Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Keira Knightly Hat By
"What would be her last wish, if you opened your doctor that you go soon .....?
The owner of these dogs have been diagnosed with cancer. Since the metastasis has progressed very fast, it's his last wish of his heart pet safely in a new home to know. A negotiation of both dogs together would be like a 6-er in the lottery, they will be because of the situation, should be exercised in a hurry, but of course also taught separately.
course, both dogs housebroken, know it well, and stay sometimes alone. They live for a few years with her dad on a 12,000 sqm plot, but not in a kennel, or perhaps outside held, but can move about freely and go into the house.
characteristics PACCO:
Pacco is a proud, imposing dog, who loves to watch his property. He is kind to all people and socially compatible with all dogs. Children in the new home should definitely be larger and more intelligent, because he definitely has an idiosyncratic character and if he wants his rest, he would like the same too - is also understandable.
cats or small animals should not be in the new home, as there is to his "work" was selling these animals to vigorously from "his" property. Due to an accident Pacco hindered in its front paw is, his paw in the morning must be well wrapped and packed days nässeundurchlässig because the rogue will have happy times in the shoulder-deep water bath. In the evening he then gets to be night socks, what is with him all not an act, he knows the procedure for years and it can happen. The paw was treated well at the doctor, and he was teilversteift can live well and also take walks, but should not be extended in Marathon marches. Best for him would be a house / apartment with garden, so it can decide itself if it is enough for him. Pacco would be the ideal dog for someone who a protector of the investigated like to cuddle and for the forced marches are not on the daily schedule. He is house trained and knows it, they want to stay by the hour alone.
was during his daily routine his girlfriend Apachi always to the side. It would be great if the two could stay together, but we are also realistic and would also look forward to a great stand-alone lot.
characteristics Apachi:
Apachi is a beautiful, gray-brown German shepherd, very active and agile and very friendly to all people. It requires clear statements and an equally clear reference person they would like to thank the clarity with love, loyalty and devotion. She has a quick mind and a true ball-and Wasserfan. Here on the land she has always done with her boyfriend Pacco very much, for cats, rabbits and similar animals must not dwell on "your" Gundstück should therefore wiser course also be present in their new home is not the animals. Apachi not accept anyone who presented her strange dog immediately, but it takes a while. For if it were a sporting home, possibly with large hikes, or dog sports really great. Of course we want to continue with Pacco like to see together, but we are so realistic that we would separate them, because, unfortunately, is pressing Zeit und nicht jeder hat den Platz für 2 große, wenn auch wundervolle Hunde.
Verein Tiere und Menschen e. V.
Tel. 069-591214 069-591214 oder 0178-8763488 0178-8763488 Angelika Walden - Heute, 16:26
Michael Struck aus Flörsheim ist schwer krank und hat wohl nur noch wenige Wochen zu leben. Sein Schicksal hat er angenommen, aber es gibt eine Sache, die er sich noch von Herzen wünscht: Ein neues Zuhause für seine Hunde Apachi und Pacco - denn die bedeuten ihm alles und sollen auf keinen Fall in ein Tierheim. Stephie Trümner erzählt die ganze bewegende Geschichte in diesem Video.
Verständnisvolle Hundefreunde gesucht
Möchten Sie Michael Struck helfen und seinen Hunden Apachi und Pacco ein neues Zuhause (gerne beiden, aber auch einem Hund alleine) geben? Interessenten finden hier den Kontakt:
oder über den Verein:
069/ 591214
Alter: 5
Geschlecht: weiblich
Rasse: Schäferhund
Eigenschaften: intelligent, folgsam, lieb, treu, aktiv, verspielt, verrückt nach Wasser
Vorlieben: baden, mit dem Fußball spielen (dribbeln und Kopfball)
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Breed: Retriever mix
characteristics: loving, intelligent, full of character preferences
: to house and home watching, swimming, short walks with disabilities with anschließneder rest for easy front paw)
I thank you on behalf of the two dogs.
Angela Walden - Today, 16:42
Please have a look at the Viedeo of Michael with the IT PLEASE HELP "
Source: Angela Walden cited
Thursday, July 8, 2010
A Game Like Fantage Have A School
protest: fur and foie gras at Amazon
protest resumed
decide more and more modern enterprises to banish from their fur and foie gras assortments and collections. But it is a company of which one would expect a leading role is to cross: Amazon has been with lame excuses on fur and Stopfleberverkauf. The company can even be carried away with the statement to do the legal sale of fur to hold on to third parties in order to incapacitate the consumer. Why ein Verkaufsstopp von Pelz eine Entmündigung, ein bereits durchgeführter Verkaufsstopp von (genauso legalen) NS-Produkten aber keine Entmündigung darstellt, hat Amazon uns bislang nicht erklären können.
Nach Gesprächen mit uns waren einige Zeit lang keine Stopfleberprodukte mehr bei Amazon erhältlich, weshalb wir unseren Protest pausiert hatten. Jetzt sind diese Produkte aber wieder bei Amazon zu erwerben, weshalb wir unseren Protest wieder aufnehmen. Statt der üblichen Protestmails, die leider nicht den erwünschten Erfolg gebracht haben, bitten wir Sie nun, hier direkt Kontakt zum Kundenzentrum aufzunehmen . Sie können dann entweder eine E-Mail schreiben oder sich can call back free of charge.
pattern E-mail
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am appalled
that you encourage trade worst cruel to animals products such as fur and foie gras (foie gras) and protest strongly against it. Please reconsider your policy and let me know if you are making progress. If you want to change anything here, tell me why you prevent trade in illegally Nazi products (which I reject as well) like black jackets without special imprints on specific companies to promote but to trade in legal animal pain products and benefit from it.
If you want your mail emphasize
... ... then you'll add the following sentence to:
PS If you see yourself unable to stop the trade in fur and foie gras, delete my account please.
alternatives to Amazon
There are many online mail order houses that do not act with cruelty to animal products. When you shop through our partnership with , a portion of the proceeds will go directly into our animal protection work.