Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Antique Lettter Opener
Large savings in modernization is in the range of windows. Surveyors advise the redevelopment of old buildings and often allow for replacement of windows and thus to the change of a modern double-or even better triple-insulating glass. Which window solution of the question, can detect the Surveyors by a building analysis. He is guided by the Energy Saving Regulation (EnEV), which is part of the energy and climate program of the Federal Government. Remember that the CO2 emissions from buildings are to be reduced by 20 percent (compared to 1990) to the year 2020. To reach the goal, is since October 2009, the intensified EnEV. It sets new limits (such as Wärmedämmung) bei Sanierungen und Neubauten fest. Der Bausachverständige achtet bei der Auswahl des Fensterglases auf den g-Wert — also das technische Maß für den Sonnenenergiegewinn. Ist der g-Wert hoch, heißt das: Die Sonnenstrahlen passieren das Glas relativ ungehindert, was zu solaren Energiegewinnen führt.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Letter Request For Retailing
Die novellierte Energieeinsparverordnung (EnEV) trat am 1. Oktober in Kraft. So sind die Anforderungen an die energetische Qualität von Neubauten und an die Modernisierung von Altbauten verschärft worden. Welche Auswirkungen das im Einzelfall hat, kann ein Bausachverständiger beantworten.
Wichtiger Unterschied: Im Vergleich zu der Version of 2007 is expected to decrease the energy consumption for heating and hot water in residential and nonresidential buildings by 30 percent. This implies that builders and owners who renovate their buildings completely or partially or new build, so expect (condition is building permits after October 1, 2009): If a building built from scratch, you must have annual primary energy needs are 30 percent lower than in EnEV 2007 is required.
Surveyors Things to watch out for old buildings: are carried out extensive building work on the building envelope - such as insulation of walls and replacement of doors and windows - will the new Components, a 30 percent greater energy value than previously achieved.
What many people do not modernizers, followed by a building surveyor will point however: Alternatively, you can provide for the renovation that the annual primary energy demand of the entire house falls by 30 percent. Condition: In addition to energy-efficient building envelope must be in general a modern heating system be installed.