Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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Surveyors is in construction projects helpful to the side

for a project development in terms of buildings, a building surveyor to be the right partner. With his expertise, he leads from the beginning occupied the right steps and thus provides a reliable foundation for the future house. His activities include the preparation of feasibility studies and cost estimates, including budget planning. develop jointly with our client, Surveyors and clarify the project idea. The demand-driven design and implementation of the needs of the builder or see Surveyors as the basis for their work.

A building surveyor is also there when it comes to actual planning. He created designs, building permits, working drawings and all details of design to the finished building. Is it then to the building, the building surveyor can entrust with the execution monitor.

construction manager then accompany the design process to completion of the building. Important features to look out for you if you select the right surveyor: control of supply and tender, checking the execution with the details, coordination of the execution beteiligten Unternehmen, Rechnungsprüfung und Qualitätskontrolle der Leistungen, Mängelfeststellung und deren Beseitigung und vieles mehr.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

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The property market in the Ruhr - save money thanks to good advice!

Der Immobilienmarkt im Ruhrgebiet ist in Bewegung: Immer mehr Immobilien in Dortmund, Bochum, Essen & Co. stehen zum Verkauf, zum Teil aus dem Bestand der Wohnungsbaugesellschaften, aber auch aus privater Hand. Auch wenn auf den ersten Blick viele interessante Angebote dabei sind: Kaufwillige sollten den Dienst eines Bausachverständigen in Anspruch nehmen. Er kann einschätzen, in welchem Zustand sich das Gebäude befindet und welchen Wert es tatsächlich hat.

Mit seinem Urteil kann er auch bei den Hauspreisverhandlungen be helpful. On the basis of his opinion, the price can be negotiated realistic. In addition, you can hire a lot of Surveyors with the whole house price negotiations. On behalf of the client in negotiating the investment amount and then through his expertise can sometimes negotiate a few thousand euros savings.

good example calculations can be found on .

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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Surveyors advises mold

The problem of mold in homes has recently increased. Although fungi occur widely in the environment: A mold infestation does not belong in residential areas. He must be removed! Health authorities recommend: A great Infestation, such as one or several walls covered with mold or mildew large area behind the interior insulation should be left to a professional firm.

In a mold should consult a building surveyor. Because: Improper removal of a mold infestation can mold spores and other components in the flat distribution. They can to health problems such as irritation of the eyes and mucous membranes or cause allergic symptoms. If you have health problems (eg allergies, asthma, other chronic respiratory diseases, immune deficiency), should be the mold in any case, even . Remove Basically, each mold can be treated by a specialist such as a surveyor.

way: In any case, the moisture that causes mold to be removed. Otherwise, he keeps coming back. Affected wallpaper and damp or moldy plaster must be removed.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

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Surveyors helps energy certificates

Since mid 2008, the energy certificate prescribed in Germany. But even after a year there still have not for many buildings. It basically requires any property owner to have their energy, regardless of whether they live in the Ruhr and the Rhineland lives. Only with him he knows about the energy budget decision of the house exactly. What many still do not: even presented at the request must be an energy certificate, if a house is sold or rented out. Just the heating system plays an important role. It must operate energy efficient. This allows the heating costs are kept as low as possible.

Who needs an energy certificate for his building, should be wenden.Nur a surveyor so it is possible to use prior to the rent or buying a property for the energy certification for decision support. For owners, it is also recommended that individual modernization proposals for the exhibition to implement an energy performance certificate in order to to increase the value of the property.

Monday, September 7, 2009

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Bücher zur HOAI aus dem Werner Verlag

Nachfolgend möchten wir Sie über den aktuellen Stand der Erscheinungstermine der Werke zur HOAI aus dem Werner Verlag informieren:
Koeble/Zahn, Die neue HOAI 2009 erscheint am 18.09.09
2009, 284 Seiten, kartoniert
€ 36,- ISBN 978-3-8041-5194-9

Seifert, HOAI 2009 Textausgabe erscheint am 18.09.09
2009, 160 Seiten, kartoniert. € 16,- ISBN 978-3-8041-5124-6

Seifert, HOAI 2009 Honorartabellenbuch erscheint am 22.09.09
2009, 492 Seiten, gebunden, € 32,- ISBN 978-3-8041-5123-9

Berger / Fuchs, Einführung in HOAI erscheint am 25.09.09
2009, ca. 300 Seiten, kartoniert , ca. € 28,-
ISBN 978-3-8041-5196-3

Friday, September 4, 2009

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Hebler/Bilo, Baumängel

Hebler/Bilo, Baumängel. Bautechnische und rechtliche Aspekte. Erscheinungsformen - Ansprüche - Beseitigung,
2009. Rund 250 S. Gebunden, Werner Verlag ISBN 978-3-8041-5118-5, ca. 69,00 € inkl. MwSt. Subskriptionspreis
Subskriptionspreis gültig bis 3 Monate nach Erscheinen, danach ca. € 79,-.
Bei der Erstellung von Bauvorhaben kommt es häufig zu Missverständnissen zwischen den am Bau Beteiligten, welche Abweichungen von der optimalen Bauausführung noch akzeptiert werden müssen. Das Buch unterstützt alle am Bau Beteiligten bei der Feststellung, ob ein Mangel vorliegt. Es zeigt die am häufigsten auftretenden Mängel, ihre Ursachen, die Möglichkeiten der Sanierung und gibt Anhaltspunkte bei der Ermittlung der Schadenshöhe. Aus dem Inhalt: Definition des geschuldeten Ergebnisses einer baulichen Leistung - Standards and deviations - Case studies legal consequences-area Civil Engineering - causes - Rehabilitation Facilities - experience records for the renovation costs - reduced value calculations. From
lawyer Wolfgang Hebler and Dipl.-Ing. (TH) Franz Josef Bilo Order

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Ganten/Kindereit, Typische Baumängel

Ganten / Kindereit, Typical construction defects. 2010th About 300 p. ISBN 978-3-406-58152-6 Paperback
CH Beck, NJW Practice Volume 82, € 35, will appear about November 09
construction law disputes depend to a large extent on the assessment by experts from. In many places, the civil chambers of the District Courts, and special chambers for building matters, the tendency to rely on "their experts".
For the general law as for the specialists it is therefore useful to gather information in brief on key issues concerning the evaluation of construction defects:
- are due to what causes frequent failures typically?
- How are defects judged by experts in literature?
- What are the remediation options?
This new volume of the NJW practice legal and therefore combined (construction) technical aspects.
be First, the main responsibility for lack of building structures and worked legally in the second part of the 19 major areas of deficit (vom Baugrund bis zu den Schadstoffen am Bau) durch Sachverständige erläutert.
- interdisziplinär
- alle wichtigen Mängel
- aus der Praxis
- Die Neuerscheinung umfasst eine Darstellung der wesentlichen Haftungsstrukturen auf der Grundlage der Rechtsprechung sowie eine eingehende Darstellung "typischer" Baumängelbereiche.
Die Herausgeber und Autoren sind ausgewiesene Fachleute in den von ihnen behandelten Themengebieten.
Für Rechtsanwälte, Fachanwälte für Bau- und Architektenrecht, Zivilrichter.
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Hans Ganten, Rechtsanwalt und Notar, fachanwalt für Baurecht und Fachanwalt für Verwaltungsrecht, und Dr.-Ing. Eduard Kindereit    Bestellen

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Münchener Prozessformularbuch Band 2: Privates Baurecht 3.A. 2009

Münchener Prozessformularbuch Band 2: Privates Baurecht. 3. Auflage 2009. Mit CD-ROM. XXXIV, 910 S. In Leinen, C. H. Beck ISBN 978-3-406-57646-1
Hinweis: Die CD ist nur zusammen mit dem Buch erhältlich. 118 €, 102 € Vorzugspreis bei Gesamtabnahme aller Bände der 3. Auflage. Bestellen

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Kleine-Möller/Merl, Handbuch des privaten Baurechts 4.A. 2009

Kleine-Möller/Merl, Handbuch des privaten Baurechts.4. Auflage 2009. Rund 1950 S. In Leinen, C. H. Beck ISBN 978-3-406-58942-3, erscheint Oktober 2009, ca. 148 €
Jetzt in Neuauflage: noch umfassender, noch aktueller, noch besser!
contracts over the contract processing to judicial enforcement of rights in this guide are all substantive and procedural legal issues answered of course. Particularly useful are the numerous examples of formulations for all types special issues.
were incorporated in the new edition of the Manual of important innovations, including:
the new requirement Guarantee Act
a new chapter on planning law and public service contracts, important new feature for training as a lawyer specializing in Construction Law
: each a separate chapter on the promoter's legal and the current Public Procurement Law 2009
the extensive, in all subject areas case-law.
The work is now divided by division into tighter and shorter chapters arranged thematically more sharply.
first Ratings for the formulation of contracts with detailed proposals
second Reference material of construction law (including the Civil Code, VOB / B)
third Guidelines for the construction process and its preparation.
Authors: Edited by Dr. Nils
Small-Moller, a lawyer, and Dr. Heinrich Merl, VRiOLG aD Edited by: Prof. Dr. Jochen Glöckner, Dr. Tassilo Eichberger, lawyer, Little Dr. Nils, Ralf Mai, RiLG -Moller, a lawyer, and Dr. Heinrich Merl, VRiOLG retired, Karl Praun, RiOLG, Charles Schwab, lawyer; Dr. Bernd Siebert, and attorney Mary Vavra, VRiOLG.
By Dr. Nils Small-Moller, a lawyer, and Dr. Heinrich Merl, Presiding Judge at the High Court. Edited by Dr. Tassilo Eichberger, lawyer, Dr. Nils Small-Moller, a lawyer, Ralf Mai, RiLG, Dr. Heinrich Merl, VorsRiOLG, Karl Praun, RiOLG, Bernd Siebert lawyer. Founded by Dr. Nils Small-Möller, Dr. Heinrich Merl and Winfried Oelmaier Order

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Hertwig, Praxis der öffentlichen Auftragsvergabe 4.A. 2009

Hertwig, practice of public procurement. Scheme, procedures and legal protection for the 4th with a synopsis of the working draft for a new procurement regulation BMWA
2009 edition. XXVI, 208 S. Kartoniert
C. H. Beck ISBN 978-3-406-55383-7 NJW-Praxis Band 65 30 €
Das Vergaberecht hat sich längst zu einem eigenständigen Rechtsgebiet im Grenzbereich zwischen Verwaltungs- und Zivilrecht entwickelt. Dazu kommen wichtige Impulse aus dem Europarecht. Dabei sind vielfältige Entscheidungen nationaler und europäischer Gerichte von Bedeutung.
Mit diesem Standardwerk der Reihe NJW Praxis liegt ein kompakter und umfassender Leitfaden für die Praxis vor. Alle wichtigen Fragen werden auf aktuellem Stand von Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung erläutert.
- neues Modernisierungsgesetz zum neuen Vergaberecht
- schrittweise Darstellung von der Ausschreibung bis zur Verhandlung
- deutlich erweitert
- Grundstrukturen procurement law
- procurement procedures in the procurement types
- Legal proceedings against the award of violations of contracting
- legal protection against competition violations of the bidders
The new edition covers the already decided and Modernization Act on public procurement and the current draft of a new VOB / A and a new "sector regulation, the VOB / A and VOL / A to replace part.
will also add new themes: land sales by public authorities and the health insurance rebate contracts with pharmaceutical companies. Finally, important new current decisions of the Court are represented, such as to in-house shops, to justice or below the threshold for a contract obligation of contract amendments.
for lawyers, courts, professionals in construction industry and associations.
By Dr. Stefan Hertwig, lawyer and expert in administrative law

Thursday, September 3, 2009

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Kimmich/Bach, VOB für Bauleiter 3.A. 2009

Bernd Kimmich / Hendrik Bach: VOB for site managers. Remarks - Examples - sample letters 3rd. Ed 2009th Around XXVI, 359 p. Paperback, Werner Verlag ISBN 978-3-8041-5054-6 Published December 2009 ca. 42 € .
Der Erfolg eines Bauunternehmens hängt heute mehr denn je von der fachlichen Qualität der Bauleiter ab. Eine Vielzahl von Streitigkeiten wäre vermeidbar, wenn rechtliche Zusammenhänge, vor allem die VOB/B, im Tagesgeschäft beachtet würden. Das gilt in besonderem Maße für den Schriftverkehr bzw. die beweissichere Dokumentation der Baustellenabläufe. Die Praxis zeigt dagegen, dass Ansprüche oftmals aus bloßer Nachlässigkeit nicht durchsetzbar sind, weil während der Ausführungsphase Fehler begangen wurden, die im Nachhinein nicht mehr reparabel sind und zu wirtschaftlichen Einbußen führen.
The book covers all practical issues of VOB / B. For the purposes of clarity for the reader was right on theoretical models largely omitted. Instead, it is explained with examples from the current law, which problems arise in practice and how to behave a construction manager in the legal environment of the building. The focus of VOB for construction manager is the elaboration of typical mistakes and the development of strategies in conflict situations. An extensive collection of model letters for each chapter to facilitate the construction manager correspondence and support him in his daily work. The book is based on years of experience of the authors, which deal almost exclusively with the private construction and principally engaged in the construction-legal advice. Order

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Ingenstau/Korbion, VOB Teile A und B 17.A. 2010

Inge Jam / Korbion / Vygen / Kratzenberg: VOB Parts A and B. comment 17th Edition 2010, 2,800 pages, hardcover, ISBN 978-3-8041-2153-9 Werner appear, December 2009, about 189 € Subscription valid until, after normal price of ca.198 €
course, practical and yet scientific fundiert.Begründet Heinz Inge storage and Prof. Dr. Hermann Korbion. From the 14th First edition carried on by Prof. Dr. Horst Locher and RA VRiOLG a. D. Prof. Dr. Klaus Vygen, for the 17th Edition are responsible editor, Prof. Dr. Klaus Vygen, VRiOLG retired and Dr. Rüdiger Kratzenberg, Assistant Secretary. Researcher: RA Dr. Christian Döring, Stuttgart; lawyer Bernd Düsterdiek, German Cities and Municipalities, Bonn, RA Dr. Edgar Joussen, Berlin; VRiOLG Karl-Heinz Keldungs, Dusseldorf, RA Claus-Jürgen Korbion, Dusseldorf, Deputy Director Dr. Rüdiger Kratzenberg, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing, Berlin; RA Dr. Ulrich Locher, Reutlingen, RA Malte Müller-Wrede, Berlin; RA Peter Oppler, Munich, Norbert Portz, German Association of Towns and Municipalities, Bonn, RA Dr. Claus Schmitz, Munich lawyer Dr. Schranner Urban, Berlin; RA Christian Sienz, Munich ; RA Dr. Mark von Wietersheim, Berlin;. VRiOLG retired Prof Dr. Klaus Vygen, Duisburg, University Professor Dr. iur. Axel Wirth, TU Darmstadt. Order

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

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New windows to save energy

by 1 October, 2009 which become effective amendment to the Energy Saving Regulation (EnEV) will bring changes in building glazing with it. With the introduction of the new Regulation, the window usually meximal have a U-value of 1.30 W/m2 K, for the pure replacement of window glazing is even a U-value of 1.10 required W/m2K. What measures are in question or which forms of remediation are appropriate, you should clarify in advance with a Bausachversätndigen. It can analyze the existing building and suggestions for a renovation.

Different types of glass are possible in the renovation. Thermal barrier coated glass, for example, a cutting-edge product. Today's standard is silver-coated double glazing where the disk space is also filled with insulating inert gas. Triple glazing currently connect to the successor of the classic double glazing. In selecting the appropriate glass for the home or office building solar energy gains should be considered. Important to include the highest possible total energy transmittance (g-value) and a high light transmission.