Saturday, March 28, 2009

Proraso Shaving Cream Japan


Oh, oh...! Bin schon wieder arg in Verzug! Ich leg einfach mal nach. Wo waren wir stehen geblieben?Ah ja richtig: Tet. Also danach...

Ruckzuck hat er einen eingeholt, der Alltag. Wie es wohl sein wird, wenn ich nach einem Jahr wieder nach Hause kommen werde? Nach einer riesengrossen Familienpackung intensivsten Kuemmerns, Umsorgens und Aufgehobenseinsum die Tet-Feiertage herum hiess es nun zurueckzukehren in den selbstorganisierten Everyday life. A little bit strange and I found it strange in the very first moment. Had us, Louise and me, a Vietnamese extended family took a week under their windchill thousands wing, we are, things can sit on it for more happened to bring about, as we they had consciously or deliberately, we were now all of a sudden our natural course of the what eventually but then again it was good. I Was the first confrontation first with the big city jungle, one about to demand little - has Cao Bang but is essentially rural and not nearly as noisy, air pollution and crowds like Hanoi - so our return triggers the same time but also quite pleasant, joyful me from gefuehlein. I am beginning etwa an, mich hier zuhause zu fuehlen?Empfand ich unsere Rueckkehr tatsaechlich als ein Nach-Hause-Kommen?Schon irgendwie oder vielmehr so aehnlich.
Fuer's richtige Zuhause fehlen mir hier einfach die mir allerwichtigsten menschen. Auch die zeitliche Begrenzung meines Freiwilligendienstes und dem der anderen laesst einen nie so 100%ig ankommen. Menschen kommen und gehen wieder in einem regen Wechsel, auch ich werde nicht bleiben. Ich befinde mich quasi in einem zeitlich begrenzten Schwebezustand. Nach einer gewissen Zeit schwebt man schon ziemlich nah am Boden, aber so richtig fest steht man doch nie auf ihm.
Aber es gibt Fixpunkte, Wiederkehrendes, Verlaessliches, neben all dem Unbestaendigen. Unser kleines Chaos-Haus (Chaos laesst sich mitunter nicht avoid with so many different people), in which I have found my little alcove. One or the other volunteers, but also outside of the house that you have yet to my heart. Then, of course: Hang, Xoan, Son, Thuy, Thoung, Hoai, Ngan, Linh, slope and again as they are called all my friends love Vietnamese and industrious workers in Hanoi of need, for sure. It has become familiar with his surroundings, and this familiar works then something like a home, it caused similar sensations like a home. Come again do recognize, enjoy yourself.
Yes, I'm comfortable in Hanoi. This colorful North Vietnamese big city life has been a very special charm, seinen ganz besonderen Charme. Ich kenne die Stadt mittlerweile ganz gut, wenngleich ich sie mir aufgrund ihrer Groesse laengst noch nicht bis in den letzten Winkel erschlossen habe. Ich bewege mich sehr souveraen in ihr. Ich weiss, welcherBus mich wann wohin bringt, dass ich mit den Bussen 31, 55 oder 58 immer wieder heim komme. Ich weiss, wo man richtig lecker com rang (gebratenen Reis) oder pho (Hanoier Nudelsuppe) futtern oder gute Buecher, Filme, Musik, oder auch huebsche Souvenirs kaufen kann.. Ich weiss, dass sich der Westsee, der Botanische Garten oder der Literaturtempel hervorragend zum Entspannen und Spazierengehen eignen.Ich weiss, dass man in der Hanoi Cinematheque, einem kleinem alternativen Kino, auch mal andere Filme gucken kann. Und ich weiss, I actually get in derChua Boc street clothes in my size, but if I need some some. It turns out here in general, namely a bit more difficult, the Vietnamese are all so small.
I'm here already. And I am. When I am with the first upward glance at the morning the children in the immediate sing loudly behind our house are school hear, for example, "Better come may and do" in Vietnamese. Or if I am the bread lady, when I always for some 2000 VND (oh God, maybe the 10, 20 cents) buy my Fruehstuecksbrot me from afar waving to me and when fate plays, with him on her scooter. Or when the nice woman in an internet cafe every happy times to see me and every now and then gives fruits. Or if the young woman load in the small to the corner, asked me recently by my name and me her revealed, namely slope, always laughs when I look at cakes, biscuits or Eiscremebei you buy and then all disbelief and checking my gourmet rolls covers. N bissel but am just larger than the Durschnittsvietnamese. All so familiar, by now. The somewhat more stable life. yes, there's also the ...

Back in the day. Back to work. Well, after Tet is not the same. For days after the Tet also were in the Bo De Pagodedie New Year celebrations still in full swing. In real crowds, people flocked to this holy place to pray and ancestors, to honor gods and spirits. An English class was not the question. First, the entire premises were, so our "classroom", used ritually and beyond that the kids were all involved in the preparations for the memorial ceremonies. Also, our newly established kindergarten had to stay a while "closed", the excitement was just too big. All the well-meaning visitors and guests, the children with sweets and caresses moved entertaining in its spell, and the rain in a change. No chance to keep their child's attention. The pagoda pagodas and basic as a kindergarten, it does not work quite so easily. You come now and again in the way, since not only all around Tet, but bestaendig Rituale und Gedenkzeremonien stattfinden und das Getuemmel dann jedes mal entsprechend gross ist. Und ein ganz eigener Raum, in dem wir die Zwerge ganz fuer alleine haben, fehlte uns bislang.
Ein Pagodenkindergarten also. Irgendwann stellten wir fest, dass die Kinder in der pagode zwar ein Zuhause haben, mit Essen und Kleidung versorgt werden, ansonsten aber ein ganzes Stueck weit sich selbst ueberlassen, auf sich selbst zurueckgeworfen sind. Die groesseren Kinder gehen zur Schule, doch die kleineren...Niemand, der sich ihnen so richtig und ausschliesslich annimmt. Niemand, der sie beim Grosswerden begleitet. Es fehlt an finanziellen Mitteln, an Personal, auch motiviertem und qualifiziertem. Und so kam uns die zuendende Kindergartenidee. Aufmerksamkeit and pay close attention, consistently, at least stable. Routine work. Give a sense of trust. Excitation. Just go with a piece to accompany. Sort of. The space for it, now it is him, how nice. After intense deliberations and agreements concerning the further development of our pagoda project to reorganize the division of responsibilities within our team that has been reported ones except that we wanted to end all celebrations loss after starting up again at last. and then this: Windpockealarm! Hm There it was again, the sudden, non-predictable, unpredictable, but this time perhaps more familiar, universal, or more generally, across countries. Such a sudden, one knows her well from home.
Na gut. So begannen wir in der Zwischenzeit, unseren kleinen kindergarten einzurichten und zu dekorieren; Moosgummipuzzle auf 'm Boden, tierische und von den Kindern selbstgemalte Bilder an den Waenden usw. Sah am Ende richtig huebsch aus. Als wir danach endlich wieder loslegen wollten, ereilte uns die naechste Hiobsbotschaft: irgendwelche Leute von einer anderen Organisation - wie sich spaeter herausstellte gehoerten sie zu einem privaten internationalen Kindergarten - waren an einem Wochenendein den Kindergarten "eingebrochen" (Schloss wurde aufgebrochen) und haben den Raum einfach umgeraeumt und neu eingerichtet. Allerhand Spiel- und Bastelsachen fanden sich dann neben den unseren. Sie liessen verlauten: wir starten einen kindergarten mit professioneller Kindergaertnerin. Waere wohl schon laenger geplant gewesen. Und jetzt, da es einen Raum gab...Da standen wir nun, total ueberrumpelt und ahnungslos. Haette man nicht warten und mit uns reden koennen, anstatt einfach so einzudringen? Ja, die Kommunikation...
Wie dem auch sei, der Kindergarten laeuft inzwischen, das ist schoen. Und wir helfen mit, unterstuetzen Thu, so der Name der netten, jungen Kindergaertnerin, die sogar ganz gut Englisch spricht, bei der nicht ganz so leichten Aufgabe, die kleine Rasselbande im Zaum zu halten. Jeweils 2 freiwillige vormittags und 2 nachmittags, an unterschiedlichen Tagen in der Woche. Surya, auch Weltwaertslerin jedoch mit anderer Entsendeorganisation und seit januar in unserem Team, ich sowie etliche lokale Freiwillige wechseln uns from. (Luise their voluntary service now finished, what a shame. What a pity!) Also want Son and I now continue our last English class, we do not yet have come namely, that time and just try neuzustrukturieren and content.
Yes, it is difficult to project the pagodas. On the one just makes the fact that the older children and young people are very much involved in the everyday pagodas and some way still to go to school a continuous, anabolic, following work. Second, it is so incredibly difficult to open up this place, to obtain information, for example to the children or to groups or Organisatioonen that are committed to there Or about who, what, when, where and how does there, just to see where anything is possible, at which point we can bring us. I think this is something very basic here in Vietnam. The people here seem to have a very different Informatiojnsbeduerfnis than us, it is simply communicating, much less. We must fight to provide any information so insane and in the end you are receiving more and only crumbs.
Maybe I'm so far but was still not sufficiently flexible and patient. Hm ..
is also increasingly clear to me that our idea of \u200b\u200brevision with a structured daily routine, with set times and tasks on the local ratio it can not be transferred. It spends as much on incredible energy, in order to create a more or less structured life, and then in the end determine that there simply is not working the way we're used to from home. Again and again, fall back, move from the spot can not really, that can sometimes paralyze very discouraging and sometimes quite beautiful. It is a tour de force, because of internal feuds over again. It takes so incredibly long, until one has for so accepted and prepared for that.
The communication problem arises for me but also in terms of language, the Vietnamese, which I still do not speak or only fragmentary able to get to me initially because of their importance and intricate intonation system so incredibly hard for. So feel I am in my very limited opportunities sometimes, somehow not free. I can not communicate with the children properly, can explain anything to them, comfort them properly, etc. Time to be dependent on someone for a translated and communicated, exerts in the long run. Somehow one steals the feeling, not really to be there to always be out there a little piece. That's already sad. And frustrated with the time. We would like to really like ...
I wish I was as far as the language of learning, have been diligent. I am ashamed even alittle bit that I do not make great progress, I can remember so little, after more than half a year ... Auweja! No idea how much it is actually appropriate at this time can, as far as one can be after six months, should would have to ... Not everyone has the time or just the peace and quiet to really immerse themselves in the language jungle. Sometimes trust is also just not that skilled in everyday use, so that one is missing at the end of the practical exercise. And the volunteer house is already spoken English only, and is also with the people from SJ and the local volunteers primarily communicated in English. They translated just then, if needed, for us, so this might work for a host family would not have been bad ...
Well, since I will also speak out not so much (but is really not so easy), hm ... Get on jeden Fall ganz fleissig an meinen Sprachkenntnissen arbeiten, versprochen...! Ist doch die Sprache ein ganz wichtiger Bestandteil einer Kultuer. So essentiell...

Und uebrigens: Puenktlich zum Bergfest ereilte mich Erkaeltung Nummer zwei. Ueberltaeter diesmal nicht dei tueckischen Klimaanlagen und Ventilatoren in Bussen, Geschaeften, Internetcafes etc., die die drueckende Sommerhitze ertraeglicher machen sollen, mir allerdings gleich zu Beginn meines Vietnamaufenthalts eine komplett ausgestattete Erkaeltung bescherten. Nein, diesmal schien es das Wetter selbst zu sein, so unbestaendig und wechselhaft und unberechenbar. Man sagt mit Tet kommt der Fruehling, zumindest in Nordvietnam. Waehrend man im Sueden lediglich Winter, Sommer und Regenzeit unterscheidet, show here the 4 seasons actually on anusgepraegtestens. From January to March is spring, it follows the summer from April to June, between July and September, shows the fall and October, November and December are considered the winter months. In winter it can snow in the mountains even occasionally. For most Vietnamese, however, snow primaer still something very unreal, a fascinating phenomenon from an entirely different world. Spring in Hanoi's was it. And then looked like this: Temperaturschawankungen 23-15 degrees. Especially at night it was really cool, because the temperature did not set Sun Even during the day it was sometimes quite undecided: summery warm days alternating with wet and cold, looking rather autumnal days, even a single day could go through all Vietnamese seasons. In between, every now and then fluttered a cool, fresh breeze. Also not unusual: rain and drizzle. Often it was overcast and dreary days, while the sun was covered. bounced between such wild weather constellations out-un, can easily be spirited because we have namely due to the constantly high humidity, the feeling of permanent and sweat "latent". So I have this feeling, which seems to be with each of my steps to my amp with every movement. And that makes you look very free, even when the temperatures may vary a bit cooler, which is then again quickly implemented and is picking up again. As only right? What to do? If I only knew ..., then I would probably not become ill. Hm cold number two number one was cold the way, in every way. A ringing cough and a dripping, dripping nose annoyed me, consume a long time on my strength. I was entertaining even my voice has been lost. But it went up, I hope, I believed it. I felt it. Not least because reglicher and touching and nurturing For my Vietnamese friends, who were soon to traditional Vietnamese home remedies on hand. Thuy, for example, cousin of fellow Son Pagoda, brought in one evening all sorts of herbs and leaves, which it initially in a large pot of boiling and then inhale the fumes I could be full body, had no. As I sat so lightly dressed on a tiny blue plastic stool in our bathroom, before me the still seething boiler and both of us, the kettle and I eingehuellt in a large black cloth. The hot vapors of mint, eucalyptus, lemon grass, bamboo and Grapefruchtblaettern, Houttuynia (Chamaeleonpflanze) and much more should now drive out all disease ghosts from my body. And so I was sweating for 20 minutes. What a relief! However, I then felt a tremendous urge to shower due to the full body sweating. But Thuy said to me in the showers, the most stringent. Instead, I should get the sweat Wash off with the still hot Kraeuterkochwasser, wrap me warm and schnurstarcks go to bed. I've also made it good. Resistance would be futile anyway been. And it was also very health in my own interest. The next day I was visited by Hoai order for me to cook that rice soup that her mother cares for her cause to break the Erkaeltungsfall forever. It consists of rice, egg, onions and most important red perilla. They remind a bit of (internal) Nesselblaetter and in fact is called colloquially probably Perilla Perilla, but this is not entirely accurate. Perilla is now found mainly in South, Southeast and East Asia, slightly minty taste and is used in preference to cold. And so was sich dann auch reichlich davon in meiner Suppe, die ich ebenfalls ganz brav und ganz heiss loeffelte. Der Gesundheit zuliebe. Geschmeckt hat's aber eigentlich auch gar nicht so schlecht... So sollte ich dann ganz schnell wieder gesund werden. Und wurde es, zum Glueck!

Es steht naemlich was groesseres an: Es geht auf Reisen, gemeinsem mit dem Bruderherz. Und da kann ich Husten, Schnupfen und Heiserkeit ja nun ganz und gar nicht gebrauchen!
Einmal Vietnam von Nord nach Sued plus vier Tage Kambodscha. Eine kleine Verschnaufpause, denn ich hab das Gefuehl, diese gerade dringend zu benoetigen, hatten sich doch meine Energien, was meine Projektarbeit , aber auch das rege, wechselhafte Zusammenleben im Freiwilligenhaus angeht, in den letzten Wochen doch ziemlich erschoepft. Jetzt wird kraeftig nachgetankt, fuer den Endspurt, sozusagen. Und ein bisschen familiaere Vertrautheit genossen. Ich freu mich sooo!

(Bilder zum Bergfest werden bald nachgeliefert...)