Monday, October 27, 2008

Menstruation Sore Breasts

thoughts ...

I was in my opinion of some of my European colleagues not perhaps a little too hard? was the index finger but not stretched too far up? this feeling crept over me as I recently - with a distanced view - again my previous blog entries about flying. It is not presumptuous to judge about people you do not really know? this to say after such a few weeks would be very presumptuous. where do I want to know what they actually think and feel? not everyone has his own way of dealing with the new and unfamiliar? is not this true anyone? we become human from one day to no new sets but from one day to the other not suddenly all their habits and textures available and extends to new services such as pants or a sweater (If that would be so easy ...). one takes it to travel to. and you look in the new environment does not therefore automatically takes it back and intimate, because it does arrive, the easier? This is not human? I also find myself (a nutella bread-and again, sometimes a bowl of cornflakes ...). does it not time to get used? and there are really only a couple of weeks passed ... but one must therefore equal to book a hotel room? where is the will, the willingness to open themselves ... to try it at least ...? - You see, it goes again. I just can not ... just leave! ;) - One has since - once for a decidedly voluntary service in a developing country - About it not in such an idea what to expect one? can be after such a conscious decision not to one? but before you know it, right? the truth is: we (ie me and I'm still quite sure many others) know nothing, it can not know either. because it has never been there. It is the experience that is missing. clear, we read and hear much about it, far away, at home, in a familiar, safe place. is believed to know ... and yet keep this information supposed to know this abstract, unreal, without a real personal connection, as long as one does not see itself, feels, smells, tastes, hears. It is hard to see before. I think it is almost impossible, allentfalls see blurry. but really ... only the actual, concrete experience enables us to recognize ourselves. the echo of the good intentions, beliefs, confidence, voaraussichten is always quieter. suddenly one notices: quite so effortlessly you go then did not. which has also claimed no one before. that it will be easy. already clear. but what can you imagine it? what it means to be told: "It will not be easy"? what that means for every individual? I think for himself will always be a bit more inscrutable, unpredictable. In the end it is always a small risk. and the culture shock overtakes each well sooner or later.
how to deal with all the circumstances and conditions, all the new impressions, the deal had experienced and learned, is probably not least a question of age, probably. most are still so young, and of course you realize they too often. fear and uncertainty are certainly strong impulse, though not always consciously perceived. what can you expect from young people? but really ... I mean, hm with the old ...? I find it not easy, even I have to struggle every day see it as a new challenge. moment and everyone I'm here with me homesick a latent. how many times I have asked myself: why? why do you sit from the? why it makes you look so hard? why all the bother? but where anything that is dear, what's close to the heart, far away, is home: the family, friends, all the usual and familiar ... I too am anxious and insecure. and I'm already 28 years old. but I'm also a person. I am me. and I'll tell you who is fighting a losing battle against itself. why do we still take the all of us? the question remains. we will certainly know when it's over, when we look back. so far we can, I think, only guess. the moment we are all seeking (whereby each individual for himself and always look like ...). and learning. best regards to gero!


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