroyed. Yes, the tourists bring money. But what happened to it? In Cambodia, so we told our guide, remained only 15% of all tourist revenues in the country, key word corruption, the World Heritage Site of Angkor JURISDICTION probably entirely in private ownership and tourism receipts were not in maintenance and restoration work, concerned about that foreign foundations and research institutes, and as imported hotel, so he goes on to explain even food from abroad. Hm ... I
, tourism as an economic factor to the poor countries on its feet. Maybe. But at any price? So, as I have experienced it in my personal feeling is the whole thing rather a cultural Sale and natural right. When would you kill these countries. Nothing is spared. Nothing is unberueht. The national parks and the beaches are littered. As tourists invade in droves into the lives of the poor Bergvoelker in the north. Yes, they were executed there. They should buy, what people have made by hand. Only a few actually buy. Instead gegafft geglotzt and how the zoo. Since photos are taken by young children, their faces dirty, ragged, their clothes, and they do not even have shoes. The misery is almost a tourist attraction. So bad!
And then they turn back, the tourists, the comfortable hotel. It is eaten well lived, well, it will simply erholt.Es . Toggled Too simple. I think most are on holiday. I have the feeling, in tourism, the differences between the Western industrialized nations and the so-called developing countries shows quite clearly, and that so directly and brutally. Luxurious accommodation, hot and cold running water, good food, and plenty of everything on the one hand, while living on the other hand, people in poverty. In Cambodia there are in the country do not even electricity and water lines, 45% of Cambodian children are undernourished. What is happening only?
And what happens to the culture, if anything, food, goods, clothing etc. more and more to the needs of foreign tourists oriented and aligned? Is it not also dislodged culture? Incredibly
backed up many of my thoughts on this trip. So many things that moved me and made sad. So many things which revolted me and let boil up inside. Questions about questions. And suddenly the breisten places traveled nature, visited Kulturstaetten as were a little disenchanted. Charming and disenchanted at the same time, strange.
I would have liked to have heard sometimes sing louder, all the things. But the tourists ... often too many. And far too loud.
I advocate's other trips.
What a lucky year to have this one,'s for discovering, knowing and understanding. Although I do not think even that is not enough ...
- Bilder zum Bergfest muessen leider ausfallen, weil: Kamera weg, vergessen im Bus von Hanoi nach Cao Bang. :(( (oder mal sehen, ... vielleicht kann ich das noch irgendwie anders handhaben, das Hochladen, meine ich...) Die geliehenen Cao-Bang-die-Zweite-Bilder gibt's aber bald... -