Our volunteers all day ...
which is now already almost two weeks back, dammit! I vow to write future faster. na we'll see ...
really wanted to hang myself (again a reminder that the person responsible for our long term volunteers at SJ Vietnam) is already picked up at 5:30 clock. really. they ended up at half past eight. and how they will be so embarrassed, almost innocent giggling and "sorry, Anne!" said that since I could not just blame her. now I'm already accustomed to such delays. People here have just a very different sense of time, a different time reference, time is not necessarily as something mandatory. Sun spends one Here then also a lot of time just wait with.
on her moped finally went on an adventurous ride through the slalom of mopeds, bicycles cars, and pedestrians only so overflowing streets of Hanoi. It is here indeed be some sort verehrsregeln. and you ask yourself first: what are they? and second, holds at all because someone in it? as a European non-road users you have rather the feeling, this is where everyone how he wants. as the case may be. goal of our trip: bach khoa stadium, because there should be at this 7th be december of International Volunteer Day (international volunteer day, IVD) is celebrated. officially this day falls on the 5th december. the UN it had in 1985 to live called for appreciation of the worldwide volunteer work, their contribution to social, cultural and environmental development at local, national and international level and especially its contribution to intercultural understanding. will be celebrated every year at around 5 days december around, and indeed the world. in Hanoi, the year 's freiwilligetag committed in two stages with an eco-tour on 4 December and a Volunteer Fair on 7 december. the idea: "connect to share" to share join together in order, experiences ideas, thoughts. "Cycling for the environment", the motto was the eco-tour of Vietnam and we were here sj. together with several local environmental organizations ('cycling for the environment club, "" Green the go! .. Club ") first went by ngoc khanh see on a one hour bike ride through Hanoi, bicycles no longer very new and not very modern did so at all anything, it was just not enough of them that meant a bicycle, two people . and I had the pleasure to sit on the luggage rack, no real blessing to my ass.'ve but held out bravely, an end point for hours. the tour of the botanical was gardening. funny games should now follow. this was the pack in 4 teams divided: yellow, green, pink and red dots now went to gather him ah's what we did not play everything.. scavenger hunt tug of war, sackhuepfen who rides the slowest cyclist usw. was fuer'n spass! nun ja, mein gruenes team belegte den vorletzten platz...
am 7. dezember fand dann im bach khoa stadion die internationale freiwilligen-messe statt. eigeladen hatten die UN-freiwilligenorganisation, die ho chi minh jugendvereinigung (die groesste jugendvereinigung des landes) und die technologische universitaet hanois (eine der fuehrenden unis in vietnam). zahlreiche nationale und internationale freiwilligenorganisationen stellten sich vor, so auch sj vietnam. wir waren extra so frueh aufgebrochen, um unseren stand huebsch herzurichten, mit infoblaettern und fotos zu bestuecken. und siehe da: das interesse war gross. auch ich habe dem einen oder anderen interessenten erzaehlen duerfen, was sj so alles schoenes macht: von 2 woechigen long-term projects, work camps, to many (currently 12), social and ecological. yes, that's my organization ... you for doing so much!
addition to exchanging information about the organizations and their projects, there was also a cultural framework program. some UN representatives in their speeches praised the exemplary global use of the thousands of volunteers every year, Vietnamese popstars warbles schmaltzy love songs and the ever-merry Vietnamese students sang, danced and played, they were worth. It was a happy and modest, reasonable smaller event. and for Vietnam's TV's were once again beautiful pictures ...
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