How already described, are on the way land laid with concrete slabs and the edges are trimmed with paving stones.
I've ordered a 7 sq m ³ container in which the neighboring village established waste management company. I placed my order at no additional cost to the container for 14 days and this I also needed.
On four days, spread over Saturday and long weekends, then I started to rauszubuddeln the stones from the paths.
The newly purchased wheelbarrow had served well and I was lucky that the container has a flap had to go into it and I could not all the stones had to lift the container wall.
The Waschbetonp battens with a size of 50x50 cm I carried with a hand truck that went really well and I had the plates, which weighed quite a bit, do not pick up the wheelbarrow.
I actually had the plan to leave the little house on the edge of the property, but I've found quite quickly that the container may be filled with plates of the ways is.
My guess had turned out to be correct then, the container was filled to the brim. The concrete slabs were also, as it should be, all laid in a sand-gravel bed that I had then wegschaufelt yet, so it is not mixed with the soil when starting the excavation work.
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