Es weihnachtet! Irgendwie seltsam...
na, war das schnell?! hm...?
es wird be so different in this year. Christmas, I mean. live for the first time in my I will not spend the holidays at home. so little I envy my colleagues from the past 2, 3 months, which are now all set out for each other from here, to be able to be reintegrated with their family Christmas. I see how it stands in the heart. but I wanted. I would have about Christmas can also fly back home, but I guess that would have given back quite dramatic farewell scenes, but I know myself. as much as I am here, so I am also pleased to be able to dive into this exciting country, in this foreign culture, the way it is not yet home. It is missing a lot. especially now that it so much Christmas Vacation. maybe it is different this year ... nice, but never be the same.
christmas plays a very important role in Vietnam. Although there are now many places to buy all kinds of Christmas kitsch, and you can see everywhere flashy flashing and glittering fake Christmas trees, but somehow ... I do not know anything's wrong. Vietnam and Christmas, which just will not fit together so well.
even when more and more Vietnamese can topple in the Christmas rush, get carried away, plug in and get drunk, know only few of them what Christmas means at all. Christmas here rather than primarily commercial export from the west, sort of. non-traditional, with no real respect. but for one reason to celebrate really out there on the streets, not at home. especially young people fall into a real party noise, I was told. apparently no trace of contemplation. basically everything as probably always be around on and around Christmas. only it is already and will probably still be a little more colorful, flashy and loud, at least in the urban centers of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, where the general Western influence is already the largest, vie find hotels and department stores around the most beautiful Christmas decoration . with the movement away from the big city lights fade, the more and more. I'll watch it to me, the Vietnamese drive to the Christmas holidays ...
But now, at this moment I can smell's right, see, hear, feel, taste: Christmas at home with all that that implies. and I feel all warm at heart when I think of it. oh yes ...
I wish all the helpful blog readers (not quite as diligent and comment;)) a very wunderpraechtiges Christmas! slips me all happy and well into the new year!
- I hope you did not expect that I sit up weihnachtsmannmuetzen one of these horrible flashing and handsome grinning into the camera to show you how much it here, but Christmas is ... ! ;) -
special greetings to the comment writers Judith, Alessandra and Anya! the faithless tomato logs soon, I promise!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Examples Of How To Thank A Programme
Our volunteers all day ...
which is now already almost two weeks back, dammit! I vow to write future faster. na we'll see ...
really wanted to hang myself (again a reminder that the person responsible for our long term volunteers at SJ Vietnam) is already picked up at 5:30 clock. really. they ended up at half past eight. and how they will be so embarrassed, almost innocent giggling and "sorry, Anne!" said that since I could not just blame her. now I'm already accustomed to such delays. People here have just a very different sense of time, a different time reference, time is not necessarily as something mandatory. Sun spends one Here then also a lot of time just wait with.
on her moped finally went on an adventurous ride through the slalom of mopeds, bicycles cars, and pedestrians only so overflowing streets of Hanoi. It is here indeed be some sort verehrsregeln. and you ask yourself first: what are they? and second, holds at all because someone in it? as a European non-road users you have rather the feeling, this is where everyone how he wants. as the case may be. goal of our trip: bach khoa stadium, because there should be at this 7th be december of International Volunteer Day (international volunteer day, IVD) is celebrated. officially this day falls on the 5th december. the UN it had in 1985 to live called for appreciation of the worldwide volunteer work, their contribution to social, cultural and environmental development at local, national and international level and especially its contribution to intercultural understanding. will be celebrated every year at around 5 days december around, and indeed the world. in Hanoi, the year 's freiwilligetag committed in two stages with an eco-tour on 4 December and a Volunteer Fair on 7 december. the idea: "connect to share" to share join together in order, experiences ideas, thoughts. "Cycling for the environment", the motto was the eco-tour of Vietnam and we were here sj. together with several local environmental organizations ('cycling for the environment club, "" Green the go! .. Club ") first went by ngoc khanh see on a one hour bike ride through Hanoi, bicycles no longer very new and not very modern did so at all anything, it was just not enough of them that meant a bicycle, two people . and I had the pleasure to sit on the luggage rack, no real blessing to my ass.'ve but held out bravely, an end point for hours. the tour of the botanical was gardening. funny games should now follow. this was the pack in 4 teams divided: yellow, green, pink and red dots now went to gather him ah's what we did not play everything.. scavenger hunt tug of war, sackhuepfen who rides the slowest cyclist usw. was fuer'n spass! nun ja, mein gruenes team belegte den vorletzten platz...
am 7. dezember fand dann im bach khoa stadion die internationale freiwilligen-messe statt. eigeladen hatten die UN-freiwilligenorganisation, die ho chi minh jugendvereinigung (die groesste jugendvereinigung des landes) und die technologische universitaet hanois (eine der fuehrenden unis in vietnam). zahlreiche nationale und internationale freiwilligenorganisationen stellten sich vor, so auch sj vietnam. wir waren extra so frueh aufgebrochen, um unseren stand huebsch herzurichten, mit infoblaettern und fotos zu bestuecken. und siehe da: das interesse war gross. auch ich habe dem einen oder anderen interessenten erzaehlen duerfen, was sj so alles schoenes macht: von 2 woechigen long-term projects, work camps, to many (currently 12), social and ecological. yes, that's my organization ... you for doing so much!
addition to exchanging information about the organizations and their projects, there was also a cultural framework program. some UN representatives in their speeches praised the exemplary global use of the thousands of volunteers every year, Vietnamese popstars warbles schmaltzy love songs and the ever-merry Vietnamese students sang, danced and played, they were worth. It was a happy and modest, reasonable smaller event. and for Vietnam's TV's were once again beautiful pictures ...
which is now already almost two weeks back, dammit! I vow to write future faster. na we'll see ...
really wanted to hang myself (again a reminder that the person responsible for our long term volunteers at SJ Vietnam) is already picked up at 5:30 clock. really. they ended up at half past eight. and how they will be so embarrassed, almost innocent giggling and "sorry, Anne!" said that since I could not just blame her. now I'm already accustomed to such delays. People here have just a very different sense of time, a different time reference, time is not necessarily as something mandatory. Sun spends one Here then also a lot of time just wait with.
on her moped finally went on an adventurous ride through the slalom of mopeds, bicycles cars, and pedestrians only so overflowing streets of Hanoi. It is here indeed be some sort verehrsregeln. and you ask yourself first: what are they? and second, holds at all because someone in it? as a European non-road users you have rather the feeling, this is where everyone how he wants. as the case may be. goal of our trip: bach khoa stadium, because there should be at this 7th be december of International Volunteer Day (international volunteer day, IVD) is celebrated. officially this day falls on the 5th december. the UN it had in 1985 to live called for appreciation of the worldwide volunteer work, their contribution to social, cultural and environmental development at local, national and international level and especially its contribution to intercultural understanding. will be celebrated every year at around 5 days december around, and indeed the world. in Hanoi, the year 's freiwilligetag committed in two stages with an eco-tour on 4 December and a Volunteer Fair on 7 december. the idea: "connect to share" to share join together in order, experiences ideas, thoughts. "Cycling for the environment", the motto was the eco-tour of Vietnam and we were here sj. together with several local environmental organizations ('cycling for the environment club, "" Green the go! .. Club ") first went by ngoc khanh see on a one hour bike ride through Hanoi, bicycles no longer very new and not very modern did so at all anything, it was just not enough of them that meant a bicycle, two people . and I had the pleasure to sit on the luggage rack, no real blessing to my ass.'ve but held out bravely, an end point for hours. the tour of the botanical was gardening. funny games should now follow. this was the pack in 4 teams divided: yellow, green, pink and red dots now went to gather him ah's what we did not play everything.. scavenger hunt tug of war, sackhuepfen who rides the slowest cyclist usw. was fuer'n spass! nun ja, mein gruenes team belegte den vorletzten platz...
am 7. dezember fand dann im bach khoa stadion die internationale freiwilligen-messe statt. eigeladen hatten die UN-freiwilligenorganisation, die ho chi minh jugendvereinigung (die groesste jugendvereinigung des landes) und die technologische universitaet hanois (eine der fuehrenden unis in vietnam). zahlreiche nationale und internationale freiwilligenorganisationen stellten sich vor, so auch sj vietnam. wir waren extra so frueh aufgebrochen, um unseren stand huebsch herzurichten, mit infoblaettern und fotos zu bestuecken. und siehe da: das interesse war gross. auch ich habe dem einen oder anderen interessenten erzaehlen duerfen, was sj so alles schoenes macht: von 2 woechigen long-term projects, work camps, to many (currently 12), social and ecological. yes, that's my organization ... you for doing so much!
addition to exchanging information about the organizations and their projects, there was also a cultural framework program. some UN representatives in their speeches praised the exemplary global use of the thousands of volunteers every year, Vietnamese popstars warbles schmaltzy love songs and the ever-merry Vietnamese students sang, danced and played, they were worth. It was a happy and modest, reasonable smaller event. and for Vietnam's TV's were once again beautiful pictures ...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
How Do I Restart Vuze
restarting ...
oh, oh, I depended very nice afterwards. But ...!
are (get my entries actually too long sometimes I ask myself: read this one at all hm there is just so much to tell and I get by not so often the Internet into the cafe because collects already a lot of info?.... and to-be brief, to me is not so now, I always like to lose myself in the little details for now ...)
after the dramatic -. yes, we actually felt so - were weeks in hai duong Lisa and I then turned back to Hanoi. back in the urban jungle, back to the overcrowded Volunteer house. we wanted not just to escape all this, at least for a while? already, but ... ultimately we were glad of seclusion, we are under the given circumstances much stronger and more aware of measures, and finally felt unbearable escape can be. We were glad to be there, to be able to belong again. a nice, cozy feeling, were still in and around the volunteer house now so some gemeinschaftsaktivitaeten under way or planned: International remained cultural evenings, common short-and long trips or cozy talking shops to share experiences, ereingnisse where we outside the Far hai duong ago in which we could not participate.
- now there was evening, for example, a Vietnamese with Vietnamese peoples and traditional customer, a German-evening, with wiener schnitzel and rice pudding, a Denmark-night stories with Queen Margrethe and about christian andersen stories hans, a Scottish evening with haggis (you do not want to know what's in there ...) and bagpipe music, of course not even played (I imagine the margaret ...), just before a French would evening with a sweet and savory crepes, a Finland-night with an ice cream dessert and a jam from the famous Finnish "cloudberry" (no idea how they say it in German, we translate's literalness, they were called "cloud-berry, grows well only dancing in Finland ...) and macro-was also, what else? ah, a Korean bi bim bob evening with (a rice dish) and taekwondo and an evening with my Dutch and hutspot wentelteefjes. and at the end of each evening was the bitter realization that we (I) of the world do not really know sooo much ...-
the relief was in any case written in our faces enormous, especially since we were also really friendly and again with the greatest understanding of all welcomed. most at least, the most important. of course we had to reckon with the fact that one or the other about our relative return due to the tight wohnverhaeltnisse (from a European perspective) then it would not show quite as enthusiastic. but there were at least another 4 free beds available, so there was no reason to have a guilty conscience, because even the capacities were not yet fully realized. and we had ja vorher auch alle zusammen gelebt. von daher. ein klein wenig schuldig fuehlte ich mich dann doch, kam mir vor wie ein eindringling. nun denn. jetzt galt es erst einmal zur ruhe zu kommen, kraeftig nachzutanken, um wieder neu starten zu koennen. aber wo nur? alle laufenden hanoi-projekte waren voll belegt, fuer weitere freiwillige gab es keinen platz. und auch fuer die naechsten monate war der bedarf erst einmal gedeckt, etliche neuankoemmlinge sollten ab dezember bereits nachruecken. was also tun? lisa war am ende, wie mir schien, mit der ganzen situation doch so ueberfoedert, dass sie tatsaechlich darueber nachdachte, ihren freiwilligendienst abzubrechen und nach hause zu fliegen. und das hat sie dann auch wahr gemacht... keine chance, sie davon abzubringen! in keiner sekunde, ok minute - kann sein, dass es die eine oder andere schrecksekunde gab - verspuerte ich meinerseits den starken wunsch, nach hause zu fliegen. nein, eigentlich nicht. nicht wirklich. es gab doch noch so viel zu entdecken hier, ich war doch gerade erst angekommen, hatte doch noch gar nicht richtig losgelegt. auch dachte ich: da gibt es doch eigentlich so viel, was sich tun und machen liesse, hier in vietnam. eigentlich doch schon. meine vietnamesische organisation sj vietnam - die eigentlich gar keine vietnamesischen organisation ist, sondern als internationale organisation gehandelt wird, weil es in vietnam offiziell keine nicht-regierungsorganisationen gibt, geben darf; sj gilt somit als zweig von solidarites jeunesses frankreich, alles klar?! - Is in any case constantly striving to find new project partners. and so are already several new projects in the startloechern or just started. given my unpleasant experience in shark doung I did not want to overthrow the same, however, again straight into a new adventure, I was hesitant in my choice. I was so nervous, insisted I use the place only to see her before I would decide. as happened, if somewhat delayed. the rain would not let me sooner. (Two, three weeks has finally taken's) yes Seek and you shall find, with a little patience. including myself. for the past five weeks I give in the bo de pagoda in the northeast part of Hanoi, where monks, are actually It moenchinnen (like that means because only properly in buddhism?) since 1984, orphaned and disadvantaged (from very poor families originated) children and young people and exposed newborn care, English lessons, help here and there in the various daily tasks and duties around the pagoda around (cleaning up, gardening, food preparation, etc.) and with a bit of free time to spend with the kids, rumalbern playing just great just about what I can think. what a wonderfully quiet and fiedlicher place. Yes, I want to stay here.
"i like ... bananas!" Shouts duong, who stands in the middle of a circle. suddenly jump all the banana, which are on loan and nga, and try another free to occupy chairs. duong and runs off to one of the coveted seats in a circle in which there is always a chair is not enough to get hold of. In the end it is nga, which has a seat in the middle and must. duong would have also "... i like bananas and oranges!" or "i like ... fruit salad!" can call. ultimately it is in the game "fruit salad" so that their respective designated and called for the fruits and the other players, in case of "fruit salad" be all - as soon as possible to try to swap their places. but since there is not enough available seats for all is, there is always one player left who then obtained from the middle of the circle of chairs out a new space must fight by those fruit / fruits calls, his / her place he would like to have you. understand? I had my students in the Bo De pagoda just all fruits and vegetables begebracht in English, then I thought - how fitting! - This is a game that I own for the first time preparation seminar on the play along to my voluntary service. I thought it might have worked is to internalize the new words and in terms of pronunciation and practice listening skills. Moreover fetzt's still correct. and put in: the boys and girls clearly had their pleasure in it. and also to understand and speak with it worked really well. creative learning, this motto I try, wherever and whenever and as often possible to follow. yes, you have to think of something To leave in order to keep the kids amused, to motivate them again and again anew. the calls against the background of cultural and above all the linguistic characteristics quite nice out. now I manage the teaching but actually quite good.
to cross so I never punctual every morning with the bus number 47, the huge Chuong Duong bridge that leads to the mighty Red River. on the other side, behind some small streets and alleys and hidden directly on the water is the bo de pagode. together with Louise, who comes from Bautzen, well, not exactly, more up close, and with the active support of translational son and tra, two-pharmacy student from Hanoi, which is the way gladly voluntarily committed, I teach a class of about 5 to 10 young, all years old in about 13 to 24 the number of students varies from time to time, because the boys and girls and various other tasks and duties in the pagoda (washing clothes, cleaning up, is the very small take care, etc.) have to comply. some go to school. how the everyday design exactly in the pagoda, I have not really covered. but I think the things covered here already more or less simple in such a way rather unplanned. much is spontaneous, spur of the moment decision and made. then you know it never really, who among the students when and how long to be there. that makes teaching a continuous admittedly quite difficult, especially since all the young people move on very different linguistic levels. because it is good that we as a couple, are four of our translators, and thus small group work and individual practice is possible. but whoever finally visited our teaching, motivated and eager to learn them all. And the nice thing is also that the kids luise's and mine are not only students but also our teachers. at the moment in which we teach them English, they teach us Vietnamese. how beautiful! the Vietnamese shopping at the market now works really well already, without a translator.
is basically what the organization is concerned, as is so pretty in the pagoda everywhere in the country. plan and organize the Vietnamese rarely in advance, at least not very far, but actually tends rather not. everything happens in the here and now. and the next moment may again be anything different. have a real (one more) challenge for us a clear organizational structure and clear Europeans used. but somehow this little chaos also something refreshing and liberating, a little bit. clear, rigid structures can sometimes even restrict crop also in thought, in imagination, creativity. but so entirely without ... it works, I think, not for me, at least not always and everywhere ...
oh, oh, I depended very nice afterwards. But ...!
are (get my entries actually too long sometimes I ask myself: read this one at all hm there is just so much to tell and I get by not so often the Internet into the cafe because collects already a lot of info?.... and to-be brief, to me is not so now, I always like to lose myself in the little details for now ...)
after the dramatic -. yes, we actually felt so - were weeks in hai duong Lisa and I then turned back to Hanoi. back in the urban jungle, back to the overcrowded Volunteer house. we wanted not just to escape all this, at least for a while? already, but ... ultimately we were glad of seclusion, we are under the given circumstances much stronger and more aware of measures, and finally felt unbearable escape can be. We were glad to be there, to be able to belong again. a nice, cozy feeling, were still in and around the volunteer house now so some gemeinschaftsaktivitaeten under way or planned: International remained cultural evenings, common short-and long trips or cozy talking shops to share experiences, ereingnisse where we outside the Far hai duong ago in which we could not participate.
- now there was evening, for example, a Vietnamese with Vietnamese peoples and traditional customer, a German-evening, with wiener schnitzel and rice pudding, a Denmark-night stories with Queen Margrethe and about christian andersen stories hans, a Scottish evening with haggis (you do not want to know what's in there ...) and bagpipe music, of course not even played (I imagine the margaret ...), just before a French would evening with a sweet and savory crepes, a Finland-night with an ice cream dessert and a jam from the famous Finnish "cloudberry" (no idea how they say it in German, we translate's literalness, they were called "cloud-berry, grows well only dancing in Finland ...) and macro-was also, what else? ah, a Korean bi bim bob evening with (a rice dish) and taekwondo and an evening with my Dutch and hutspot wentelteefjes. and at the end of each evening was the bitter realization that we (I) of the world do not really know sooo much ...-
the relief was in any case written in our faces enormous, especially since we were also really friendly and again with the greatest understanding of all welcomed. most at least, the most important. of course we had to reckon with the fact that one or the other about our relative return due to the tight wohnverhaeltnisse (from a European perspective) then it would not show quite as enthusiastic. but there were at least another 4 free beds available, so there was no reason to have a guilty conscience, because even the capacities were not yet fully realized. and we had ja vorher auch alle zusammen gelebt. von daher. ein klein wenig schuldig fuehlte ich mich dann doch, kam mir vor wie ein eindringling. nun denn. jetzt galt es erst einmal zur ruhe zu kommen, kraeftig nachzutanken, um wieder neu starten zu koennen. aber wo nur? alle laufenden hanoi-projekte waren voll belegt, fuer weitere freiwillige gab es keinen platz. und auch fuer die naechsten monate war der bedarf erst einmal gedeckt, etliche neuankoemmlinge sollten ab dezember bereits nachruecken. was also tun? lisa war am ende, wie mir schien, mit der ganzen situation doch so ueberfoedert, dass sie tatsaechlich darueber nachdachte, ihren freiwilligendienst abzubrechen und nach hause zu fliegen. und das hat sie dann auch wahr gemacht... keine chance, sie davon abzubringen! in keiner sekunde, ok minute - kann sein, dass es die eine oder andere schrecksekunde gab - verspuerte ich meinerseits den starken wunsch, nach hause zu fliegen. nein, eigentlich nicht. nicht wirklich. es gab doch noch so viel zu entdecken hier, ich war doch gerade erst angekommen, hatte doch noch gar nicht richtig losgelegt. auch dachte ich: da gibt es doch eigentlich so viel, was sich tun und machen liesse, hier in vietnam. eigentlich doch schon. meine vietnamesische organisation sj vietnam - die eigentlich gar keine vietnamesischen organisation ist, sondern als internationale organisation gehandelt wird, weil es in vietnam offiziell keine nicht-regierungsorganisationen gibt, geben darf; sj gilt somit als zweig von solidarites jeunesses frankreich, alles klar?! - Is in any case constantly striving to find new project partners. and so are already several new projects in the startloechern or just started. given my unpleasant experience in shark doung I did not want to overthrow the same, however, again straight into a new adventure, I was hesitant in my choice. I was so nervous, insisted I use the place only to see her before I would decide. as happened, if somewhat delayed. the rain would not let me sooner. (Two, three weeks has finally taken's) yes Seek and you shall find, with a little patience. including myself. for the past five weeks I give in the bo de pagoda in the northeast part of Hanoi, where monks, are actually It moenchinnen (like that means because only properly in buddhism?) since 1984, orphaned and disadvantaged (from very poor families originated) children and young people and exposed newborn care, English lessons, help here and there in the various daily tasks and duties around the pagoda around (cleaning up, gardening, food preparation, etc.) and with a bit of free time to spend with the kids, rumalbern playing just great just about what I can think. what a wonderfully quiet and fiedlicher place. Yes, I want to stay here.
"i like ... bananas!" Shouts duong, who stands in the middle of a circle. suddenly jump all the banana, which are on loan and nga, and try another free to occupy chairs. duong and runs off to one of the coveted seats in a circle in which there is always a chair is not enough to get hold of. In the end it is nga, which has a seat in the middle and must. duong would have also "... i like bananas and oranges!" or "i like ... fruit salad!" can call. ultimately it is in the game "fruit salad" so that their respective designated and called for the fruits and the other players, in case of "fruit salad" be all - as soon as possible to try to swap their places. but since there is not enough available seats for all is, there is always one player left who then obtained from the middle of the circle of chairs out a new space must fight by those fruit / fruits calls, his / her place he would like to have you. understand? I had my students in the Bo De pagoda just all fruits and vegetables begebracht in English, then I thought - how fitting! - This is a game that I own for the first time preparation seminar on the play along to my voluntary service. I thought it might have worked is to internalize the new words and in terms of pronunciation and practice listening skills. Moreover fetzt's still correct. and put in: the boys and girls clearly had their pleasure in it. and also to understand and speak with it worked really well. creative learning, this motto I try, wherever and whenever and as often possible to follow. yes, you have to think of something To leave in order to keep the kids amused, to motivate them again and again anew. the calls against the background of cultural and above all the linguistic characteristics quite nice out. now I manage the teaching but actually quite good.
to cross so I never punctual every morning with the bus number 47, the huge Chuong Duong bridge that leads to the mighty Red River. on the other side, behind some small streets and alleys and hidden directly on the water is the bo de pagode. together with Louise, who comes from Bautzen, well, not exactly, more up close, and with the active support of translational son and tra, two-pharmacy student from Hanoi, which is the way gladly voluntarily committed, I teach a class of about 5 to 10 young, all years old in about 13 to 24 the number of students varies from time to time, because the boys and girls and various other tasks and duties in the pagoda (washing clothes, cleaning up, is the very small take care, etc.) have to comply. some go to school. how the everyday design exactly in the pagoda, I have not really covered. but I think the things covered here already more or less simple in such a way rather unplanned. much is spontaneous, spur of the moment decision and made. then you know it never really, who among the students when and how long to be there. that makes teaching a continuous admittedly quite difficult, especially since all the young people move on very different linguistic levels. because it is good that we as a couple, are four of our translators, and thus small group work and individual practice is possible. but whoever finally visited our teaching, motivated and eager to learn them all. And the nice thing is also that the kids luise's and mine are not only students but also our teachers. at the moment in which we teach them English, they teach us Vietnamese. how beautiful! the Vietnamese shopping at the market now works really well already, without a translator.
is basically what the organization is concerned, as is so pretty in the pagoda everywhere in the country. plan and organize the Vietnamese rarely in advance, at least not very far, but actually tends rather not. everything happens in the here and now. and the next moment may again be anything different. have a real (one more) challenge for us a clear organizational structure and clear Europeans used. but somehow this little chaos also something refreshing and liberating, a little bit. clear, rigid structures can sometimes even restrict crop also in thought, in imagination, creativity. but so entirely without ... it works, I think, not for me, at least not always and everywhere ...
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