Bestaendig unbestaendig...
added since you just got used to each other, build trust, so alittle bit recorded in his wesenszuegen, so a lot of joy and suffering together divided and then will you have to say goodbye to each other again, after only 2, 3, sometimes 4, 5 months, but rather rare. as soon as they are in these for us all but very unusual is living near, inevitably, even involuntarily (which may exert some cases, with relatively little PRIVACY and personal freedom, everyone will like, the do and feel of the other part, more or less) , just as quickly and abruptly removed from one another again. and then should you begin suddenly all over again, make new frets. be more or less, one can imagine the situation in the volunteer house. are hardly a back away, the nearest to, but not simultaneously, but with time delay, klecker as to say that. New beginnings is one that is permanently on. phew! Two German and a French woman in January, an Australian, an Englishwoman, a French woman and a Frenchman in February, an Israeli and twelve daenninnen (!) in March, is being understood in the latter case, that they do not all live in the Volunteer House, but also gracht be with host families. this is the current standing for the first quarter. in a year of volunteer work you can see an incredible number of people come and go, is continual references uprooted from familiar, as it is doing so well know a permanent companion to his side. for me it is more like a companion: roxane is off to france in about same time as I arrived, and is also expected to stop about the same time with me. A touch of permanence in an environment otherwise very strong moving ...
incredible, as time whizzes like this! the new year ripples now also sit out again since some of the feelings alone. and for me's are now almost five months in this foreign land, so foreign to me is no more now. and yet I have the feeling every day again and again to come again. probably consists of the everyday, and I am also especially the working day, not in the routine, recurring in, but to be with all the fickle, all the sudden to get along, always focus on, to everything possible. is to try a solid, which can sometimes be very tiring. you learn to live in the moment, here and get the best from each situation to make, to act deliberately and to experience. This is beautiful. and realize it must be said that continuity is so completely without regularity, without a degree is not always. if it necessary to start from scratch, you have at some point the feeling on the spot kick, do not get to really move. and at some point would like you can just leave me, getting into the right to something, even inwardly to rest. the other, it is because of all the unexpected and unverhofftenm, all the little sudden and exciting and thrilling. You can feel the movement. You can also sense itself remains awake. one is called and it called out one in his thinking and his ability. You grow it. one moves and feels it more clearly.
I also understand just what does volunteer work, at least here in concrete terms: it means a continuous effort from within itself, it means initiative, self-responsibility and discretion, in every regard. , Pack up tackle. involved to unaufgefodert. not wait for that one someone says what do you that is not likely to happen. one's ideas are geragt, very. we are co-creators and co-initiator. each. including me.
I take the challenge (s), it's always new to ...
But now it's only once in the Tet holiday to Cao Bang in the far North Vietnam, near the Chinese border. hoai, a girlfriend, Luis (my pagodenmitstreiterin) and invited me to his house, to share with her and her family the festival of festivals to celebrate here in Vietnam. how exciting! New Year, Vietnamese and everything to do with my personal impressions to's soon ...
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