Monday, December 22, 2008
Gay Sauna Bombay Inde
na, war das schnell?! hm...?
es wird be so different in this year. Christmas, I mean. live for the first time in my I will not spend the holidays at home. so little I envy my colleagues from the past 2, 3 months, which are now all set out for each other from here, to be able to be reintegrated with their family Christmas. I see how it stands in the heart. but I wanted. I would have about Christmas can also fly back home, but I guess that would have given back quite dramatic farewell scenes, but I know myself. as much as I am here, so I am also pleased to be able to dive into this exciting country, in this foreign culture, the way it is not yet home. It is missing a lot. especially now that it so much Christmas Vacation. maybe it is different this year ... nice, but never be the same.
christmas plays a very important role in Vietnam. Although there are now many places to buy all kinds of Christmas kitsch, and you can see everywhere flashy flashing and glittering fake Christmas trees, but somehow ... I do not know anything's wrong. Vietnam and Christmas, which just will not fit together so well.
even when more and more Vietnamese can topple in the Christmas rush, get carried away, plug in and get drunk, know only few of them what Christmas means at all. Christmas here rather than primarily commercial export from the west, sort of. non-traditional, with no real respect. but for one reason to celebrate really out there on the streets, not at home. especially young people fall into a real party noise, I was told. apparently no trace of contemplation. basically everything as probably always be around on and around Christmas. only it is already and will probably still be a little more colorful, flashy and loud, at least in the urban centers of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, where the general Western influence is already the largest, vie find hotels and department stores around the most beautiful Christmas decoration . with the movement away from the big city lights fade, the more and more. I'll watch it to me, the Vietnamese drive to the Christmas holidays ...
But now, at this moment I can smell's right, see, hear, feel, taste: Christmas at home with all that that implies. and I feel all warm at heart when I think of it. oh yes ...
I wish all the helpful blog readers (not quite as diligent and comment;)) a very wunderpraechtiges Christmas! slips me all happy and well into the new year!
- I hope you did not expect that I sit up weihnachtsmannmuetzen one of these horrible flashing and handsome grinning into the camera to show you how much it here, but Christmas is ... ! ;) -
special greetings to the comment writers Judith, Alessandra and Anya! the faithless tomato logs soon, I promise!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Examples Of How To Thank A Programme
which is now already almost two weeks back, dammit! I vow to write future faster. na we'll see ...
really wanted to hang myself (again a reminder that the person responsible for our long term volunteers at SJ Vietnam) is already picked up at 5:30 clock. really. they ended up at half past eight. and how they will be so embarrassed, almost innocent giggling and "sorry, Anne!" said that since I could not just blame her. now I'm already accustomed to such delays. People here have just a very different sense of time, a different time reference, time is not necessarily as something mandatory. Sun spends one Here then also a lot of time just wait with.
on her moped finally went on an adventurous ride through the slalom of mopeds, bicycles cars, and pedestrians only so overflowing streets of Hanoi. It is here indeed be some sort verehrsregeln. and you ask yourself first: what are they? and second, holds at all because someone in it? as a European non-road users you have rather the feeling, this is where everyone how he wants. as the case may be. goal of our trip: bach khoa stadium, because there should be at this 7th be december of International Volunteer Day (international volunteer day, IVD) is celebrated. officially this day falls on the 5th december. the UN it had in 1985 to live called for appreciation of the worldwide volunteer work, their contribution to social, cultural and environmental development at local, national and international level and especially its contribution to intercultural understanding. will be celebrated every year at around 5 days december around, and indeed the world. in Hanoi, the year 's freiwilligetag committed in two stages with an eco-tour on 4 December and a Volunteer Fair on 7 december. the idea: "connect to share" to share join together in order, experiences ideas, thoughts. "Cycling for the environment", the motto was the eco-tour of Vietnam and we were here sj. together with several local environmental organizations ('cycling for the environment club, "" Green the go! .. Club ") first went by ngoc khanh see on a one hour bike ride through Hanoi, bicycles no longer very new and not very modern did so at all anything, it was just not enough of them that meant a bicycle, two people . and I had the pleasure to sit on the luggage rack, no real blessing to my ass.'ve but held out bravely, an end point for hours. the tour of the botanical was gardening. funny games should now follow. this was the pack in 4 teams divided: yellow, green, pink and red dots now went to gather him ah's what we did not play everything.. scavenger hunt tug of war, sackhuepfen who rides the slowest cyclist usw. was fuer'n spass! nun ja, mein gruenes team belegte den vorletzten platz...
am 7. dezember fand dann im bach khoa stadion die internationale freiwilligen-messe statt. eigeladen hatten die UN-freiwilligenorganisation, die ho chi minh jugendvereinigung (die groesste jugendvereinigung des landes) und die technologische universitaet hanois (eine der fuehrenden unis in vietnam). zahlreiche nationale und internationale freiwilligenorganisationen stellten sich vor, so auch sj vietnam. wir waren extra so frueh aufgebrochen, um unseren stand huebsch herzurichten, mit infoblaettern und fotos zu bestuecken. und siehe da: das interesse war gross. auch ich habe dem einen oder anderen interessenten erzaehlen duerfen, was sj so alles schoenes macht: von 2 woechigen long-term projects, work camps, to many (currently 12), social and ecological. yes, that's my organization ... you for doing so much!
addition to exchanging information about the organizations and their projects, there was also a cultural framework program. some UN representatives in their speeches praised the exemplary global use of the thousands of volunteers every year, Vietnamese popstars warbles schmaltzy love songs and the ever-merry Vietnamese students sang, danced and played, they were worth. It was a happy and modest, reasonable smaller event. and for Vietnam's TV's were once again beautiful pictures ...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
How Do I Restart Vuze
oh, oh, I depended very nice afterwards. But ...!
are (get my entries actually too long sometimes I ask myself: read this one at all hm there is just so much to tell and I get by not so often the Internet into the cafe because collects already a lot of info?.... and to-be brief, to me is not so now, I always like to lose myself in the little details for now ...)
after the dramatic -. yes, we actually felt so - were weeks in hai duong Lisa and I then turned back to Hanoi. back in the urban jungle, back to the overcrowded Volunteer house. we wanted not just to escape all this, at least for a while? already, but ... ultimately we were glad of seclusion, we are under the given circumstances much stronger and more aware of measures, and finally felt unbearable escape can be. We were glad to be there, to be able to belong again. a nice, cozy feeling, were still in and around the volunteer house now so some gemeinschaftsaktivitaeten under way or planned: International remained cultural evenings, common short-and long trips or cozy talking shops to share experiences, ereingnisse where we outside the Far hai duong ago in which we could not participate.
- now there was evening, for example, a Vietnamese with Vietnamese peoples and traditional customer, a German-evening, with wiener schnitzel and rice pudding, a Denmark-night stories with Queen Margrethe and about christian andersen stories hans, a Scottish evening with haggis (you do not want to know what's in there ...) and bagpipe music, of course not even played (I imagine the margaret ...), just before a French would evening with a sweet and savory crepes, a Finland-night with an ice cream dessert and a jam from the famous Finnish "cloudberry" (no idea how they say it in German, we translate's literalness, they were called "cloud-berry, grows well only dancing in Finland ...) and macro-was also, what else? ah, a Korean bi bim bob evening with (a rice dish) and taekwondo and an evening with my Dutch and hutspot wentelteefjes. and at the end of each evening was the bitter realization that we (I) of the world do not really know sooo much ...-
the relief was in any case written in our faces enormous, especially since we were also really friendly and again with the greatest understanding of all welcomed. most at least, the most important. of course we had to reckon with the fact that one or the other about our relative return due to the tight wohnverhaeltnisse (from a European perspective) then it would not show quite as enthusiastic. but there were at least another 4 free beds available, so there was no reason to have a guilty conscience, because even the capacities were not yet fully realized. and we had ja vorher auch alle zusammen gelebt. von daher. ein klein wenig schuldig fuehlte ich mich dann doch, kam mir vor wie ein eindringling. nun denn. jetzt galt es erst einmal zur ruhe zu kommen, kraeftig nachzutanken, um wieder neu starten zu koennen. aber wo nur? alle laufenden hanoi-projekte waren voll belegt, fuer weitere freiwillige gab es keinen platz. und auch fuer die naechsten monate war der bedarf erst einmal gedeckt, etliche neuankoemmlinge sollten ab dezember bereits nachruecken. was also tun? lisa war am ende, wie mir schien, mit der ganzen situation doch so ueberfoedert, dass sie tatsaechlich darueber nachdachte, ihren freiwilligendienst abzubrechen und nach hause zu fliegen. und das hat sie dann auch wahr gemacht... keine chance, sie davon abzubringen! in keiner sekunde, ok minute - kann sein, dass es die eine oder andere schrecksekunde gab - verspuerte ich meinerseits den starken wunsch, nach hause zu fliegen. nein, eigentlich nicht. nicht wirklich. es gab doch noch so viel zu entdecken hier, ich war doch gerade erst angekommen, hatte doch noch gar nicht richtig losgelegt. auch dachte ich: da gibt es doch eigentlich so viel, was sich tun und machen liesse, hier in vietnam. eigentlich doch schon. meine vietnamesische organisation sj vietnam - die eigentlich gar keine vietnamesischen organisation ist, sondern als internationale organisation gehandelt wird, weil es in vietnam offiziell keine nicht-regierungsorganisationen gibt, geben darf; sj gilt somit als zweig von solidarites jeunesses frankreich, alles klar?! - Is in any case constantly striving to find new project partners. and so are already several new projects in the startloechern or just started. given my unpleasant experience in shark doung I did not want to overthrow the same, however, again straight into a new adventure, I was hesitant in my choice. I was so nervous, insisted I use the place only to see her before I would decide. as happened, if somewhat delayed. the rain would not let me sooner. (Two, three weeks has finally taken's) yes Seek and you shall find, with a little patience. including myself. for the past five weeks I give in the bo de pagoda in the northeast part of Hanoi, where monks, are actually It moenchinnen (like that means because only properly in buddhism?) since 1984, orphaned and disadvantaged (from very poor families originated) children and young people and exposed newborn care, English lessons, help here and there in the various daily tasks and duties around the pagoda around (cleaning up, gardening, food preparation, etc.) and with a bit of free time to spend with the kids, rumalbern playing just great just about what I can think. what a wonderfully quiet and fiedlicher place. Yes, I want to stay here.
"i like ... bananas!" Shouts duong, who stands in the middle of a circle. suddenly jump all the banana, which are on loan and nga, and try another free to occupy chairs. duong and runs off to one of the coveted seats in a circle in which there is always a chair is not enough to get hold of. In the end it is nga, which has a seat in the middle and must. duong would have also "... i like bananas and oranges!" or "i like ... fruit salad!" can call. ultimately it is in the game "fruit salad" so that their respective designated and called for the fruits and the other players, in case of "fruit salad" be all - as soon as possible to try to swap their places. but since there is not enough available seats for all is, there is always one player left who then obtained from the middle of the circle of chairs out a new space must fight by those fruit / fruits calls, his / her place he would like to have you. understand? I had my students in the Bo De pagoda just all fruits and vegetables begebracht in English, then I thought - how fitting! - This is a game that I own for the first time preparation seminar on the play along to my voluntary service. I thought it might have worked is to internalize the new words and in terms of pronunciation and practice listening skills. Moreover fetzt's still correct. and put in: the boys and girls clearly had their pleasure in it. and also to understand and speak with it worked really well. creative learning, this motto I try, wherever and whenever and as often possible to follow. yes, you have to think of something To leave in order to keep the kids amused, to motivate them again and again anew. the calls against the background of cultural and above all the linguistic characteristics quite nice out. now I manage the teaching but actually quite good.
to cross so I never punctual every morning with the bus number 47, the huge Chuong Duong bridge that leads to the mighty Red River. on the other side, behind some small streets and alleys and hidden directly on the water is the bo de pagode. together with Louise, who comes from Bautzen, well, not exactly, more up close, and with the active support of translational son and tra, two-pharmacy student from Hanoi, which is the way gladly voluntarily committed, I teach a class of about 5 to 10 young, all years old in about 13 to 24 the number of students varies from time to time, because the boys and girls and various other tasks and duties in the pagoda (washing clothes, cleaning up, is the very small take care, etc.) have to comply. some go to school. how the everyday design exactly in the pagoda, I have not really covered. but I think the things covered here already more or less simple in such a way rather unplanned. much is spontaneous, spur of the moment decision and made. then you know it never really, who among the students when and how long to be there. that makes teaching a continuous admittedly quite difficult, especially since all the young people move on very different linguistic levels. because it is good that we as a couple, are four of our translators, and thus small group work and individual practice is possible. but whoever finally visited our teaching, motivated and eager to learn them all. And the nice thing is also that the kids luise's and mine are not only students but also our teachers. at the moment in which we teach them English, they teach us Vietnamese. how beautiful! the Vietnamese shopping at the market now works really well already, without a translator.
is basically what the organization is concerned, as is so pretty in the pagoda everywhere in the country. plan and organize the Vietnamese rarely in advance, at least not very far, but actually tends rather not. everything happens in the here and now. and the next moment may again be anything different. have a real (one more) challenge for us a clear organizational structure and clear Europeans used. but somehow this little chaos also something refreshing and liberating, a little bit. clear, rigid structures can sometimes even restrict crop also in thought, in imagination, creativity. but so entirely without ... it works, I think, not for me, at least not always and everywhere ...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Brown Hair With Blonde Tips
but now it is indeed quite a while back, but I would not like you still withheld, as was the case with many of the water. well, it started on 31 october ...
... and it did not stop. to rain. no to pour, that's probably true. masses of water flocked down on us, day and night, almost incessantly. small, not really significant interruptions left us all breathe a sigh of times and hope. vain. no, it did not stop. 6 days long. or was it 7? I's felt like an eternity. thick and even thicker raindrops, gathered in droves pounded loudly on our doors and windows. 2mm rushes past as you would find a railroad track and end a never ending train at one. as loud as I felt the part.
und ploetzlich schien nichts mehr zu gehen. eine millionenstadt lahmgelegt. hanoi kapitulierte in vielen teilen vor der naturgewalt. seit jahrzehnten hatte es wohl im noerdlichen vietnam nicht mehr so extrem starke regenfaelle mit derartigen ueberflutungen gegeben. am schlimmsten traf es die randgebiete von hanoi, in denen die menschen in ihren zumeist einfachen, oft provisorischen heimen den steigenden wassermassen in den auslaeufen des roten flusses schutzlos ausgeliefert waren. zwischen 20 und 30 todesopfer, so hoerte man.
doch auch im zentrum war das, wennglich geringere, ausmass unverkennbar: wasserdurchflutete strassen und geschaefte, verkehrschaos. sogar der hoan kiem see, das herzstueck von hanoi, trat ueber seine ufer. und auch wir mussten auf dem away to our Volunteer house knee-deep wade through the water. one dreckbruehe! I'd rather not think about what is was not so at all excrement and wastes and other concocted around our feet. hm ... eye to the core! what else we had left? and behind her beautiful wash my feet! our house was permeated by water and moist air, which meant that many a backpack and attaches so many garment mold. My things were fortunately unharmed. the hotel room of the 4 daenninen was particularly affected by mold-infested. The walls were covered only by black spots Sun and you could smell it too. out of concern for their health, they are drawn into a hotel, and there weilen sie immer noch, weil die schadensbehebung laenger dauern sollte. ganz ehrlich, ich haette in diesem zimmer auch keine weitere nacht verbringen wollen, nicht unbedingt. aber freiwillige, die in einem hotel wohnen, das mutet doch schon sehr befremdlich an... ob sich das problem allerdings jemals richtig loesen laesst? ich glaube, mit feuchten uns auch verschimmelten waenden muss man hier immer mal wieder rechnen, vermutlich auch in dem einen oder anderen hotel. fuer die vietnamesen ist das sicher nichts ungewoehnliches, ihre haeuser sind ja alle aehnlich (einfach und durchlaessig) gebaut. keine ahnung, wie sie das handhaben. ob sie sich der gesundheitlichen gefahren bewusst sind?
waehrend viele vietnamesen an diesen regenreichen tagen klugerweise zu hause blieben, wagte sich der eine oder andere von uns freiwilligen doch hinaus, einfach um dem erdrueckenden gefuehl im haus zu entfliehen. ihren projekten beizupflichten war vielen nicht moeglich und das eine ganze woche lang. allmaehlich, eigentlich schon nach 2, 3 Tagen, hatten wir das gefuehl, uns faellt die decke auf den kopf. so gemuetlich und kuschelig fuehlt sich unser haus nun auch wieder nicht an, als das man tage lang drinnen bleiben moechte. und solange noch der eine oder andere bus faehrt... auch ich gehoerte zu den verrueckten auslaendern, die sich von dem bisschen mehr regen nicht davon abhalten liessen, durch die gegend zu stapfen. zusammen mit judith und luise, zwei weiteren deutschen freiwilligen sowie roxane, einer franzoesin und meiner lieben margaret machte ich mich auf den weg zu einer der aeltesten siedlungen vietnams (ca. ab dem 3 jahrhundert vor chr.), zur thanh co loa citadel, der muschelzitadelle (sieht wohl aus der vogelperspektive aus wie eine meeresmuschel). mit meinem vietnamesischen regencape und meinen neu errungenen gummistiefeln, die mir nun endlich ihren ersten dienst erweisen konnten, war ich doch eigentlich ganz gut ausgeruestet. weit gefehlt! das wasser stand so hoch, da halfen auch keine gummistiefel. und durch jede oeffnung stroemte der regen, aus allen richtungen, gefuehlt: von oben, von unten, von der seite, wie auch immer. am ende war ich durchtraenkt. triefend und tropfend und veraergert ueber mich selbst gab ich auf. war wohl doch nicht so das geeignete wetter, sich auf eine historische to go exploring. Absolutely not! (And penalty must be!), I'll's probably later again try to dry at a time. now there was only one to wait on the sun. and we should be quite happy again soon.
the clean up work after the flood but still took a while. whereas with all the water? even days after it was in some lanes strassenund at least knoechelhoch. what the total damage amounts ultimately, I do not know. there was enormous ernteausfaelle, the consequence that the prices of vegetables soared rice and corn in the extreme height. a kilo of morning glory, for example - a kind of spinach, THE Vietnamese vegetables at all - costs usually dong 3000-5000 (15-20 cents). immediately after the storm, the kilo price multiplied up to 15000-20000 dong (in some cases almost a €), which for most is a lot of Vietnamese and therefore makes a lot ...
while since it is our first and only moderate rain, it probably should have in the meantime in some north-eastern and central provinces of Vietnam have been raining vigorously and gestuermet.
in hanoi beamed against it and the sun shines still, quite often and quite intense. the temperatures are now slightly lower, after the oppressive heat of the past months pleasantly mild, I think, and now and a fresh wind is blowing so. While the Vietnamese already cold and shivering and looking forward again to the next summer, autumn seems that North Vietnamese as done for me. finally freed from the burden of sweating! at night it cools down some, but starting from much. I am then happy if I can crawl into my thick sleeping bag, me being at the start was not really clear whether I really need it or whether I would not have perhaps carried along for free. However, I fear, be prepared clothing technically not really on the Vietnamese winter, trousers skirts with my t-shirts and airy and ... I would have packed better but sometimes two or three thick sweaters. temperatures can in the coming winter months namely ever go up to 5 degrees down. and the Vietnamese to run around so now the thick scarves. I will probably end up not even freeze in vietnam? hm ... at the moment it's even. follow
indeed, many foreign tourists from the western to the recommendations of guidebooks, which praise the time between October and December as the best time. is everywhere groups large and small, and looks induvidualtouristen backpacker strip along the sights through the streets. the whole city, I almost think the whole country is just really crowded with tourists. as one ceases, the hotels fully booked in some places. Who would have thought? some of my fellow volunteers respond already panicked, worried about their accommodation, you can read it on many in the next two, three, a longer trip around Vietnam-week program on before then after 2, 3 or even 4 months of volunteer work goes back home. yes, home. How beautiful and even more beautiful it sounds, from a distance. it will be quiet here ....
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Blood Vessels In Boob
... But first things first. (Makes you to another very long passed entry!)
it was clock just 6 in the morning, our first night in Hai Duong welfare center was not yet behind us, as it is the first time at our door and knocked briefly and quietly, hardly perceptible. No reason to get up. but already 10 minutes later it was over with peace of mind the morning. was a loud knock from the gentle, energetic To shake unmistakable. what did it mean? I dragged myself out of bed and carefully opened the door to see. by tuerspalt luckten kulleraugen at once two large. unglaeubich still something I pushed the door wide. and there he stood, grinning impudently: small-taj, just 8, 9, maybe even ten years old. he had won from the beginning. small-taj should wake us from now on every morning in his own art. Thus began our time in hai duong ...
actually we were - lisa and me - glad to be able to hustle in the volunteer house and even the urban jungle for a while finally behind us. so easy it is to me but not yet fallen, the farewell to Hanoi, I have yet so many other (s) freiwillige(n) doch schon sehr in mein herz geschlossen. ja, und so ist auch die eine oder andere kleine traene gekullert, nicht nur bei mir, schnief. (margaret hat auch geschluchzt, ich hab's gehoert und gesehen...;)) mit sack und pack machten wir zwei uns also vor nunmehr fuenf wochen auf den weg nach hai duong. doch aus der erhofften ruhe und erholung wurde dann aber ersteinmal nix. (ob daraus bei den vielen kindern im zentrum ueberhaupt jemals irgendetwas werden koennte, sei mal dahin gestellt...) denn als wir ankamen begruessten uns 40 (!) freiwillige aus singapur, die fuer eine woche angereist waren, um im wohlfahrtszentrum u.a. die betten und waende in den zimmern der kids neu anzustreichen. die betten erhielten ein neues leuchtend-gruenes kleid The walls and beamed at the end of a sunny yellow. since almost everyone in the center with the organization and conduct of this work camps was busy, people the excitement due to a multitude of already very large and was there for us to do in the whole of trubel thus not really something that we decided just to us the group to join, so have mitgepinselt busy. and by the way was once again a lively cultural exchange. great! I noticed that I have about Singapore, this tiny Southeastern Asian country so far only very few knew. How it was to learn all about them in multinational country where everyone speaks English, first of all. And indeed, the young all looked different, one more Indian, a anderer malaiisch und wieder ein anderer trug chinesische zuege. eine schoene bunte mischung, sehr faszinierend. und wie offen und herzlich sie uns in ihre mitte aufnahmen! wir wissen jetzt zum beispiel auch, wie man in singapur geburtstag feiert. da bleibt niemand sauber, denn es werden kuchen und torten nur so umher geschleudert. ein wahres vergnuegen fuer den (gluecklichen), der nur zuguckt - und nichts abbekommt! wir durften naemlich mit feiern. 5 geburtstage fielen zufaellig in diesen zeitraum und so ging maechtig die post ab, mit eben viel kuchen und torte. und karaoke, da steh' ja zugegebenermassen nicht so drauf. irgendwie kommt mir dabei immer meine stimme abhanden. aber das ganze treiben zu beobachten, war schon aeusserst amuesant. ich war erstaunt, wieviel energy and high spirits the boys and girls sprayed. and all without alcohol! yes, it's possible without. (That calms a non-drinker like me immensely ...;)) overall I was very impressed by the group, this incredible group dynamics, somehow exemplary. for us it was a very nice start, this has us arriving but the encounter made easier. arrive, and true, that was exactly what Lisa and I wanted to. after 6 weeks living out of suitcases (more or less) under sometimes challenging conditions, hovering at 6 weeks with stopovers in Hanoi and Ha Long city, we wanted to finally feel a permanent place at home. and the conditions that seemed almost in Hai Duong to be optimal, in the beginning: Versatile betaetigungsmoeglichkeiten in the welfare center, incredibly lovely and lively children, good food and one for the situation here actually quite oke lodging. Well, how does that sound? good, right? Our first impression of our new home, the future of our home and workplace was in any case (almost) all positive. the city itself seemed to be for us a place where one could live quite well for a longer time seemed to us hai duong but a lot less messy and noisy and hectic than Hanoi. Lisa and I so moved the first day next to our use of color remodeling of the accommodations of the kids so well, we set ourselves our own little to create rich, and to explore the area. a nice big room in a relatively new, very modern building in which rooms are in addition to the voluntary and the classrooms, the kitchen and the huge dining room should finally belong to us alone. if I'm in our cramped wohnverhaeltnisse zuruekdenke in Hanoi, when we had to share the six of us a much smaller space ... we did in Hanoi do not really know where to put our things, simply because no space was, we did not really here what should we do with our stuff, because beds in our room but two huge and a small plastic table initially nothing was there. So where our books, shoes, cosmetics and toiletries etc., stand up and hang up our garments and towels? hm? we found: a kleiderstaender including coat hangers had to be designed only once, among others. That's what happened. (In the end it was a very simple, temporary welded together, but very practical - just about do it: it must be practical - metal frame ...) and lo and behold, our little worked amazingly rich at a time much cozier. to this the photos of our dear home, the whole time in the suitcase and fell asleep at last adorn the walls around our beds were - perfect! So under the given circumstances it was very comfortable. we could not complain really. especially since we have our own, I'll call once had bathroom, what a luxury. actually it was just a toilet, which we used as a bathroom. a proper shower, there was not only a sink in the transition. and there was always someone to come over. so we have the injection tube, which was located right next to the loo quickly turned into the shower. it went surprisingly well. showered and washed in hai duong but only with cold water. I wonder how the then in the winter feels like, if it's noticeably cooler (even for us), for Vietnamese relations is really cold? Consider: there is no heating, anywhere. hm ...
well, and then suddenly everything was different. It had so much promising and encouraging start. and then this: you have to, unfortunately, indoors To stay on and that Monday, Wednesday and Friday and complete on Tuesday and Thursday to 16 clock and clock back from 21, the weekend is upon prior notice of departure at leisure. welcome to reality in Vietnam! Our first thought: oh herje want to arrest us something? it felt in the first moment at least. what did it mean? why these strict rules? If I only knew. as accurate, so really, we could explain the same thing no one. one hand, they showed themselves to our security concerns, their worries you, we could cause trouble. our health seemed to be somewhat at heart, we would have something impure can eat from any street stand. (alles erfahrungswerte?) und immer wieder die polizei. aber was ist denn nur mit der polizei in hai duong? mag sie es etwa nicht, wenn zu viele auslaender zu oft auf der strasse herum laufen? in hanoi stoert sich doch auch niemand daran, oder? hm... fuer lisa stand jedenfalls gleich fest: hier bleibe ich nicht! waehrend ich mir nach dem ersten schock ueberlegte, es zumindestens erst einmal zu versuchen - ich weiss nicht, aber ich denke, mit solch strikten regeln muss man in einem land wie vietnam einfach rechnen, oder? - blieb sie auch dann noch dabei, als man uns nach heftigen diskussionen schliesslich einen einmaligen taeglichen ausgang ermoeglichte. mehr war nicht drin. oh, ich glaube, wir haben gleich zu beginn bereits gegen jede vietnamesische hoeflichkeitsregel failed, especially those of moderation. but ... we were just too overwhelmed.
I could convince them but then lisa, get going only once, with our project work. we were finally came to teach English. said, not really done more tries. somehow ... we had expected in advance for children who would be able to learn English, we now had to find that most children that would have allowed or we can teach mentally impaired were so strong that it would have made absolutely no sense, teach them English. Rather, we found these children need a different promotion, a different allocation. for those who in der lage gewesen waeren, englisch zu lernen, war es jedoch nicht vorgesehen, weil sie entweder ihre schulische ausbildung - die sich im wohlfahrtszentrum auf nur 4 jahre beschraenkt, also nur die elementartse bildung umfasst - bereits abgeschlossen haben oder gerade einen handwerksberuf erlernen. na gut, dann machen wir mit den kids eben etwas anderes (uns schien die situation in keinster weise problematisch), z.b. spielen, malen, basteln, singen, irgendetwas kreatives, etwas sinnliches oder auch sportliches. wir sind da total offen und flexibel, dachten wir uns. aber dafuer fehlten wiederum die mittel und materialien (an allen ecken und enden fehlt das geld) und so richig platz dafuer gab es in dem strikten, von frueh bis spaet fast minutioes durchgeplanten tagesablauf offenbar auch nicht. man wollte uns jedenfalls nicht so richtig lassen. da war sie wieder: die fuer vietnam typische starre struktur, die sich eben nicht so mir nichts dir nichts, nur weil wir es so wollen, aufbrechen laesst. dabei waren wir so euphorisch und zuversichtlich, voller ideen. und wir haben's ja auch wirklich versucht... am ende waren wir enttaeuscht (auch von uns selbst?) und , ja schon, auch frustriert. die einzige aufgabe, die man uns ohne weiteres ueberlassen haette, war das babysitten. ja, bei den neugeborenen waisenkindern haette man uns sehr gerne gehabt. das waere ohnehin, so sagte man uns, teil der vereinbarung zwischen meiner vietnamesischen organisation (sj vietnam) und dem wohlfahrtszentrum gewesen. allerdings stand davon nothing in that project, which formed the basis of my decision. there was something of disadvantaged and disabled children - and that can eg be yes disabilities including physical, the child then yes koenen still learning English - from English classes and recreational activities, but nothing of babysitting. and a year to babysit? so I do not know ... I had imagined in my volunteer work is something else again. something ... kreativereres ... more productive, more communicative ... ... hm ... I hope this does not sound like now ... somehow lifted or so ...(?) plan of all these circumstances in their only encouraged, it was for Lisa still only one consequence, namely go to the project. and for me? irgednwie schlummerte da ganz tief in mir immer noch so ein ganz kleines fuenkchen hoffnung, dass sich vielleicht doch nich wege und moeglichkeiten eroeffnen koennten. bleiben?
was waren wir aufgewuehlt und unsicher, lisa und ich. was sollte nun werden? ja, ich hatte angst. fuer mich fuehlte es sich an wie ein scheitern, hatte ich mich doch so auf mein projekt in hai duong gefreut, auf meine aufgabe dort, war richtig gut darauf vorbereitet. auch hatte ich nach allen seiten hin fuer mein projekt geworben. und ploetzlich lastete da so ein enormer druck auf meinen schultern. warum konnte es nicht einfach funktionieren? einfach ist gut, wir sind hier schliesslich in vietnam. und das bedeutet: ein anderes system, eine andere kultur mit anderen normen und werten, andere denk- and acting. and all the incidents have in the past few weeks only, can only do that one must instead look at and understand in these aspects. I wanted to shock moments after all the excitement, after all only a few small easy to understand why everything has happened. It was not to be foremost on the device, the Hai Duong welfare center in itself. Rather, the conditions had changed there or did the conditions on which we knew nothing. and the communication is here in Vietnam so such a thing. It was well until recently 2, 3 English classes in Hai Duong. but now all their students have made their statements, have returned to their families or about a begin to craft training. and because we initially more or less insisted on teaching English, they gave us a great, all were aware of the fact that their students due to various mental capabilities would not be able to learn English. (Please excuse if I am repeating myself, but it's not that easy to explain, and also for me, or was it not so easy for me to locate there somewhere ...) and so we continued drilling and urged that alternative . much too much too, probably. but we did not know any better. We were helpless. xoan and a long-time volunteer coordinators, and so was our main contact for only a few days after hai duong come to for us to translate. we would otherwise not be able to understand because no one speaks English in the center. and so we had right from the beginning to ask, ask, ask. and ask questions with our ongoing and we have not probably really helped to create trust, the responsible center rather have brought in distress. (Where they have remained polite the whole time, all the time have smiled, as the Vietnamese in critical situations always do ...) what we expected? us from one day to the entire structure of the Centre may, with all its processes and routines completely would have turned right? (And who are we? What we have to show, to experience, I encourage my ...?) border changes take time, especially here in Vietnam. and trust.
well, and where we can help out would have wanted there, no we could not help: in the very young. the hour, every now and then would it have been so ok. but every day all day? I have no experience with babies, am in dealing with them anxious and awkward. it was just a feeling deep inside me, made me recoil. I can not describe's. this task also seemed less ... sustainable. I must now feel bad?
consider to have sufficient and I finally decided to tell me another project to look for. , Opportunities to engage, for hands-on To help in Vietnam there are more than enough. maybe we would have longer term and win the trust one or the other but can still move. but I did not want to be alone. children in this huge center with nearly 1000, which all have an incredibly strong and deep love zuneigungsbeduerfnis, of course. to go without the chance, nobody back home to win. without any real, primary linguistic communication (English). and under such strict security regulations. I, all alone? this seemed to me then too large.
I do anyone else any reproach. It's just difficult here europeaeische higher standard not count. and even if it's communications with the sometimes does not work, make efforts to sj vietnam very. when I see young girls, as they toil for us ... they are so dedicated! I am very happy that we have here. and just because they are so young - like the entire organization - they must also make "errors". just like I do them, abound in this land for me new and unusual situation in this strange. for all involved, it is a single learning process. that's why we are here: to learn from each other and each other. basically it works quite well. But sometimes ... it is not everything runs smoothly ... (Land in a "developing country" such as Vietnam and in each other (!)) ...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Menstruation Sore Breasts
I was in my opinion of some of my European colleagues not perhaps a little too hard? was the index finger but not stretched too far up? this feeling crept over me as I recently - with a distanced view - again my previous blog entries about flying. It is not presumptuous to judge about people you do not really know? this to say after such a few weeks would be very presumptuous. where do I want to know what they actually think and feel? not everyone has his own way of dealing with the new and unfamiliar? is not this true anyone? we become human from one day to no new sets but from one day to the other not suddenly all their habits and textures available and extends to new services such as pants or a sweater (If that would be so easy ...). one takes it to travel to. and you look in the new environment does not therefore automatically takes it back and intimate, because it does arrive, the easier? This is not human? I also find myself (a nutella bread-and again, sometimes a bowl of cornflakes ...). does it not time to get used? and there are really only a couple of weeks passed ... but one must therefore equal to book a hotel room? where is the will, the willingness to open themselves ... to try it at least ...? - You see, it goes again. I just can not ... just leave! ;) - One has since - once for a decidedly voluntary service in a developing country - About it not in such an idea what to expect one? can be after such a conscious decision not to one? but before you know it, right? the truth is: we (ie me and I'm still quite sure many others) know nothing, it can not know either. because it has never been there. It is the experience that is missing. clear, we read and hear much about it, far away, at home, in a familiar, safe place. is believed to know ... and yet keep this information supposed to know this abstract, unreal, without a real personal connection, as long as one does not see itself, feels, smells, tastes, hears. It is hard to see before. I think it is almost impossible, allentfalls see blurry. but really ... only the actual, concrete experience enables us to recognize ourselves. the echo of the good intentions, beliefs, confidence, voaraussichten is always quieter. suddenly one notices: quite so effortlessly you go then did not. which has also claimed no one before. that it will be easy. already clear. but what can you imagine it? what it means to be told: "It will not be easy"? what that means for every individual? I think for himself will always be a bit more inscrutable, unpredictable. In the end it is always a small risk. and the culture shock overtakes each well sooner or later.
how to deal with all the circumstances and conditions, all the new impressions, the deal had experienced and learned, is probably not least a question of age, probably. most are still so young, and of course you realize they too often. fear and uncertainty are certainly strong impulse, though not always consciously perceived. what can you expect from young people? but really ... I mean, hm with the old ...? I find it not easy, even I have to struggle every day see it as a new challenge. moment and everyone I'm here with me homesick a latent. how many times I have asked myself: why? why do you sit from the? why it makes you look so hard? why all the bother? but where anything that is dear, what's close to the heart, far away, is home: the family, friends, all the usual and familiar ... I too am anxious and insecure. and I'm already 28 years old. but I'm also a person. I am me. and I'll tell you who is fighting a losing battle against itself. why do we still take the all of us? the question remains. we will certainly know when it's over, when we look back. so far we can, I think, only guess. the moment we are all seeking (whereby each individual for himself and always look like ...). and learning. best regards to gero!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Gpsphone Action Replay Gpsphone Gameshark....?
... so says the legend, he had his tail like mad after all pages turned down. only because it had become so much: almost 2,000 islands larger and smaller, which together form one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world, which ha long bay - the Bay of the Descending Dragon. breathtaking, majestic, picturesque - is with attributes like these, tried repeatedly to describe what beauty is in its unspeakable actually do not really put into words can be: a unique, almost surreal karst landscape already the middle of the sea. I too was speechless, overwhelmed, could hardly avert my eyes. Another photo. and another. all the time is believed to have discovered an even more beautiful motif. anyway you have the feeling, every rock, every cliff is different. otherwise nice. I eventually aufgehoert, one of my pictures. but the 1553 km2 paradise in the Gulf of Tonkin (South China Sea), part of which (775 islands) in 1994 was appointed the first UNESCO World Heritage Site, is under threat. a general lack of environmental awareness in Vietnam, a resulting inaequate muellentsorgung and poor infrastructure, and general environmental problems such as air and water pollution do to create the book very much. reinforced these are already extremely unfavorable conditions by a gradually emerging mass tourism and a resulting huge resourcenverschleiss. In view of this, even as the world's grievances and problems are now a growing international interest, vor allem junger menschen, sich fuer den erhalt und den schutz solcher weltnaturerbestaetten zu engagieren. als antwort darauf entstand 2007 die idee eines freiwilligenprojekts, initiiert von der unesco und dem komittee fuer internationale freiwilligendienste. in kooperation mit sj-vietnam fand nun als eines der ersten von insgesamt 11 weltweit geplanten workcamps vom 22. september bis 4. oktober 2008 das unesco-weltnaturerbe-projekt in der ha long bucht statt( ). und ich war dabei. eigentlich haette ich den kindern in hai duong bereits englischunterricht geben sollen. als man jedoch anfragte, ob interesse bestuende, an einem nutur- und umweltschutzprojekt an diesem himmlischen ort teilzunehmen, konnte ich unmoeglich nein sagen. as well as all other long-term volunteers. rest of the two week work camps, it should be, through various informal communication and bildungsaktivitaeten (play discussions, painting competitions etc.) the local population, especially the local youth for awareness of environmental and nature conservation and to them the concept "world natural heritage" to bring near . so far so good.
town 27 local and international voluntary (6 Danes, 6 German, 1 French, one British, two South Koreans and one Canadian) set out on in the direction of Ha Long. and to some extent that was a departure into the unknown. of course we had an idea, an idea of what the next 2 weeks would happen were, but the rough info und allgemein gehalten. auch bekam jeder einen ablaufplan, der sich allerdings am 2. tag schon wieder grundlegend aendern sollte. auf einmal waren es nicht mehr 2 wochen, sondern nur noch 10 tage. tja, mit dem planen ist das hier in vietnam eben so eine sache. so wusste bis zu unserer ankunft auch niemand so genau, wo und wie wir schlussendlich untergebracht werden wuerden. ach, wie gross war die empoerung, als sich heraus stellte, dass wir, alle 27 leute, in einem haus mit nur einem badezimmer und nur 3 richtigen holzbetten, jedoch ohne matratzen schlafen wuerden. auf, ich will nicht sagen hauchduennen, aber doch recht duennen bambusmatten entweder auf dem boden oder in einem der drei harten betten schlafen zu muessen, darauf war wirklich keiner vorbereitet. ja gut, it would have helped us before to leave (something not done even after repeated requests), it would have one or the other still had the opportunity to bring a sleeping bag. but I say again: we are here in Vietnam. camp, and ladders of our Vietnamese so far no one has been in Europe or America. they know nothing about our noble lebensumstaende, therefore, can not understand certain Western habits and Requirements. probably they themselves have not known exactly how the living situation would be during the work camps. an information, which for them in the moment was perhaps completely irrelevant. for the Vietnamese, it does not matter if they have to sleep on the floor, they are accustomed. Unlike the spoiled European returns. the information flow works here in vietnam just different than at home. the Vietnamese stations upstream are generally not as much as we ask, and certainly none that could somehow seem delicate. make them less thoughtful than we do. hence the many faces and informationsluecken question mark on our own. it was expected anyway so that everything changes again. patient was the man, spontaneous and flexible. yes, complain that were almost larger than life (if it ever stop?). this was our accommodation for the local conditions otherwise actually quite comfortable: we had running hot water and even a toilet, the European standards and relatively well equipped kitchen. the house was just not meant only for 27 people. ok, here we had the living room again with all sorts of small creatures share. roommates but with animal like ants cockroaches, geckos mice, yes, and you have rats here in Vietnam expected almost everywhere. However, one is amazed how quickly you get used to it, one has no other choice. which belonged house, incidentally, a family from the hong gai-quarter in Ha Long city (over the strait of cua luc was a bridge tourist destination to another part of town bai chay, a now very modern, not typical Vietnamese: write lonleyplanet uerbrigens: if ha Long Bay is the sky, then ha long city to Hell. you have to say more?), it had us for the 10 days kindly made available. and that was connected in advance with an enormous regulatory effort was. All volunteers are well, actually only the international, nmussten after their arrival registered in the police, that ha each had its proper release. A closer look exactly as it was, of course. After two days we had our passports again. an accommodation with private means people in Vietnam are a little prior official marathon-running, an extremely lengthy process. therefore it is difficult to find here a family stay or for voluntary exchange student or students. yes, this is
sometimes I have to always again about the young europeae wonder who come here and think to be able to live on any price to their domestic standards. but there was a group of tatsaechlcih three Danes and the roped booked a hotel room. I found the Vietnamese to our colleagues and with the whole group ... hm ... yes somehow shameful and disrespectful to. which enjoys Western children are in a developing country and can not handle at all the prevailing circumstances, I see this but I'm talking good, I had to have some sleeping bag (a precaution). unusually hard was it anyway. but there were only ten days yes. probably I have now 6 weeks in which I am here now, already a larger portions accustomed serenity and flexibility. I know roughly what I expect in a developing country, and try me, as best we can to adapt. I do my best, my european bar set so little by little aside. succeed sometimes better, sometimes worse. but I am trying incessantly. in the first days there was breakfast to instant noodle soup by the way, also unusual. but after the outrage was also relatively large again, there was now almost ausschliesslichweissbrot condensed milk with sweet (very tasty!) and fruit, as the already very slim budget, which for this work camp was available already badly strained. oh, lamb out the extra permanent (with one or zwei "m"?) und ansprueche stellen, schlimm...ich versteh's einfach nicht. ach, ich weiss auch nicht...dabei haben sich unseren vietnamesischen verantwortlichen so bemueht, uns alles so "ertraeglich" wie moeglich zu machen....und es waren doch wirklich nur 10 tage, hm...
10 tage, in den wir es uns zur aufgabe machten, mit der lokalen bevoelkerung in kontakt zu treten, zu kommunizieren und zu diskutieren. auf dem programm standen ein grundschul- und ein highschoolbesuch sowie besuche bei den lokalen freiwilligen von der ha long city - youth union, in dem anliegenden fischerdorf cua van und dem kohlekraftwerk ha tu. daneben haetten wir so gerne noch richtig mit angepackt, sozusagen aktive "feldarbeit" verrichtet, allegenmeine aufraeumaktione gestartet. something like aufsammel garbage, clean beaches, planting trees. outside his flat, in nature. it worked but then others from weather-technical reasons, unfortunately, not had concocted the South China Sea but o'er a giant typhoon, which we excesses, although not quite as strong as in other parts of the country, also felt in Ha Long city got. it has rained almost incessantly from the third day (which were perhaps guess!), so then our proposed recycling fashion show literally fell into the water. n aj, at least, was not at the end's the way it was originally intended, naemich as a public event followed by a campfire on the beach hoang gia bai chay - district. finally have Although we have designed garments of all kinds muelltueten, plastic bottles, paper cups, etc., but the demonstration was then held in our house for us by us. hm. the message of reuse was not so sent, but remained among us. shame really ...
which sat right was our visit in a primary school in Ha Long city. the kids were there so excited when we drew with them, and tinkered with key ring plastic bottles target throw playing. her enthusiasm was really contagious. I thought it was great. incredibly impressive, I found our visit village of Cua Van, a fishing village between steep karst rocks in the sea. very fascinating. a floating village, consisting solely of small colorful wooden houses with wellblechdaechern, there are small shops and even a school. a really nice place, so peaceful and quiet and zeitentrueckt, somehow. I could well imagine, this time for 2 to 3 months to live and participate. and only five minutes long stare and make nice photos, as invaded the tourist, who appeared here one by one, for a brief moment in the life-like voyeurs of people and quickly disappeared again. Odd as this had already had the feeling that is quite beautiful village "market". well ... green in the school of cua van, a small wooden house in brilliant, the place with most beautiful building in the distance, we have re-painted with the kids and getting creative. and here was the huge enthusiasm. With what a Of course the major and even small children every morning rowing boats alone can sometimes be very rickety, makeshift get paddled in school. and the water already up to 200, 300 m deep. ! Whansinn when you consider how many parents ueberaenglstlich we respond at home and her children walked from first to last to accompany her to school ... and actually fell during our visit, a boy in sweet water. He could swim but, fortunately. last tagworkcamptag's was still a lesson in Vietnamese socializing things, and zwa the youth representative of the coal mine ha tu. according to topic presentations and discussions around our work camp (environment and naturschutz, freiwilligenarbeit, weltnaturerbe etc.) wurde zum mittagessen kraeftig aufgetischt: reis, gemuese, fleisch, fisch. und bier, jede menge!ich hab gefuehlte 100 mal angestossen, staendig kam irgendwer vorbei. und immerzu wurde nachgeschenkt. ich musste dann irgendwann meine schuetzende hand auf mein glas legen, sonst waere ich am ende noch hinaus getorkelt. begleitet wurde das essen von einem musikalischen rahmenprogramm. ja, die vietnamesen lieben es zu singen und aufzutreten (die koennen das aber auch alle...) und auch wir waren aufgefordert. ich hab mich dabei allerdings dezent im hintergrund gehalten und das singen denjenigen ueberlassen, die es koennen. es ist wirklich erstaunlich: eigentlich sind die vietnamesen ein eher schuechternes volk, auf der buehne jedoch bluehen sie richtig auf. denn singen ist ein ganz elementarer bestandteil der vietnamesischen kultur. fast ueberall, wo menschen, vor allem junge menschen, zusammentreffen, wird ausgiebig gesungen und musiziert. das haben wir auch an all den orten gemerkt, die wir besuchten. bei so manch einem aus unserer gruppe stiess das auf unverstaendnis; man echauffierte sich lautstark: was das stundenlange singen denn mit umwelt- und naturschutz zu tun habe? man kann sich aber auch ueber dinge aufregen, tja... die vietnamesen kennen aber auch so unglaublich viele lieder. im gegensatz zu uns, uns wollten partout keine lieder einfallen (eigentlich auch schlimm, irgendwie...), unser beduerfnis zu singen war ohnehin nicht allzu stark ausgepraegt, was wiederum die vietnamesen nicht verstanden. fiel uns dann doch mal ein lied ein, scheiterte unser vortrag an unserer textunkenntnis bzw. textunsicherheit. von unserer europaeisch-westlichen seite bleib es also bei ganz wenigen musikalischen beitraegen, die unsere vietnamesischen freunde ueberdies als viel zu kurz empfanden. sogar die daenische nationalhymne mit ihren 3, 4 strophen war ihnen nicht lang genug. was sagt man dazu... da prallten fuer einen kurzen moment zwei kulturen so ein klein wenig auf einander. ach, amuesant war's schon irgendwie..."vietnam ho chi minh, vietnam ho chi minh, la, la, la,..." zurueck zum bergwerk. der kontrast haette groesser nicht sein koennen: im vordergrund klaffte dieses riesige haessliche schwarz-graue und dreckige loch und im hintergrung resting peacefully and vertraumt Seeming the fascinating book cone karst in Ha Long. 2015 is to run the mine well still. thereafter, the entire landscape will be restored premises, whether this will succeed, whether this is at all possible ...? one can only imagine at this time's hard ...
landscape with gorgeous images in my head, lots of information about Ha Long Bay and its inhabitants and all the problems in the luggage and a few rich cultural experience we went back into the urban jungle of hanoi. and should sue the bitch and go here. suddenly we were no longer voluntary in-house only 13, but 17, what a surprise. among the newcomers was the way, Margaret. and margaret not 18, 22 or 26 years old. no, this proud margaret 64 years old. and also because you had to encounter: what does that here? I hope she pulls out again soon. etc., it is sometimes really unbelievable how intolerant and narrow-minded many a Western child occurs here (this must be the old ...!). I find it really great, however, what Margaret is because credit for. I like them very much and find it incredibly refreshing. yes, and next month would then probably again 3 to voluntary - although there's not so sure where they will live at all - and even that has, according to some gruppenangehoeriger no one announced in good time, oh dear! OK, Matt, Lisa and I are working in other projects outside of Hanoi, also minus 3. es leben ab november, wenn's schlimmer kommt, d.h. wenn die neuen freiwilligen tatsaechlich einzoegen, somit 17 internationale freiwillige im haus. puh...! das ist schon allerhand, wenn ich ehrlich bin. aber damit muss ich mich jetzt erst einmal nicht auseinandersetzen. bin naemlich mittlerweile in hai duong angekommen. meine ersten eindruecke und empfindungen gibt' s dann im naechsten eintrag...
Friday, June 6, 2008
What Is A Good 400m Time?
Last year we talked to different house party and requested also approached by these companies.
These deals included more planning with a partner, architect of the home provider and the construction of all trades, so that one could speak of a "turnkey" construction.
In some of the bottom plate offered by invitation, but had to be considered separately.
We have from the beginning decided to commission a building supervisor for the construction of our house, on which the offers and terms of reference of the home provider complete reviewed and later supervised the individual sections and performing a Endabnahmekontrolle.
We wanted the Baubetreuer a counterweight to the house vendors have to represent our interests and can advise us, as we see ourselves here as a layman.
the Internet to find this, various associations, such as the association of private developers. After joining the club, the consultants expect from their performance on an hourly basis, or call outs to kilometers packages starting. This approach sounds reasonable and fair, but we did not have supervisors in appropriate proximity of our Baugrundstücks finden. Es wären erhebliche Fahrtkosten entstanden.
Wir sind jetzt über das Internet auf einen Baubetreuer in der Nachbargemeinde gestoßen und haben uns zu einem Treffen vereinbart.
Dieses Treffen hat uns mächtig die Augen geöffnet, was es bedeutet einen Hausanbieter zu beauftragen, der mit einem Partnerarchitekten zusammenarbeitet.
Man hat keinen Einfluss, welche Handwerker beauftragt werden, da das Bauunternehmen meist einen Pool an Handwerkern besitzt die für ihn arbeiten. Die Kosten für die Gewerke sind nicht durch Ausschreibungen entstanden, sondern durch Vereinbarungen zwischen dem Handwerker und dem Bauunternehmen.
Der Architekt sollte normalerweise die Interessen des Bauherren vertreten, aber wie soll dies gewährleistet sein, wenn dieser Partner des Bauunternehmers ist.
Es wird von dem Architekten meist nur die Planung übernommen.
Der Baubetreuer hat uns aufgezeigt, was eigentlich die Aufgaben eines Architekten sind. Dies geht weit über die Planung eines Hauses hinaus. Geregelt werden diese Leistungen in der HOAI, der Honorarordung für Architekten und Ingenieure, die in den Leistungsphasen aufgeführt sind und in 9. Punkte aufgegliedert ist:
- Grundlagenermittlung
- Vorplanung
- Entwurfsplanung
- Genehmigungsplanung
- Ausführungsplanung
- Vorbereitung der Vergabe
- Mitwirkung bei der Vergabe
- Objektüberwachung (Bauüberwachung)
- Objektbetreuung und Dokumentation
We have considered after discussion with the building supervisor, what we really want and have come to the decision to prefer to build with an architect. Research have then shown that, due to the commissioning of an architect additional cost, but by the sum of the cost of building the house by up to 10% decrease can. Another argument was still that is ensured by the alert that the price performance ratio for the different processes also true.
Our architectural contract for the fee depends not on the HOAI, but we have a lump sum agreed. This is 12% of the expected construction costs and the sum includes all utilities. We wanted to know from the start, with which we must calculate the amount. In determining after HOAI this is not possible because the fee is always calculated in percentage according to the determined construction costs.
The contract is divided into two parts, namely the phases 1-4 and 5-9. The payment of the fee is set in a payment plan that is linked to the performance stages.
Something important yet in the end: let check The contract always legally!
Fibramyalagia Pain Material
How already described, are on the way land laid with concrete slabs and the edges are trimmed with paving stones.
I've ordered a 7 sq m ³ container in which the neighboring village established waste management company. I placed my order at no additional cost to the container for 14 days and this I also needed.
On four days, spread over Saturday and long weekends, then I started to rauszubuddeln the stones from the paths.
The newly purchased wheelbarrow had served well and I was lucky that the container has a flap had to go into it and I could not all the stones had to lift the container wall.
The Waschbetonp battens with a size of 50x50 cm I carried with a hand truck that went really well and I had the plates, which weighed quite a bit, do not pick up the wheelbarrow.
I actually had the plan to leave the little house on the edge of the property, but I've found quite quickly that the container may be filled with plates of the ways is.
My guess had turned out to be correct then, the container was filled to the brim. The concrete slabs were also, as it should be, all laid in a sand-gravel bed that I had then wegschaufelt yet, so it is not mixed with the soil when starting the excavation work.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
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A website could be answered through 12 questions to determine which type of house is in itself. Based on the number of hits on the house type could be read to you what type tends.
I had a hit rate of 5 on the advanced Type and was surprised how close the description of my setting is. I can almost every sentence of the sign is described there so, for Leitwesen Tina.
It has no unique assignment, and each received three hits as "versatile, natural and creative" type and is thus removed to my type classification probably the furthest.
The advanced Type:
The versatile type
Surely you have been frequently noted that two souls fight in your chest. It is also used to test this out: they are not set to a type. But it is also your chance. They are versatile and are therefore in many situations of a larger behavioral repertoire than others. Accordingly, more and your range is in terms of house type.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
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The plot has a size of 453 m² and the dimensions of about 21x21, 5 meters (site 712/24).
It is bordered on two sides of the street and the other silk Stores Land, which is a non-cultivated and as Hühn erauslauf is idle. The plot is relatively flat and rises to a road outsides about 1.20 m, resulting in a small embankment exists.
The land was previously used as garden land and there are still some buildings on it.
Once a small solid brick house, which probably served as a chicken coop again. Furthermore, there is a shed which is divided into an area that is covered with tiles and panels on the walls and an area for garden equipment, which is quite simple. Adjacent garage is a pre-installed, which are still transported in directing the owner wurde. Das Grundstück ist mit einem Maschendrahtzaun eingefasst, der leider an einer Stelle entfernt werden musste, damit die Garage abtransportiert werden konnte. An einem Bereich ist auch eine Bretterzaunkonstruktion verwendet worden, welche 2007 einem Sturm zum Opfer viel und in gesamter Länge nach auf die Straße geklatscht ist.
Es gibt weiterhin noch einen Brunnen, der aufwendig mit einem Schacht (ca. 80cm Durchmesser) versehen ist. Auf dem Grundstück sind Wege mit Waschbetonplatten angelegt und das Grabland ist mit Pflastersteinen eingefasst. Das wird noch ein Spaß werden, dies alles weg zu räumen . An Bepflanzungen sind ein Pflaumenbaum, Johannisbeerbüsche two fir trees and much else available. And do not forget the bathtub, which has a huge weight!
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We live in the neighboring Low- Hösbach and have taken us in the 2005 decision of this region on settling permanently. At first we thought of something-hand, but quickly strayed from this decision because the proposed buildings did not correspond what we wanted and it also were still really expensive.
We have then made to find a plot in the region. In May 2006, we have found it in an advertisement in a newspaper of a plot in Hösbach . We haben es besichtigt und uns auf die Suche nach weiteren gemacht, da man ja nicht gleich das Erst-Beste nimmt. So verging dann das Jahr mit weiteren Besichtigungen und dem durchsuchen von Anzeigen in Zeitungen.
Zum ende des Jahres haben erinnerten wir uns wieder auf das Grundstück, welches wir erstes uns als erstes angeschaut hatten und es gefiel uns am besten von alle dem, was wir gesehen hatten.
Und somit haben wir dann mit der Eigentümerin in Verbindung gesetzt und den Kauf festgemacht.
Nachdem wir den Vertrag vom Notar geprüft hatten, wurde es dann im Dezember 2006 amtlich und das Grundstück wurde in das Grundbuch eingetragen.