Monday, July 6, 2009

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Hints for quality-conscious construction of the building surveyor

Die Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure (HOAI) ist in einer 6. Novelle überarbeitet und beschlossen worden. Die HOAI gilt als verbindliches Preisrecht für Planungsleistungen im Bauwesen. Letztendlich hat die HOAI annähernd Gesetzescharakter mit der Folge, dass die festgelegten Honorare auch eingeklagt werden können. Die HOAI galt bislang lediglich dann nicht, wenn Planungsleistungen durch Generalunternehmer im Zuge einer umfassenden Bauleistung erbracht worden sind.

the Federal Council, the 6th Amendment to the HOAI now decided. The new version provides that the fee setting is decoupled using the so-called construction cost calculation model of the actual construction costs. Basis for setting fees in the future are the construction costs, which were calculated based on the design plans. Positive effect for interested clients: A bonus-malus system is creating new incentives for cost and quality-conscious planning and building. Information can be found for example in building surveyor, the tips and planning services to offer quality-conscious construction.

Where the layman has to be careful: The State fee guidelines restrict focused only on the planning. Consulting services may, as in the legal professions and, as with other expert's services in the economy are freely agreed upon. The greater degree of contractual freedom and better incentives for economically rational calculating the office is expected to result from the elimination of mandatory overtime rates. But it must be ensured that free-agreed hourly rates are not the minimum rates may fall below the scale.

HOAI The effects of the amendment specifically for builders and renovators, has information about relevant organizations and stakeholders or even architects and surveyors directly.


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