Friday, June 6, 2008

What Is A Good 400m Time?

Architectural contract

Last year we talked to different house party and requested also approached by these companies.

These deals included more planning with a partner, architect of the home provider and the construction of all trades, so that one could speak of a "turnkey" construction.

In some of the bottom plate offered by invitation, but had to be considered separately.

We have from the beginning decided to commission a building supervisor for the construction of our house, on which the offers and terms of reference of the home provider complete reviewed and later supervised the individual sections and performing a Endabnahmekontrolle.

We wanted the Baubetreuer a counterweight to the house vendors have to represent our interests and can advise us, as we see ourselves here as a layman.

the Internet to find this, various associations, such as the association of private developers. After joining the club, the consultants expect from their performance on an hourly basis, or call outs to kilometers packages starting. This approach sounds reasonable and fair, but we did not have supervisors in appropriate proximity of our Baugrundstücks finden. Es wären erhebliche Fahrtkosten entstanden.

Wir sind jetzt über das Internet auf einen Baubetreuer in der Nachbargemeinde gestoßen und haben uns zu einem Treffen vereinbart.

Dieses Treffen hat uns mächtig die Augen geöffnet, was es bedeutet einen Hausanbieter zu beauftragen, der mit einem Partnerarchitekten zusammenarbeitet.

Man hat keinen Einfluss, welche Handwerker beauftragt werden, da das Bauunternehmen meist einen Pool an Handwerkern besitzt die für ihn arbeiten. Die Kosten für die Gewerke sind nicht durch Ausschreibungen entstanden, sondern durch Vereinbarungen zwischen dem Handwerker und dem Bauunternehmen.

Der Architekt sollte normalerweise die Interessen des Bauherren vertreten, aber wie soll dies gewährleistet sein, wenn dieser Partner des Bauunternehmers ist.

Es wird von dem Architekten meist nur die Planung übernommen.

Der Baubetreuer hat uns aufgezeigt, was eigentlich die Aufgaben eines Architekten sind. Dies geht weit über die Planung eines Hauses hinaus. Geregelt werden diese Leistungen in der HOAI, der Honorarordung für Architekten und Ingenieure, die in den Leistungsphasen aufgeführt sind und in 9. Punkte aufgegliedert ist:

  1. Grundlagenermittlung
  2. Vorplanung
  3. Entwurfsplanung
  4. Genehmigungsplanung
  5. Ausführungsplanung
  6. Vorbereitung der Vergabe
  7. Mitwirkung bei der Vergabe
  8. Objektüberwachung (Bauüberwachung)
  9. Objektbetreuung und Dokumentation

We have considered after discussion with the building supervisor, what we really want and have come to the decision to prefer to build with an architect. Research have then shown that, due to the commissioning of an architect additional cost, but by the sum of the cost of building the house by up to 10% decrease can. Another argument was still that is ensured by the alert that the price performance ratio for the different processes also true.

Our architectural contract for the fee depends not on the HOAI, but we have a lump sum agreed. This is 12% of the expected construction costs and the sum includes all utilities. We wanted to know from the start, with which we must calculate the amount. In determining after HOAI this is not possible because the fee is always calculated in percentage according to the determined construction costs.

The contract is divided into two parts, namely the phases 1-4 and 5-9. The payment of the fee is set in a payment plan that is linked to the performance stages.

Something important yet in the end: let check The contract always legally!


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