Which house are you? The plot A website could be answered through 12 questions to determine which type of house is in itself. Based on the number of hits on the house type could be read to you what type tends.
I had a hit rate of 5 on the advanced Type and was surprised how close the description of my setting is. I can almost every sentence of the sign is described there so, for Leitwesen Tina.
It has no unique assignment, and each received three hits as "versatile, natural and creative" type and is thus removed to my type classification probably the furthest.
The advanced Type:
The winged word builder, you build for eternity 'cause you mild abdominal pain. After all, you know too well how quickly outdated technology. And in a house on this area is not perfect, would you not like. Instead of setting standards favorable to innovation. Them is less important to cozy comfort, you are rather a trendsetter with open eyes to new possibilities. Therefore, you understand the construction project and as an experiment, the achievements of modern technology to use skillfully. As a builder (in) you are interested in the art of engineering in a high degree. If you do not already belong to the guild, you as a layman, probably reached a high professional standard. What is for most a book with seven seals, you just make fun: inspiring work your way into the complicated matter, read magazines and learn as visitors on the latest developments. With you can certainly talk shop about the best sensor technology, and the use of solar cells. Their knowledge is then converted into a house that looks unconventional with a cool charm, and where one can give a detailed inside and out to read the future. The versatile type
Surely you have been frequently noted that two souls fight in your chest. It is also used to test this out: they are not set to a type. But it is also your chance. They are versatile and are therefore in many situations of a larger behavioral repertoire than others. Accordingly, more and your range is in terms of house type.
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