Friday, October 10, 2008

Gpsphone Action Replay Gpsphone Gameshark....?

As the dragon fell into the water ....

... so says the legend, he had his tail like mad after all pages turned down. only because it had become so much: almost 2,000 islands larger and smaller, which together form one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world, which ha long bay - the Bay of the Descending Dragon. breathtaking, majestic, picturesque - is with attributes like these, tried repeatedly to describe what beauty is in its unspeakable actually do not really put into words can be: a unique, almost surreal karst landscape already the middle of the sea. I too was speechless, overwhelmed, could hardly avert my eyes. Another photo. and another. all the time is believed to have discovered an even more beautiful motif. anyway you have the feeling, every rock, every cliff is different. otherwise nice. I eventually aufgehoert, one of my pictures. but the 1553 km2 paradise in the Gulf of Tonkin (South China Sea), part of which (775 islands) in 1994 was appointed the first UNESCO World Heritage Site, is under threat. a general lack of environmental awareness in Vietnam, a resulting inaequate muellentsorgung and poor infrastructure, and general environmental problems such as air and water pollution do to create the book very much. reinforced these are already extremely unfavorable conditions by a gradually emerging mass tourism and a resulting huge resourcenverschleiss. In view of this, even as the world's grievances and problems are now a growing international interest, vor allem junger menschen, sich fuer den erhalt und den schutz solcher weltnaturerbestaetten zu engagieren. als antwort darauf entstand 2007 die idee eines freiwilligenprojekts, initiiert von der unesco und dem komittee fuer internationale freiwilligendienste. in kooperation mit sj-vietnam fand nun als eines der ersten von insgesamt 11 weltweit geplanten workcamps vom 22. september bis 4. oktober 2008 das unesco-weltnaturerbe-projekt in der ha long bucht statt( ). und ich war dabei. eigentlich haette ich den kindern in hai duong bereits englischunterricht geben sollen. als man jedoch anfragte, ob interesse bestuende, an einem nutur- und umweltschutzprojekt an diesem himmlischen ort teilzunehmen, konnte ich unmoeglich nein sagen. as well as all other long-term volunteers. rest of the two week work camps, it should be, through various informal communication and bildungsaktivitaeten (play discussions, painting competitions etc.) the local population, especially the local youth for awareness of environmental and nature conservation and to them the concept "world natural heritage" to bring near . so far so good.
town 27 local and international voluntary (6 Danes, 6 German, 1 French, one British, two South Koreans and one Canadian) set out on in the direction of Ha Long. and to some extent that was a departure into the unknown. of course we had an idea, an idea of what the next 2 weeks would happen were, but the rough info und allgemein gehalten. auch bekam jeder einen ablaufplan, der sich allerdings am 2. tag schon wieder grundlegend aendern sollte. auf einmal waren es nicht mehr 2 wochen, sondern nur noch 10 tage. tja, mit dem planen ist das hier in vietnam eben so eine sache. so wusste bis zu unserer ankunft auch niemand so genau, wo und wie wir schlussendlich untergebracht werden wuerden. ach, wie gross war die empoerung, als sich heraus stellte, dass wir, alle 27 leute, in einem haus mit nur einem badezimmer und nur 3 richtigen holzbetten, jedoch ohne matratzen schlafen wuerden. auf, ich will nicht sagen hauchduennen, aber doch recht duennen bambusmatten entweder auf dem boden oder in einem der drei harten betten schlafen zu muessen, darauf war wirklich keiner vorbereitet. ja gut, it would have helped us before to leave (something not done even after repeated requests), it would have one or the other still had the opportunity to bring a sleeping bag. but I say again: we are here in Vietnam. camp, and ladders of our Vietnamese so far no one has been in Europe or America. they know nothing about our noble lebensumstaende, therefore, can not understand certain Western habits and Requirements. probably they themselves have not known exactly how the living situation would be during the work camps. an information, which for them in the moment was perhaps completely irrelevant. for the Vietnamese, it does not matter if they have to sleep on the floor, they are accustomed. Unlike the spoiled European returns. the information flow works here in vietnam just different than at home. the Vietnamese stations upstream are generally not as much as we ask, and certainly none that could somehow seem delicate. make them less thoughtful than we do. hence the many faces and informationsluecken question mark on our own. it was expected anyway so that everything changes again. patient was the man, spontaneous and flexible. yes, complain that were almost larger than life (if it ever stop?). this was our accommodation for the local conditions otherwise actually quite comfortable: we had running hot water and even a toilet, the European standards and relatively well equipped kitchen. the house was just not meant only for 27 people. ok, here we had the living room again with all sorts of small creatures share. roommates but with animal like ants cockroaches, geckos mice, yes, and you have rats here in Vietnam expected almost everywhere. However, one is amazed how quickly you get used to it, one has no other choice. which belonged house, incidentally, a family from the hong gai-quarter in Ha Long city (over the strait of cua luc was a bridge tourist destination to another part of town bai chay, a now very modern, not typical Vietnamese: write lonleyplanet uerbrigens: if ha Long Bay is the sky, then ha long city to Hell. you have to say more?), it had us for the 10 days kindly made available. and that was connected in advance with an enormous regulatory effort was. All volunteers are well, actually only the international, nmussten after their arrival registered in the police, that ha each had its proper release. A closer look exactly as it was, of course. After two days we had our passports again. an accommodation with private means people in Vietnam are a little prior official marathon-running, an extremely lengthy process. therefore it is difficult to find here a family stay or for voluntary exchange student or students. yes, this is
sometimes I have to always again about the young europeae wonder who come here and think to be able to live on any price to their domestic standards. but there was a group of tatsaechlcih three Danes and the roped booked a hotel room. I found the Vietnamese to our colleagues and with the whole group ... hm ... yes somehow shameful and disrespectful to. which enjoys Western children are in a developing country and can not handle at all the prevailing circumstances, I see this but I'm talking good, I had to have some sleeping bag (a precaution). unusually hard was it anyway. but there were only ten days yes. probably I have now 6 weeks in which I am here now, already a larger portions accustomed serenity and flexibility. I know roughly what I expect in a developing country, and try me, as best we can to adapt. I do my best, my european bar set so little by little aside. succeed sometimes better, sometimes worse. but I am trying incessantly. in the first days there was breakfast to instant noodle soup by the way, also unusual. but after the outrage was also relatively large again, there was now almost ausschliesslichweissbrot condensed milk with sweet (very tasty!) and fruit, as the already very slim budget, which for this work camp was available already badly strained. oh, lamb out the extra permanent (with one or zwei "m"?) und ansprueche stellen, schlimm...ich versteh's einfach nicht. ach, ich weiss auch nicht...dabei haben sich unseren vietnamesischen verantwortlichen so bemueht, uns alles so "ertraeglich" wie moeglich zu machen....und es waren doch wirklich nur 10 tage, hm...
10 tage, in den wir es uns zur aufgabe machten, mit der lokalen bevoelkerung in kontakt zu treten, zu kommunizieren und zu diskutieren. auf dem programm standen ein grundschul- und ein highschoolbesuch sowie besuche bei den lokalen freiwilligen von der ha long city - youth union, in dem anliegenden fischerdorf cua van und dem kohlekraftwerk ha tu. daneben haetten wir so gerne noch richtig mit angepackt, sozusagen aktive "feldarbeit" verrichtet, allegenmeine aufraeumaktione gestartet. something like aufsammel garbage, clean beaches, planting trees. outside his flat, in nature. it worked but then others from weather-technical reasons, unfortunately, not had concocted the South China Sea but o'er a giant typhoon, which we excesses, although not quite as strong as in other parts of the country, also felt in Ha Long city got. it has rained almost incessantly from the third day (which were perhaps guess!), so then our proposed recycling fashion show literally fell into the water. n aj, at least, was not at the end's the way it was originally intended, naemich as a public event followed by a campfire on the beach hoang gia bai chay - district. finally have Although we have designed garments of all kinds muelltueten, plastic bottles, paper cups, etc., but the demonstration was then held in our house for us by us. hm. the message of reuse was not so sent, but remained among us. shame really ...
which sat right was our visit in a primary school in Ha Long city. the kids were there so excited when we drew with them, and tinkered with key ring plastic bottles target throw playing. her enthusiasm was really contagious. I thought it was great. incredibly impressive, I found our visit village of Cua Van, a fishing village between steep karst rocks in the sea. very fascinating. a floating village, consisting solely of small colorful wooden houses with wellblechdaechern, there are small shops and even a school. a really nice place, so peaceful and quiet and zeitentrueckt, somehow. I could well imagine, this time for 2 to 3 months to live and participate. and only five minutes long stare and make nice photos, as invaded the tourist, who appeared here one by one, for a brief moment in the life-like voyeurs of people and quickly disappeared again. Odd as this had already had the feeling that is quite beautiful village "market". well ... green in the school of cua van, a small wooden house in brilliant, the place with most beautiful building in the distance, we have re-painted with the kids and getting creative. and here was the huge enthusiasm. With what a Of course the major and even small children every morning rowing boats alone can sometimes be very rickety, makeshift get paddled in school. and the water already up to 200, 300 m deep. ! Whansinn when you consider how many parents ueberaenglstlich we respond at home and her children walked from first to last to accompany her to school ... and actually fell during our visit, a boy in sweet water. He could swim but, fortunately. last tagworkcamptag's was still a lesson in Vietnamese socializing things, and zwa the youth representative of the coal mine ha tu. according to topic presentations and discussions around our work camp (environment and naturschutz, freiwilligenarbeit, weltnaturerbe etc.) wurde zum mittagessen kraeftig aufgetischt: reis, gemuese, fleisch, fisch. und bier, jede menge!ich hab gefuehlte 100 mal angestossen, staendig kam irgendwer vorbei. und immerzu wurde nachgeschenkt. ich musste dann irgendwann meine schuetzende hand auf mein glas legen, sonst waere ich am ende noch hinaus getorkelt. begleitet wurde das essen von einem musikalischen rahmenprogramm. ja, die vietnamesen lieben es zu singen und aufzutreten (die koennen das aber auch alle...) und auch wir waren aufgefordert. ich hab mich dabei allerdings dezent im hintergrund gehalten und das singen denjenigen ueberlassen, die es koennen. es ist wirklich erstaunlich: eigentlich sind die vietnamesen ein eher schuechternes volk, auf der buehne jedoch bluehen sie richtig auf. denn singen ist ein ganz elementarer bestandteil der vietnamesischen kultur. fast ueberall, wo menschen, vor allem junge menschen, zusammentreffen, wird ausgiebig gesungen und musiziert. das haben wir auch an all den orten gemerkt, die wir besuchten. bei so manch einem aus unserer gruppe stiess das auf unverstaendnis; man echauffierte sich lautstark: was das stundenlange singen denn mit umwelt- und naturschutz zu tun habe? man kann sich aber auch ueber dinge aufregen, tja... die vietnamesen kennen aber auch so unglaublich viele lieder. im gegensatz zu uns, uns wollten partout keine lieder einfallen (eigentlich auch schlimm, irgendwie...), unser beduerfnis zu singen war ohnehin nicht allzu stark ausgepraegt, was wiederum die vietnamesen nicht verstanden. fiel uns dann doch mal ein lied ein, scheiterte unser vortrag an unserer textunkenntnis bzw. textunsicherheit. von unserer europaeisch-westlichen seite bleib es also bei ganz wenigen musikalischen beitraegen, die unsere vietnamesischen freunde ueberdies als viel zu kurz empfanden. sogar die daenische nationalhymne mit ihren 3, 4 strophen war ihnen nicht lang genug. was sagt man dazu... da prallten fuer einen kurzen moment zwei kulturen so ein klein wenig auf einander. ach, amuesant war's schon irgendwie..."vietnam ho chi minh, vietnam ho chi minh, la, la, la,..." zurueck zum bergwerk. der kontrast haette groesser nicht sein koennen: im vordergrund klaffte dieses riesige haessliche schwarz-graue und dreckige loch und im hintergrung resting peacefully and vertraumt Seeming the fascinating book cone karst in Ha Long. 2015 is to run the mine well still. thereafter, the entire landscape will be restored premises, whether this will succeed, whether this is at all possible ...? one can only imagine at this time's hard ...
landscape with gorgeous images in my head, lots of information about Ha Long Bay and its inhabitants and all the problems in the luggage and a few rich cultural experience we went back into the urban jungle of hanoi. and should sue the bitch and go here. suddenly we were no longer voluntary in-house only 13, but 17, what a surprise. among the newcomers was the way, Margaret. and margaret not 18, 22 or 26 years old. no, this proud margaret 64 years old. and also because you had to encounter: what does that here? I hope she pulls out again soon. etc., it is sometimes really unbelievable how intolerant and narrow-minded many a Western child occurs here (this must be the old ...!). I find it really great, however, what Margaret is because credit for. I like them very much and find it incredibly refreshing. yes, and next month would then probably again 3 to voluntary - although there's not so sure where they will live at all - and even that has, according to some gruppenangehoeriger no one announced in good time, oh dear! OK, Matt, Lisa and I are working in other projects outside of Hanoi, also minus 3. es leben ab november, wenn's schlimmer kommt, d.h. wenn die neuen freiwilligen tatsaechlich einzoegen, somit 17 internationale freiwillige im haus. puh...! das ist schon allerhand, wenn ich ehrlich bin. aber damit muss ich mich jetzt erst einmal nicht auseinandersetzen. bin naemlich mittlerweile in hai duong angekommen. meine ersten eindruecke und empfindungen gibt' s dann im naechsten eintrag...


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