Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Anal Herpes Hemroid Difference
... As good as, yes. Tomorrow I will start my journey home.
And now? It is complete chaos in the Anne of ideas and Gefuehlsuniversum. Joy and sadness turns in a windchill hour, it could also be half-hours or minutes. And yes also happened in between all sorts. Is able to take me's-grade not correct. Suddenly everything went very quickly.
What a year ...!
Finally I would like you extracts from the last three reports, which I had to send as part of my sending Weltwaerts IJGD should, could. These may give again a very good idea of what there is here in Vietnam later this year so everything happens with me ... (Starting with the last or most recent report)
Otherwise, I would like me to take this opportunity of all the loyal and hardworking (in my writing mania we become indeed 'n bissel longer required) bye blog readers first. Love you for your interest!
Maybe I log on at home again back, let's see how's feel ... I'll let you know.
Until then, Toi Tues nhe! - Bye! Literalness reads, I'm off times, yes? So then ...
love all last Greetings from Hanoi,
So, and now may again be read diligently ...
August report
How satisfied are you overall with the volunteer service?
Nein, ich moechte dieses Jahr nicht mehr missen, so anstrengend es doch bis zum Schluss auch immer wieder gewesen sein mag. Bin wirklich sehr traurig, dass es nun tatsaechlich zu Ende geht. Ich bin sehr reich geworden. Wenn ich daran denke: all die liebegewonnen Menschen und Orte, all das Erlebte, schoene wie traurige . Ich fuehle eine sehr tiefe emotionale Verbundenheit. So vieles, was man jetzt zurueck laesst…
Und doch bin ich irgendwo auch froh, wieder nach Hause zurueck zu kehren. Meine Kraefte scheinen total aufgebraucht. Weitere Monate unter den gegebenen Umstaenden, Konstellationen etc. waeren derzeit fuer mich nicht denkbar. Das Zusammenleben mit so vielen unterschiedlichen, staendig wechselnden Menschen, teilweise sehr starken Personalities with incredibly strong pursuits, which claim to rights and freedoms, which is only possible, the resulting homey chaos, and all the emotional, interpersonal wrangling and Gereibe, to my difficult project and is still vice-border major and minor cultural challenges all in a city like Hanoi: yes actually very charming and flairig, yet also loud, crowded, and terribly much luftverschmutzt.Puh! I'm looking forward to at home ... Maybe
again briefly on the situation in and around the volunteer house.
Basically, yes, a huge opportunity, the house. I mean, we're all coming from very different areas, as there are much to tell and share. And even so, the local life is actually also ne nice experience. Hm, but somehow ... very difficult to live together, sometimes ...
What I mean is to perceive a latent discontent among the volunteers. What they are dissatisfied? The life situation, the organization, work, etc. It is complained and bitched and demanded. But no one is something that carries something to the improvement, not really. The tendency to turn people off and give to other, nicer things flee to the travel and self-amusement. This one can quite well in Hanoi. You have to give up anything. .
Honestly, really rip open your ass, no one is doing here. (Please excuse my expression). It shows itself more like a dependent, light-life mentality. And just as does our house. Actually a very nice house, very well equipped. But it verloddert versuefft and more. No one felt responsible, not even for their own filth, the people feel responsible, let alone that of their friends and guests. There is chaos. Very, very bad ....
What our house so n bit lacking is a common thought, a common idea, a common faith to do what we, a cross-project-looking at each other. Does not exist. Everyone does his. At the end you are alone. In addition, a trend comes to the formation of groups by nationality, it is much fremdgesprachelt, sodas man sich mitunter etwas ausgeschlossen fuehlt.
Ich glaube, die Leute kommen teilweise mit voellig falschen, viel zu hohen Erwartungen hier her. Sie sind dann in ihrer ganzen Art zu kritisieren und argumentieren so selbstgefaellig und selbstgerecht, zeigen recht wenig kulturelles Verstaendnis und Feingefuehl. Das Problem ist: sie nehmen die Menschen hier oft nicht ernst, begegnen ihnen nicht auf Augenhoehe. So erscheint es mir zumindest. Und am Ende bleibt jeder fuer sich. Das ist sehr, sehr schade.
Und was auch sehr traurig ist, ist die Tatsache, dass wir internationale Freiwillige uns eigentlich die meiste Zeit oder ganz oft um uns selber drehen. Dieses Zusammenleben packt einen so, nimmt einen auch emotional arg in Beschlag, man sucht ja in dieser for all of us a little unusual situation even stop. It costs at least as much strength and energy, force and energy that is missing somewhere else, for the cultural adventure of all ... Sorry I missed the moment to jump and move to a host family. Yes, I very much regret. I would advise everyone's!
'm right at home I was in the volunteer house in any case not felt all year round. You just can not, feels in his home often so n bit like a stranger among strangers. Too restless to move the life therein. One feels sometimes like in a hotel, constantly come and go people to stay even longer, sometimes shorter, and not just volunteers. I once counted: the number of people with whom I have lived in this one year, both volunteers and also, amounts actually to almost 50 (!) And then the chaos ...
I must confess, so 100% I am also not satisfied with myself. failed in language learning, which is bitter and it hurts. I think I'm someone you systematic and structured introduction to the language needs that has to be by the hand. Well, anyway, and was communicated mostly in English, both within SJV and with the Vietnamese volunteers. And Na in the volunteer house anyway, with all the international people. Oh, I do not even want excuses, huh ... I also wished
, I would have in my project, perhaps even more involved, taken over more responsibility and perhaps one or the other idea had earlier. I was often up to the end and still a bit hesitantly. The pagoda is such a sensitive place and often I was not sure whether you want to have us there at all. 've Felt up to the last always a little bit like an intruder. It is indeed communicated so little. And you never know so 100% pure, what we really are. Still ... I wish
also, I would have maybe a little longer trying to practice the culture. Somehow there is the feeling, not to be done, as was missing a lot, as if it were's far enough ... I hope
however, that ... well ... I've tried my best, I think, I hope it was ...
As a parting gift's of the kiddies in the pagoda by the way have a nice, juicy mud eye. One might call it Bindehautentzuendung, a very persistent ... ;)
the work of your opinion, is reasonable?
Retrospect and basically I think that kindergarten children do all right. It is somewhat more stable, at least something that recurs, as an event, to which they rely so 'n some can. They have become quiet teiweise have opened themselves, to trust. Can be proud of it for us.
However, it remains problematic. We have tried and still try to give the kids routine, a bit of structure to provide them with basic rules for human interaction's to teach all essentiel living things. But the problem is: there is no continuity when the children leave the nursery. Since there are no rules, no structure, etc. No one who cares for the children really. You are then much further can be about yourself. This is for us always as' n kind of like starting from scratch each day.
Now I am at least their big sister. Chi Anne! Chi Anne! ", Chirped and quieckten them every morning as soon as they saw me approaching. Given me waved their little hands and Kinderaermchen already from a distance all excited and joyfully. And I had entered the kindergarten once, they let me go any more. Then I was to fax maker, Herumalberin, flowers and butterflies painter who Zwergenknuddlerin, the dwarf hash Erin, the nose and Popoputzerin that Traenentrocknerin that Bisswundenabpusterin, dispute mediator, and much more. You have accepted me, the children in the Bo De pagoda kindergarten have given me confidence, despite all the linguistic barriers. This is a very nice feeling. This left me feeling always come back and with this feeling I'm going to go home. So really improve
Change customer and, therefore, in the longer term, I can not their lives, have causes essentially no difference. Therefore, the situation is just too difficult. the problems too serious and too complex. The demands of professional people: psychologists, therapists, social work, social, etc. And this time was too short, in a country like Vietnam need these things above all time. All that I could give was more for the moment, here and now. That business was good for a moment to be there, pay attention, care, give a feeling of safety, security, yes ... But their life situation
genrelle ... so to be problematic, especially their health condition, about which we know nothing. We do not know what the children but you see it in them that they are ailing. We do not know what is taking place in medical treatment. Or even their mental state. I would even go so far as to say the children would need basically therapaeutische treatment, correct professional care.
This project presents us with so many serious problems, the SJV and his volunteers basically is not able to handle. It is shown here: SJV is a voluntary organization, not a charity. There are no resources, capacities, skills, experiences. Of course it is nice to send volunteers there that deal with the kids, play with them. This does not hurt the kids and doing well. It is hard but under the given incredibly difficult conditions, one can also quickly once its limits, sometimes even feels overwhelmed sometimes. It would have done so much more, really important things. Networking would be good to team up with other relief organizations right to something for the longer term but long term, to supervise the children. Now I remember that I would have loss since starting up even slightly longer, groups, organizations, of which there are not so few in Hanoi PERMIT contact. Why I am not come before it ...?
If you are over come such a long period of time to this place ... The fate of the children touched a then of course, you take it home with you. Yes, things take time. But: how much time the children? I know there are probably many, many such places ... And the communication is also so difficult. The place where the pagoda and all the things that happen there, have revealed to me after the long period is still not entirely. They know it never really allowed to go as far as one if one does not penetrate here and there somewhere.
endeavor, in reason, so everyone already so good it's just ...
Did you feel that you learn while volunteering some of your own culture / your cultural identity?
if so, what?
General: How much it shapes a culture, the personality, the identity of a people ein so wesentlicher Teil davon ist. Sie laesst sich nicht einfach ablegen. Genausowenig wie man sich eine andere Kultur einfach so anziehen und wieder ausziehen kann wie einen Mantel.
Wie sehr in einem anderen Kontext doch die gewohnten Normen ihre Gueltigkeit verlieren, wie sich Kategorien wie "richtig" und "falsch" ein Stueck weit aufloesen.
Wir Europaeer, vor allem auch wir Deutsche denken doch sehr stark in Kategorien und behaupten auch gerne ihre universelle Gueltigkeit, sind dann erstaunt, entruestet, wenn sich die Lage, wo auch immer, ploetzlich ganz anders darstellt. Man muss frueher oder spaeter einfach einsehen, dass man sich mit europaeischen Denkweisen Probleme konstruieren kann, die fuer die Menschen hier so ueberhaupt nicht bestehen. I've seen quite often with other volunteers and also with myself.
Are there things (behaviors, attitudes, etc.) that you have learned from the host culture, or want to learn?
if so, what?
history and Kultur-/Traditionsbewusstsein, Gemeinschaftsgefuehl, tireless, reconciliation
-What are your experience - the most common points of conflict between your culture and host culture?
communication / information, organization, structure, planning
What has been your most important experience in voluntary service
In the last three months:
- I did it! 'm Proud as Bolle!
- something like Everyday, familiar with places and people move, sovereign itself (now I know of Hanoi as well as Berlin), neighborly relations, people recognize me, responding to greet me, myself, have accepted me
- still have patience, understanding for all what is different and slower
- "! Chi Chi Anne Anne", now I'm her big sister. have children in kindergarten pagodas, taken by the Trust and accepted me, despite the language barrier ...
- yes, it's possible without language, somehow, but will it? where one is still here, and that for so long? Have failed, that's bitter!
- see: SJ Vietnam is "just" a volunteer organization, no organization
Human see, not nationalities that fall from the play together, no matter the end stehht man ....
- to feel torn between two cultures
- looking forward to at home, almost childlike
- but also a bissel fears of uncertainty: What will be? Who will be? What will come, professionally, in particular?
- the feeling of sadness, like me, it's all very close to my heart! It is missing everything.
- be the feeling of standing still at the beginning, dipped not even really that there's not enough that there is not enough, what is learned can be experienced, understood, understood, because there would be still so much more ... Probably we are constantly at the beginning.
- ... and again and again, being human, are fallible ...
- rain, so incredibly hard and loud to all! Never heard of. A beautiful, beautiful noises ...
you believe, your stay will affect ...
a) ... your personal development?
type of impact:
Like last time ... always ran a little closer to yourself, you will be here at any rate true so incredibly intense, is so incredibly sensitive, I know my limits, accept me, I confess things a Perhaps in the end am honest with myself, I am learning to organize themselves to improvise, "not" still makes inventive, as the ideas suddenly gushing ...
This year seems like in one long conversation with myself and you just have to say again and again: the battle against himself is a lost battle, in every way ...
b) ... your future plans?
type of impact:
remains: the desire to discover more of the world and to learn, work: (!) In development cooperation, possibly abroad
In any case, come back, there are so many reasons ...
A strange curiosity about my own country was awakened to discover an urge there and explore. Which I will pursue, where I've seen yet so little from the land of the ich stamme.Ueberhaupt von dem, was einen so unmittelbar umgibt, auch in Europa. Bevor also wieder aus weiter Ferne, ersteinmal aus naechster Naehe. Eventuell noch einen Freiwilligendienst in einem europaeischen Land…
Wie zufrieden bist du mit dem Freiwilligendienst insgesamt?
Aus kultureller Sicht und auch aus persoenlicher Sicht finde ich die Zeit hier nach wie vor unglaublich bereichernd. Und die Momente, in denen ich es nicht fassen kann, dass ich tatsaechlich hier bin, die gibt es auch immernoch, obwohl's jetzt schon neun Monate sind.Ich moechte dieses Jahr auf keinen Fall mehr missen.Obwohl das ganze schon auch so ner kleinen Berg- und Talbahnfahrt gleicht. Eine only major challenge. Said yes even in the run-up, no one here that would be easy. Daily life
sashayed. The Vietnamesischlernen so.Das not live together in the volunteer house: difficult. It has even today not well chosen, and therein lies the Challenger. Because sometimes take so very strong and very different individuals together with very strong needs and very strong feelings. As is demanded of Rights and Freedoms, which is only. Everyone does what he wants, more or less, without consideration for losses. Very straight and strenuous in the long run. Usually live in the volunteer house 10-14 people. Right now we are 10th Only times as mentioned. I try as good as it is to stay outside, I manage but not always, because it was also all sorts Redebeduerfnisse and you will also often acts as a contact. Sometimes they themselves also Redebeduerftige (r) I miss you so 'n some of the volunteer spirit, in the sense. Together make a difference together stand for one thing .. But the people here are actually primaer busy with themselves. The ego is inflated to partially deal. What do Voluntary Service general terms, I once made free from any pressure that I felt the whole time and I've probably also imposed on their own. I always thought to provide any service to have to submit results, because I was under Weltwaerts promotes and yes I was also selected from this or that reason. There was always this feeling, I have to earn the promotion, I must present at the end of something. Even compared to my donors, I saw myself all the time computing production under pressure, without anyone at all at some point something would have approached me worn and probably never will. The pressure was still there. Now he is gone, and it lives and works at once so much easier. I am trying here to see the value of my actions from now on in doing it, in the process, at work in every moment. What results should stand at the end too? And yes also to the people is given not fair to judge such high expectations of them, the project partners, the children, compared to all concerned. Yes, I believe, with my expectations, I was already something wrong. Much too high, too much focus on success. Thus, this does not work, but only here and now. Feel me now this respect 'n pieces easier and freier.Mein whole project, it is running, but still turns out to be difficult. A major problem: communication. It is so incredibly difficult to open up this place (the pagoda), you have to fight for every piece of information always so incredible (eg who then what, when exactly is, how the children are provided, how's looks with donations and what happens to it? Etc. .), and in the end you are receiving more and just as we were Kruemel.Was not say whether some of the children actually HIV infected or not. that they are not there, I heard namely from other places, but because it holds is totally covered, although this is not some minor information. When I consider how I having fun with the kids. And how fast is what happened ... Probably plays well in general with the Vietnamese mentality into it, the more difficult the open talk and discussion on sensitive and problematic issues very much. Much will weggelaechelt. We are basically still in the development and structuring. We are short of ideas at least not and need, we also see. But communication .... Senior Monk Thich Dam Lan is so incredibly difficult to achieve, and there seems to be no other contact, everything goes obviously about them. I'm not always sure if you would like us there are really sometimes feel like an intruder. So it's difficult to start something. With our small nursery we ave, I think, quite beautiful as on the legs. The running, albeit not ideal, because so alittle bit lacking the support of pagodas page. It invites the children from us. And for a constitution in which they are sometimes! This 'n pieces below' n bissel more. Even at the kindergarten around something has to change, otherwise the whole fell. Thu, the kindergarten teacher is already exhausted and will stop in August. I also feel helpless often, but try my best. And I go the fates the children so close, I feel unspeakable pity. If you go to this place every day, it is also difficult to draw a line to turn off simple. Where we try them but to give in kindergarten what they missing out on care. Together with Sj, the pagoda - we at least try - and other groups, we are now discussing ways to improve the situation. What is also very lacking is money. Also, since we are at the superiority of how and what ... The division of labor works in general, actually quite good. I always am and Surya, who went with another organization Weltwaerts always comes in the afternoon. These have local volunteers who come when they have time, because they yes still the way to study or go to school. Now the situation is all the more difficult conditions, because Pruefungszeit. The transfer works thanks to the arguments presented by us is voluntary transfer protocol quite gut.Alles in all, we give us a lot of trouble to try it again and again on 'New. A show of strength is this I have to admit honestly: I am beginning to get tired. The situation in the volunteer house with so many different and constantly changing Menchen confined space, which already creates. And then in a city like Hanoi, always loud, full, and much of everything, phew! And then this bad air. And this hot and humid climate, which is trying to air conditioning systems to make more bearable. Only are the temperature differences then sometimes much too large. Have a cold now the third time really Dolle, and you will not ever's going on, probably because of the bad air. And in the hazy heat and the constant sweating, I'll get used may be never. My whole body is covered with perspiration. And then my difficult project ... I realize that is diluted the given conditions: so gradually it's time for me to go once again back home. I feel somewhat exhausted.
the work of your opinion, is reasonable?
I think that a children's garden on the Bo De pagoda base makes sense, with the right professional guidance and support and volunteers who support the whole, find it but is missing at all corners and ends of money and also Betreuungskapazitaeten. In our specific case, it is now but this: although we have a nursery, a kindergarten teacher, but it is impossible for us in the few hours to give the children what they lack outside from kindergarten. You're still spend most of their time outside of the kindergarten, there needs to be done but also something else the whole thing hinfaellig.Wie said, we can reverse that's not what they lack. These are really important things: kindness, care, hygiene, health, all this will not gewaehrleistet in the mass, as I watch muesste.Was there are slight tendencies neglect, both physical, mental and also emotionally. The children are often in really bad shape, lots of sick. The nurses are overworked, poorly or not educated, some of them are very young, even from well who knows what for worse conditions. A nurse care 4, 5, sometimes 6 children. More of a burden than anything else. And they behave well. Hew much cursing, too. And the children are always more than a week, arriving in the not new kids. The children are so difficult, anxious, agitated, somehow also internally divided, sometimes confused. And they have not even themselves, are more competitors, they compete for food, toys and attention are constantly in dispute. Wir sind eigentlich die meiste Zeit damit beschaeftigt, die Kinder zu beruhigen, Bisswunden abzupusten, Traenen zu trocknen, Streithaehne auseinander zu halten. Ein einziges Gebruelle und Geschrei ist das ganz oft. Ich denke mir, man braeuchte da(vielleicht) richtige Profis, Sozialpaedagogen, Sozialarbeiter etc. Mit jedem Tag, den ich dort hingehe, habe ich immer mehr das Gefuehl, dass ich ihnen eigentlich gar nicht helfen kann, zumindest nicht laengerfristig. Ich kann ihnen z.B. auch gar nichts beibringen oder igendetwas erklaeren, weil ich die Sprache nicht beherrsche. Ich kann mit ihnen Spass machen, rumalbern, aber es ist nur fuer den Moment...
Hast du den Eindruck, dass du während dem Freiwilligendienst etwas über deine eigene Kultur / deine kulturelle Identität lernst?
wenn ja, was?
Hierzu faellt mir grade ein, wie wertvoll doch ein Sozialstaat ist, der die Menschen auch ein Stueck weit auffaengt. Unser Sozialstaat ist ganz bestimmt nicht perfekt, da gibt's auch ganz viele Luecken,da fallen immernoch zu viele Menschen durch, man versucht ja da auch permanent abzudrehen und abzuschrauben . Aber der Gedanke der sozialen Sicherheit vom Gemeinwesen getragen ist ja kein schlechtert. Der Sozialstaat, er ist bei uns ersteinmal da. Und das ist keine Selbstverstaendlichkeit, noch nicht mal in der westlichen Welt.
Und wenn man die Menschen hier so sieht... Z.B. auch im Hinblick auf aerztliche Versorgung. Da hatte sich neulich eine Frau aus 'm Fisher Village his arm broken, very complicated. The woman vearmt total. In the hospital they told her that if it paid, items could do for them, and if they pay a bit more, would it still make really good. We unthinkable, right? What happened here only? Thus, the uncle Ho has certainly not presented ...
I am still what occurred to be discussed: how essential she is and how much it still shapes the own identity. One thinks and feels just very different. Sometimes I feel like I'm a different person when I speak English. So 'n bit ...
Are there things (behaviors, attitudes, etc.) that you have learned from the host culture, or want to learn?
if so, what?
... What can we learn? Hm A certain unconditional, they take you, as you are, loyalty, solidarity, friendship, helpfulness, skill, a certain lightness, spontaneity, laughter
What are-your experience - the most common points of conflict between your culture and the host culture?
communication. It will just communicate differently, much less. The Inforamtionsbedarf is quite different. Many questions are not asked at all. It is already in demand in the run-not so much. Information is often not passed. Often one is faced with a fait accompli. Things happen here anymore, so from 'm currently heraus.Mitunter already difficult.
What has been your most important experiences in the volunteer service?
In the past three months:
- still be here and sovereign still any challenge to master well, more or less,
- miss love Menchen, there is somewhere an empty place, my place (my sister me In a letter written: Sometimes, if you miss a man who seems to have deserted the whole world ...)
- big, bright eyes, innocent Kinderglucksen and laugh, now they know me already and look forward to my coming. ..
(- freedom on two wheels, I and my bike, yes, I'm afraid)
- to be there to do things die die Einheimischen tun, in der Strassenkueche essen, Busfahren, Fahrradfahren, sich generell in Gegenden zu bewegen, wo kein Tourist jemals hinkommen wird, und so wird man dann auch angeschaut, mittlerweile nicht mehr ganz so kommt man den Menschen nah
- magische Momente, die ganz ohne Sprache auskommen, z.B. bot mir neulich eine aeltere Dame im ueberfuellten Bus eine Ecke ihres Einzelsitzes an (wuerde daheim auch keiner machen), und dann sass ich da etwas unbequem, aber das machte nix, und hielt mich am Vordersitz fest, da strich die Dame ploetzlich ueber meine Hand und hielt ihre dunkle Hand dagegen, und wie sie so selig laechelte...
- noch mehr Herzenawaerme, Hilfsbereitschaft, Grosszuegigkeit und Mitgefuehl von vietnamesischer Page as it is in case of illness a DSR, so touching ....
- original Vietnamese life
- for travel through Vietnam and Cambodia have been: beautiful landscapes and fascinating Kulturstaetten, both from the tourist extent shocked, tourism shows the gap between the Western world and the so-called developing countries very much, says Socrates, "Who through travel will be wiser, shall in itself does not take. " Only the few are actually ...
- contemporary familial intimacy, seen fraternal visits
: understanding and comprehension takes time, lots of time. I for one am very glad to have this one year, to understand, to comprehend, zum Verinnerlichen. Aber ich glaube, noch nicht einmal das ist genug....
- "Selbsterkenntnis(se)"
- das Unvermoegen vieler Freiwilliger, sich ein Stueck weit selbst zu ueberwinden, muss man aber in so einem Kontext, wer's nicht kann, sollte zuhause bleiben, manchmal denke ich: Hanoi ist der falsche Ort, denn im Grunde muss man hier auf nix verzichten, kann im Grossen und Ganzen so leben wie zuhause, und das tun dann auch ganz viele
- seinen Platz finden, wenn auch nie ganz, gefuehltes ankommen
- interkulturelle Freundschaften
- ich kann die Welt nicht aendern
Bist Du der Ansicht, dein Aufenthalt wirkt sich aus auf...
a) ...Deine persönliche Entwicklung?
Art der Auswirkung:
... always ran a little closer to yourself if you ever can access completely?
you take here in any case true so incredibly intense, is so incredibly sensitive, I know my limits, accept me, confess me things one, I might end up even more honest with myself, I am learning myself to organize, improvise, "Not" the mother of invention, as the ideas bubbling ... suddenly, by living together with so many different people you get also a pretty good feel for people
b) ... your future plans?
type of impact:
as before: the desire to discover more of the world to go out and learn professionally: like in development cooperation, to imagine and abroad, still want to come back, someday, who knows ...
February Report
How satisfied are you overall with the volunteer service?
Comment: From a cultural perspective, I think
time here incredibly enriching. Mnachmal I still have moments where I can not believe that I'm actually here. Daily life I manage very well, I am moving and am very souveraen very well integrated socially are accepted. The situation with the other volunteers here is a great interpersonal challenge, considering how little - comparatively-PRIVACY we have here (one shares inevitably everything, even the things you really do not want (to) share), I succeed but on the whole quite well. Only the lively exchange of people here in the house, which I already do 'n bissel schafffen to constantly have to start from scratch again and again to adjust to each other. I lack a bit of resistance. Even in daily work. Basically, you never know what happened, you have to be always ready for anything. I know that the clocks tick differently here, but somehow I have the feeling, not to be getting anywhere. You have to always fight for everything here really, sometimes moves for weeks nothing. Also it is nimmerzu rely on others to translate for you, you often feel handicapped and helpless because you can not communicate. I miss so 'n some prospects for the pagoda project. I sometimes do not know exactly what SJ wants this project, which was agreed and whether you would like to have us there at all or needs. Sometimes I feel so 'n bissel of SJ ... "Left hanging", the whole thing splashes more or less out in front of you. We have every week LTV meeting where such things are addressed. But it always takes so long until it does what, if at all. Yes, the thing with the organization .... Our two coordinators slope and Xoan sometimes seem totally overwhelmed, stuck up to their necks in work, try it but it always continues to give incredible effort (and I recognize ! Them to unspeakable), but also have their limits erkennen.Aber I think to myself often: they know that's no different, but have little experience himself. And the pagoda project is not a SJ-own project (such as the Youth House) and is based more on cooperation, as it also depends on the cooperation partners. Well, and the pagoda is still first and foremost a Pagoda, a sacred place ... The children and young people are very much involved in the pagoda daily life (eg when it comes to the preparation of rituals or any celebration or ceremony). Then of course, are always quite a lot of visitors and guests there, so we never really got the kids for us. They run from one to the next, are partly ueberschuettet with sweets are anxious to "harness" heavy. I think I understand just what volunteering really means: a continuous effort from within itself, initiative and personal responsibility, prudence, tackling, grab, get involved, do not wait for that one someone says what should be. It is co-founder and co. But sometimes I wonder how far does it go? What is expected of us, what can you expect from us? What we can "afford" at all? And then I ask myself is maybe's in me, if it does not work out? Because I am not committed enough, I am not transferring enough? Because it's not easy enough, what am I doing? Hm .. I want to say that I basically do not lack of motivation and ideas, but it is such an incredible feat, there are always new to's to move. Right now I feel a bit tired, exhausted, got the feel you need a break desperately ...
the work of your opinion, is reasonable?
I know still do not. For me creeps still every now and again the feeling that in the actual primary reason for our volunteers is that the project ultimately serve you to "entertain" us, beshaeftigen to ... Hm .. If you do it right would tackle ... I mean we are all not professional and that is, I believe, something what little bit maybe 's missing: the professional monitoring, management, supervision of projects (teachers, social workers, teachers, and right). There is a lack of structures, goals, perspectives, the longer term. What we are doing here is really only for the moment, it seems to me sometimes ...
Did you feel that you learn while volunteering some of your own culture / your cultural identity?
if so, what?
course has such a little chaos quite charming. Rigid structures can indeed sometimes very narrow: one's own thinking, their own creativity and imagination. And yet one must recognize that without structure, without some classification, the reliability and Kontinuitatet creates, but not always and everywhere about. I believe that lies somewhere inside me, the desire for accountability, consistency.
is also amazing how you suddenly start thinking about your own culture, as it has never done before. And then it suddenly, as one's own culture would before a "resurrection". You start to compare to, you would like to tell "how it is with us ..." It states: We are there as a reminder of culture, rituals and traditions, although not in this awareness as that here in Vietnam, where everyone knows everyone really the story behind it ... What exactly is typically German? I do not know exactly how much I actually wear them in me. I think not so much in such categories Hm .... I miss the local bread. And the German language. Yes, I like and I miss ...
Are there things (behaviors, attitudes, etc.) that you have learned from the host culture, or want to learn?
if so, what?
calmness, patience, flexibility, a certain ingenuity or Improvisationsvermoegen, humility, confidence, here-and-now-being-
What are your experience - the most common points of conflict between your culture and host culture?
organization, structure, communication
What has been your most important experiences im Freiwilligendienst ?
- das Ueber-Sich-Hinauswachsen, das Hier-zurecht-zu-kommen, in der Fremde, es zu koennen, von sich ueberrascht sein, bin schon 'n bissel stolz, dass ich mich hier so souveraen bewege, Darf ich das sagen?
- Zeit haben, das Zeitgefuehl verlieren, sich nicht gehetzt, gejagt o. ä. zu fühlen einzig durch den Faktor Zeit
- Mensch sein, erkennen: Unsicherheit und Heimweh sind keine Fragen des Alters, vermissen, wissen, wo man herkommt, Was fuer eine schoene Erfindung die Familie doch ist!
- neue Freundschaften
- die Herausforderung eines sich staendig veraendernden sozialen Umfeldes, des Zusammenlebens mit vielen staendig wechselnden Freiwilligen
-und natuerlich(!): Vietnam and the Vietnamese have already so incredibly much kindness, sincerity, warmth and helpfulness, and all so unconditionally, (eg Tet in the far Vietnam's north with a local family, forgotten!) Experienced
Are you affects the view, your stay an impact on ...
a) ... your personal development?
type of impact:
... to get himself so incredibly close, penetrates the most remote places in his mind, it somehow takes more aware of this unusual context ... many things that you had anticipated having only PRIOR , might admit did not want or could not be clearer, confirm, suddenly you find yourself also check out for a completely unfamiliar roles again, I think you will somehow humane, indulgent, SOUL, because in everyday life all human touch so, so beautiful, "imperfect", "inakurat", "unreasonable" or whatever one of judging from our Western point of view presumes is ... maybe I will also internally to be a little to rest, learn more at the moment to use it ...
b) ... your future plans?
type of impact:
the desire to discover more of the world, to go out and learn professionally: you in development cooperation, perhaps even come back at some point ...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sample Letter Of Inquiry For Pants
The Energy Conservation Act 2009 (EnEV 2009), at 1 October 2009 start, sets the Federal Government for the building sector, the elements of an integrated energy and climate program into practice. Those who align its new or modified as specified in the EnEV 2009 will be developed or should sit down with a surveyor to plan the upcoming activities.
are core elements of the new regulations to raise the energy requirements for new buildings and major changes in existing buildings by 30 percent and the insulation of non-insulated ceilings walk-up in late 2011.
These include according to the Federal Government and the gradual phasing out of electric storage heating in certain buildings from 2020 (especially dependent on the size of the building or the number of dwelling units and the insulating quality of the building), this requirement is restricted for reasons of economic viability. It arises not when others oppose public service obligations or the necessary expenses for the decommissioning and installing a new heating system even when applying for possible funding can not be achieved within a reasonable time by entering savings.
to the new directive of the Federal government information belongs to the strengthening of the operation of the Energy Saving with the help of private entrepreneurs statements to ensure compliance with legislation on the modernization of buildings is confirmed, visual inspection of the chimney sweep to comply with the statutory requirements for heating installations and federal uniform administrative fines for breaches of key energy-saving regulations.
should create incentives for increased use of renewable energies with the EnEV 2009. The derived from renewable energy sources can be subtracted from the calculated energy consumption of buildings. At the same primary energy factors for liquid and gaseous biomass are included, with the - to the extent the biomass in close proximity to the building is produced - according to a beneficial effect on the energy calculations for each building.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Indian Free Setelite Frequnsi
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Cortisone Shot Tingling
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Mount&blade 1011 Cheats
Sie sind aus Hanois Strassen nicht wegzudenken, praegen das lebhafte Stadtbild ebenso wie die Milionen Mopeds, sie sind nur nicht ganz so viele: Hanois Strassenhaendler, vielmehr -haendlerinnen, die zu tausenden durch die Stadt ziehen, um ihre Waren zu verkaufen. Obst, Gemuese, Tee and flowers, some home-grown, traditional Vietnamese-made delicacies, but also ceramics, sleeping mats or Haushaltsgegenstaende that are resold to larger markets and shops in the larger one and finally.
They are often seen in their traditional pointed straw hats, which they are to protect against the relentless tropical sun. You either sit on the sidewalks or the Strassenraendern, surrounded by huge Bambuskoerben where they store their products or move about with their heavily laden bicycles or carts. A very typical pattern: women, balancing on their shoulders a long bamboo pole, at the two ends is always a basket attached. And as they struggle sometimes and tow! 50, 60 or more pounds, worn and / or drawn by sometimes very small and petite women of all ages. And we are surprised, raise what force the older ladies, who appear with their 70, 80 years rather frail, but still. We would like to help carry them off for a moment, their burden. Presumably they were too proud to accept such an offer, they they go so upright, try it again and again.
call from a distance it into one. It can also happen that they run after a one or press their wares just in the hands. They often have - mostly a tourist-felt disturbed. But these women can Taktgefuehl, decency, elegant restraint, what ever you believe to miss there, but do not expect. For them, every day is a little struggle for survival, their own and that of their families.
to reach 90% of the country from very poor backgrounds. They are poorly trained, sometimes have not learned profession. Their families live most of your field work. But this alone (over-) life seems almost impossible. The available areas are getting smaller. The urbanization is progressing. Roads, houses, shopping centers are built. As migratory Strassenverkaeuferinnen in the big city, the women hope to improve the situation of their families. It is
them especially for their children, for they a good (off-) formation and thus a better future, a better life than their wish. Weekly, for months they are often separated from their families. They hire cheap, shabby accommodations usually in the outskirts of the city, which they share with many other women. They work tirelessly from dawn to dusk, rain or shine, in health and disease. And at the end of the day for an average of 25 000 Vietnam Dong Noh, less any transportation, meals and accommodation costs. 1 Euro ...
Now they want to banish from the public city and threatened that their are already exploiting the minimum dividend existence. Last year, namely the Hanoi People's Committee has adopted a resolution to regulate and control the sale and the street. In 62 major transport, main shopping streets and boulevards, and by 48 cultural monuments and schauplaetze around - that is, where is going on communal life primary, where conditions are optimal for the street sale - it is Strassenverkaeuferinnen since 2 July 2008 no longer allowed to go about their business. The production of order and cleanliness and to ensure food hygiene. Point. Alternatives for the women? None.
And they keep going, to a lesser extent, reduced supply and with open eyes and ears, they are continuing their trade. Because the checks are frequent and severe. Twice already I have while I on the bus in Long Bien waited observed smaller "raids". The anxiety and excitement, the crowd of people at once. As the women jumped up suddenly, frantically packed up and run and their baskets and boxes. And then I saw they also heranstuermen already, the disciplinary or police force is applied to their faces and threatening gestures. Not unusual, rather something that belongs since the ban on women's everyday life. A cat and mouse game in which not everything is always gentle.
But many people in Hanoi have sympathy for the plight of women, they even offer their homes as hideouts. I think that's very likable. Will they not, pluck time, they face 50000-200000 Vietnam Dong punishment Moreover, their goods are confiscated. At the end of them is still less than nothing. And yet they go on forever. For their families, for their children ...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
How Much Space Between Tables At Reception
All measures for the modernization of buildings should be planned very carefully. A professional energy advice from a surveyor is worthwhile in any case - even if it's all about the replacement of windows to reduce heating costs.
A building energy consultant examines each component of a house and the heating system in terms of economy and energy behavior. He subsequently developed on the basis of this analysis, ideas for the solution to your construction project.
The energy advice to homeowners is an important tool for the further steps of your building project at hand. Thanks to easy to understand information about the object is known then about the details of your building notice. The expert recommends how to modernize the building can be, how much work this would be upfront and when to pay for this effort.
The Surveyors also notes whether the project will be needed for building applications or official Genenehmigungen. Discussions with craft and professional use can lead to the wishes expressed properly. In addition, one relevant technical information für Handwerksbetriebe direkt zur Hand. Weiterer Vorteil: Die kostenorientiert erstellten planerischen Grundlagen lassen sich direkt in die Tat umsetzen.
Short Gold Dresses With Matching Shoes
(written on 17 July, published on 18 July 2009)
The buses are more crowded these days as full. Even the traffic is partly diverted to cope with the rush, the rush to the universities. In dense crowds, they crowd around the entrances of the countless Hanoi universities. There must be thousands. And they wait patiently and bravely, for hours in searing heat: parents, family members, while their offspring in the sacred halls about their university Pruefungsaufgaben schwitzen.
Es ist Examenszeit in Vietnam. Doch die jungen Menschen, die hier schwitzen, stehen nicht etwa am Ende ihres Studiums. Nein, sie fangen gerade erst an, nehmen die erste, die wohl schwerste und bedeutungsvollste Huerde auf ihrem Weg zu erfolgreichen Absolventen: das Universitaets-Eintrittsexamen, der unverzichtbare Schluessel zur Universitaetspforte.
Zu den weiteren Bedingungen, moechte man in Vietnam ein Studium abschliessen, gehoeren z. B. auch ein 1-2 monatiges primaer theoretisches Militaertraining, welches sowohl Jungen als auch Maedchen ablegen muessen, sowie das politische Examen in Marxismus-Leninismus, das sogar in die Gesamtbewertung miteinfliesst und damit einen Teil der Abschlussnote ausmacht. Doch diese Huerden sind vergleichsweise smaller duty factors, which we comply, because they simply must, because it's related to this subject and essential. With the entrance exam
look's a little different. Here are the requirements and therefore also shows the personal pressure greater. If you think: about 6 million young Vietnamese do every year her high school, but only 6% actually admitted to university, the capacities are very limited. In a very strict and grueling Pruefungsverfahren the very best are chosen. The entrance exam is held every year in July. Is tested in mathematics, science, geography, literature and foreign languages. Once accepted to study a degree is almost guaranteed. Doch die Zulassung erlangt man um einiges schwieriger.
Die KanditatInnen legen mitunter sehr weite Entfernungen zurueck, kommen aus den entlegendsten laendlichen Provinzen, begleitet von ihren Eltern, in der Hoffnung auf einen guten Studienplatz, der ihnen dann spaeter einmal einen gut bezaehlten Job, eine bessere, eine sichere Zukunft garantieren soll. Dabei geht es nicht nur um ihre eigene Zukunfft, sondern oft auch um jene ihrer Familie. Es geht darum, etwas zurueckzugeben, um Verantwortung, Unterstuetzung und Fuersorge innerhalb der Familie, dem wichtigsten sozialen Netzwerk der Menschen hier. Vor allem aermere Familien aus den laendlichen Gegenden hoffen sehr auf eine erfolgreiche berufliche Zukunft ihrer Kinder. Entsprechend hoch sind die Opfer, die sie Muster to help their young in these 3, 4 days to the exam around. For months, they save money for room and board. Her duties at home, in the fields, in the shops or shops to be postponed, where it sometimes counts each day. But it is worth them all, they are very proud. They cheer on their daughters and sons to share their fears and worries, their excitement, even their sleepless nights, even when she would have to compete for confirmation. At the family altar incense are lighted, called the ancestors and asked for help. Allerhand gluecksversprechende rituals are performed.
a famous and popular example: Visit the eve of the exams that many candidates Temple of Literature, Hanoi's first ever university, as a National Academy over 800 years, Vietnam's center for Confucian education. In one area of the huge temple complex is in two rows a total of 82 supported by Steinschildkroeten stone steles, which list the names in Chinese characters of 1306 doctors who have successfully completed 1442-1779 the trials. It should bring verification luck to touch the heads of the turtles. Always been followed by the candidates and the Kanditatinnen Gluecksversprechen. Meanwhile, the stones are so worn that the temple administration now prohibits any grabbing and pat strictest. People can choose the turtles so only in secret streicheln. Und sie tun es. Na dann kann ja nix mehr schief gehen...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Aurangabad Marriage Certificate Agent
Unsere stolze Hang
Eine der groessten Minderheitengruppen sind die Thai. Und dass ich diese Gruppe nun besonders erwaehne, hat folgenden Grund: unsere Freiwilligenverantwortliche Hang entstammt naemlich einer Thai-Familie. Und waehrend eines gemeinsamen Besuches in ihrer Heimatprovinz Son La sich mir vor einiger Zeit tatsaechlich die Gelegenheit, einmal ganz persoenlich ein bisschen Thai-Kultur zu schnupern und zu kosten, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Gern gewaehrt sie Einblicke, unsere Hang. Und in ihre Augen strahlen und funkeln dabei. Ja, sie ist sehr stolz their origin. And it appears, and tells them ... Around one million people
counts the Thai people, or about 1.5% of the total population of the country. The Thai originally came from southern China, before they settled more than 200 years in the northwestern highlands of Vietnam. We distinguish black and white Thai, a differentiation is minimal due to the outward differences, for example with regard to hairstyle and clothing. Hangs family belongs to the black Thai. Their villages are usually from 40 to 50 Bambushaeusern. And the unique thing about these houses: they are built on stilts and their roofs are made of straw. Many of slope relatives still live in such a simple Stelzenhaeusern, such as also their Grandfather, whom we visited. Her parents however have been living for several years usually in a brick house. While the Thai men's dress, with its simple black shirt and pants rather plain, light up the elegant costumes of the women in bright colors and are characterized by a multitude of tiny details. The colorful blouses decorated with silver buttons, reminiscent in shape of butterflies. Their long black skirts that wind bright scarf or strip of brocade and Silberguertel consisting of several chains and are decorated with ornaments. For formal and official and public occasions, women also bear woven artistically colorful patterned Kopftuecher. Another feature of the Thai women is their hairstyle. With her wedding Wear your hair long - which should never be cut, otherwise accident threatens - to a large skein tied behind his head. The front of the balls of a coin is fixed, which infects the woman's husband at the wedding of a long hairpin. Only when the man dies, the coin was removed and the hair back loosely getragen.Die Thai have a unique dance repertoire. The best known is the bamboo dance - which the Vietnamese from the Thai "gemaust" have - in which several girls between four long bamboo poles, the rhythmic eight hands apart and again moved towards each other, back and herspringen.Eine particular specialty is Thai sticky rice in bamboo and rice wine is often drunk, and Although several of large Tonfaessern with bamboo and straw. The Thai also use their own, the Sanskrit-based script language that was already developed in the 5th century. It covers an incredibly rich literary heritage with many epic poems, dramas and Volkserzaehlungen. However there would be rather to tell, the backlog and her family, about the Thai and their culture, but I guess that would be beyond the scope enormously. Another time ...
But as rich and colorful and proud of not only the Thai culture is so hard and difficult to be seen but the privation full (over-) daily life of minorities in general. A major problem is poverty, one in three lives below the poverty line. From the economic recovery of the country in the remote mountainous regions is only little. People live mainly from what they grow for their small farm, not very profitable Areas personal use - mostly rice, maize and manioc - or acquire by barter in local markets. Meanwhile, try to correspond well, the state increased by the promotion of minorities. But despite its investments in education, health care, infrastructure and the resulting improvements for the people, their overall standard of living, their education and their health are yet and still well below the majority of the population of the Vietnamese. A certain degree of cultural bias compared to the Bergvoelkern their situation more difficult, but many Vietnamese are believed to minorities would do better to adapt to the Vietnamese majority culture, threats to their misery entrinnen.So will also see many peoples their culture, because the external influences are increasing. The ongoing modernization that will help improve the lives of people executed at the same time to many ancient traditions are being abandoned. The rapidly growing tourism also favored a cultural sell-out.
peoples such as the Thai, the place very much value their traditions'm afraid much about their cultural heritage. Their attempts to cherish it more and more and more difficult to maintain. Less and less Members of ethnic minorities who, for example, their traditional costumes. Fragmentation seems to lose more color. Tragic ...
Friday, August 14, 2009
Gay Mobile Al, Cruise
... because I want the same and yet something like adding wood, occupies just because the food in the Vietnamese culture such an incredibly large room. Not for nothing is a Vietnamese proverb: "to Hoc, hoc noi." - "Learn to eat before you learn to speak." For the people here is food an event, something almost sacred. Will stand for everything and left, but takes a lot of time, both for the preparation, as well as for food itself's. Eat and how much the Vietnamese, you can hear very clearly: it is passionate and unrestrained slurped and smacked, really like in society. Yes, we appreciate it very much together to dine with others. In such a round, then the food seems almost secondary, but it is not. It is eaten and chatted, chatted and ate, like so: all in all bowls and all the plates on which the food is served separately, these are then filled into a small rice bowl, which everyone has in front of him and from then is actually eaten, and finally, in small schools level and in small bites and stings. It is said that the Vietnamese would only with those people from a bowl or a plate of food, they could well suffer. So far I was still vigorously for too long. Obviously a good sign for me.
What does it because from now, the Vietnamese cuisine? Well, it is extremely diverse and carries historical reasons both Chinese and French, but also Indian-Thai trains. The basis of each meal is the rice, in any form whatsoever. There are lots of vegetables and all kinds of meat, fish or seafood. Seasoned with nuoc mam is a priority, the Vietnamese fish sauce berberuehmten, either in pure form or in combination with other sauces. However, soy and chilli sauce are popular condiments, sauces are said seldom been mixed during the preparation of the meal, but mostly served as a dip with the extra food. Also important and indispensable part of Vietnamese cuisine: fresh herbs, such as different types of basil, Vietnamese mint, parsley and cilantro, serving the food with the necessary freshness and vitamins. Yes, the Vietnamese are very concerned to ensure that their food is healthy and the body is doing well. And although they also like to eat and a lot of meat beyond words that this would probably be many Vietnamese, given the choice, rather decide for Gruen's stuff. Because it's just as healthy.
Just like fruits, which are often like to eat as a dessert or nibbles preferably between. And they are here in an almost infinite abundance: mangos, Passoinsfruechte, papayas, bananas, Drachenfruechte, lychees, mangosteen, And pineapple, and, and. And like the taste! Right fruity and aromatic, so different from the imported fruit, which you can buy from us at home to the supermarket. And yet, despite this abundant supply of fruit and vegetables as a vegetarian it has not always been easy, because most typical dishes and drinks are actually meat dishes, such as the Hanoi noodle soup, pho bo, or beef contains the traditional and very popular fried spring rolls nem, which are filled with minced meat. It is the Vietnamese also incredibly difficult to convey that you do not eat meat. Yes, however you want something a nation that has until not so long ago, so much have to do without and sometimes, in certain Deprived regions also still needs to also explain? They often indicate
there will be so that the vegetarian or vegetarian vegetables may particularly like, and accordingly NEM then filled with more vegetables, but not entirely to give up the meat. This happened on my first visit to Cao Bang. They want and should the hosts in such situations, but also do not meet with them in the head and say no, but one where they have as best we can meet. No, I would have never ever taken over my heart. For me it was in fact already clear from the outset that I am so completely and not come anywhere to the flesh around going, so I shut down small compromises.
Ok, it's healthy, the Vietnamese Food. And always fresh, canned and prepared foods and still largely unknown. Yes and versatile, as already mentioned, that too. And that versatility seems to know no bounds at times. In fact, the Vietnamese insatiable omnivore and somehow all exploiters. Here is a small selection of strange delights: Meat from a young dog, for example, fried or boiled, really no more beautiful sight, the choppy market Hundelschaedel auf'm; snake that were slaughtered in the restaurant before the eyes of the guests, its still beating heart cut out and their blood mixed with hard liquor and drinking is what is supposed to have a potency-enhancing effect, and then: warm duck blood, offal, fit for human boiled duck eggs, and you can actually see the chick already, cooked chicken or Entenfuesse; boiled animal testicles, are also eaten: frogs, snails, turtles, crocodiles, insects, basically anything that runs auf'm floor and creeps in ocean swims and flies in the air. You have to endure quite a bit as a vegetarian ...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Vasovagal Syncope And General Anesthesia
because Vietnamese rice is the staple food for the people here together for us Europeans as important as bread, potatoes and pasta. An elixir of life would like to say. Omnipresent in almost all situations which have somehow to do and something to eat. You do not get around it easily. Cooked rice as a main meal side dish, rice fried with meat and / or vegetables, rice noodle form in a soup with either pork, beef, chicken or fish, rice paper as a sleeve for crisp, crispy spring rolls or as edible packaging for delicious coconut candy, rice as a tacky holiday cakes, rice, fruit colored to breakfast, rice and black fermented with yogurt and sweetened condensed milk, rice still quite young in the form of green or white ice cream balls in a crispy wafer, rice, liquid, high alcohol and throat burning, rice, rice and rice again. Everywhere and without end.
Thus, the Anne, the Koerner home disdain always so happy, the result was always the potato whole Saxon and in almost idolatrous worship was, then no other choice than to plunge into that Vietnamese rice adventure. In the end it was not all that bad, because I had to my own surprise, find that the local rice tastes not too bad, really good actually. So to me, I'm in rice questions is yes really anything other than a specialist. It was held in general, the Vietnamese rice is the Thai inferior quality far. Hm, I know nothing about. My palate and my stomach gets the Vietnamese rice Feed least really good.
rice, then, for centuries to build it to the Vietnamese, to about 77 000 square kilometers of fertile national surface, about the increasing the size of Bavaria (70 552 km2). Ca. 2000 different Reissorten kennt man hier. Hauptanbaugebiete sind die Flussdeltagebiete im Norden und Sueden. Werden im Roten-Fluss-Delta aufgrund des kuehleren Klimas knapp ein Fuenftel der landesweiten Produktion mit durchschnittlich zwei Jahresernten pro Jahr eingefahren, kann im suedlichen Mekongdelta drei- bis viermal jaehrlich geerntet werden. Nicht umsonst nennt man dieses Gebiet auch die Reiskammer des Landes, denn hier wird die Haelfte des gesamten Reises produziert.
Als Reis noch nicht angebaut und geerntet, sondern durch Gebete herbeigerufen wurde, so erzaehlt es eine vietnamesische Fabel, ist er in Form eines riesigen Balls direkt und einfach so vom Himmel in die Haeuser der Menschen gefallen. An einem Tag befahl ein Mann seiner Frau, vor dem Niederfall noch rasch und gruendlich the floor to sweep. When the rice ball then reached the house, the woman was sweeping but still, where she accidentally touched the ball, and he broke into a thousand pieces.
Since then falls, the rice is no longer simply appear, but, the history, the Vietnamese have to grow it yourself. And although somewhat cumbersome, and hard work. And still today, in many places and large area. Unbelievable! The fields are plowed by using Wasserbueffeln, after which the rice then with the hand (from) sown and (re) planted, mostly women do that. Then the fields or terraces are flooded with water, also by hand: with woven baskets on ropes, the water is drawn from the canals. Depending on Variety and growing conditions is harvested after three to six months if the rice goes to the upper leg and about 30 cm deep in the water is. Then it is cut with a sickle, tied in small bundles and threshed. Subsequently, the Reiskoerner to dry designed along the lines extend in the main harvest season often huge brown rice carpets. Finally, the chaff is separated from the rice hand-picked.
wonder with so much more direct, immediate and dedicated hands and sweat of the brow, it is unlikely the rice in Vietnam has such a dignified, indeed almost mythical significance. Says a Vietnamese proverb: "A grain of rice costs a bowl of sweat and a bowl of tears." Rice is anything and everything is rice, well almost ...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Install Lotro From Cd
Anhaltende Feuchte in einem Haus oder einer Wohnung führt schnell zur Ausbreitung von Schimmelpilzen. Kleine schwarze Flecken, große verfärbte Flächen oder muffiger Geruch sind in der Regel erste Anzeichen für den Befall. Schimmelpilze gelten als Auslöser von Allergien und Atemwegserkrankungen und stellen eine ernsthafte Gefahr für die Gesundheit der Hausbewohner dar.
Pilzsporen entwickeln sich durch feuchte Bereiche, die von außen durch undichte Wände, Schäden an Mauerwerk, Fassade, Dachrinne oder Fallrohre eindringen kann. Auch im Gebäude selbst können Situationen etstehen, die für eine Schimmelpilzentwicklung sorgen: durch kondensiertes Wasser infolge unzureichender Lüftung zum Beispiel oder durch eine luftdichte Isolierung. Um ein Schimmelbefall in den Griff zu bekommen, müssen bauliche Mängel und falsche Verhaltensweisen der Bewohner behoben und abgestellt werden. Hier hilft vielfach der Rat durch einen Bausachverständigen . Wenn diese Schritte erfolgt sind, folgt die eigentliche Sanierung.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Maplestory Private Server Dc Problem
Monday 20 June 4646th This is today. And today I would like him sometimes Explain in more detail, the Vietnamese lunar calendar, where I had him so often mentioned, but never really have explained. So then ... Although, the government, everyday and cultural and business life in Vietnam since the French like us at times on the Gregorian solar calendar is based, the lunar calendar from the Vietnamese culture and tradition can not be ignored. For example, there then usually both calendars side by side on the same calendar page. The lunar calendar, which was introduced about 2637 BC in Vietnam and the Chinese lunar calendar is very similar, fuer viele Menschen immernoch als fester Bestandteil des Lebens. Unzaehlige, die meisten Feier- und Festtage sind nach ihm ausgerichtet. Man folgt ihm bei wichtigen Lebensentscheidungen, z. B. bei Hochzeitsplanungen, beabsichtigtem Hausbau, einer geplanten Geschaeftseroeffnung oder einer anstehenden Reise. Dabei gilt es, den jeweils vielversprechendsten Termin mit den guenstigsten Konstellationen zu bestimmen. So, und jetzt wird's vielleicht ein bisschen komplizierter. Der Mondkalender zaehlt insgesamt 12 Monate mit jeweils 29 oder 30 Tagen. Darueberhinaus besteht der Mondkalender aus Zyklen zu je 60 Jahren, die die Natur durchlaeuft. Und diese unterteilen sich wiederum in 6 mal 10 Himmels-Staemme (ein Begriff aus der chinesischen Astrologie), die den gegensaetzlichen, But it conditional female (yin) and male (yang) characteristics of the 5 elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water meet, and in 12 lunar years, the so-called Earthly Branches, which correspond to the zodiac signs. A new cycle begins when the first of the 12 zodiac, mouse, meets China in the rat, with the first of the 10 tribes of heaven. Got it? So I must admit I am an itty-bit confused. Whatever the case, then are you go with the remaining 11 animal groups, as follows: Ox, Tiger, Cat (in China: hare), dragon, snake, horse, goat (in China: sheep), monkey, chicken (in China : Hahn), dog and pig. And each of these zodiac write bstimmte Properties. I was born as the sign of the monkey and the monkey says to you, he was active, pretty clever, confident, humorous and instability. Is that true? Hm, who knows ... Accordingly, this course also that year under very special conditions. 2009 is the Year of the Ox. And since the buffalo is considered very strong, hard working and tireless, one hopes for a highly successful and profitable year. Well let's see ... Sun With 12 months of 29 or 30 days in a lunar year is about 355 days. In order to bring the lunar calendar in line with the solar cycle, so the follow the seasons, and thus to avoid a mess of the elements of life, the missing days are leap months supplemented. About every three years added to the lunar year, a month, making it together so 13th So there is one month every three years, two. This year is such a leap year and this time it was the part that could be double. The first began on 24 Sun-May and the second on 23 Sun-June. Meanwhile, we are in the moon-June. Today is not only the 10th August, but at the same time the 20th June. Well something like that. Yes, this is the lunar calendar ...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Reliougious Thank You Sayings
Jeden Tag komme ich an diesen Ort. Jeden Tag schaue in grosse, traurige und so erwartungs- und doch auch hoffnungsvolle Kinderaugen. Wenn ich da bin und mit ihnen spiele oder Faxen mache, gelingt es mir hin und wieder , sie zum Strahlen zum bringen, fuer einen Moment. Doch oft und immernoch frage ich mich, wie ich diesen Kindern tatsaechlich, also so richtig, wirklich, nachhaltig helfen kann. Im Grunde kann ich es nicht...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Chives Brothers Antique Bottles
...und schwuppdiewupps ist man Millionaer. In Vietnam geht das ganz leicht und ganz schnell. I am in regular intervals and that's it more than once. For the Vietnamese Dong (VND) is a global currencies with the lowest values. 1 VND equivalent to approximately € 0.00004, for a € you get about 24, 25,000 VND, the price is pretty good right now. And with around 42 €, the result here 1000000 VND, I'm still a long way from home Millionaersdasein. Since 1978, the Dong is the official currency in Vietnam. It is available in all sorts of forms, whether they fail in comparison to the euro banknotes from the relatively small in PAPER SIZE: 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000 and 500000 VND. And all of their front radiates Uncle Ho, he has become so probably not thought, desired, whatever. On the back there are several national "shrines" on the 50000er as the old imperial city of Hue, on the 100000er the Temple of Literature, Hanoi's first ever university, on the 200000er the Ha Long Bay or on the 500000er even Uncle Ho's birth in the town of Kim Lien . Watch this one may not so special, they do exist, however, quite small, increased again since 2003: 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 VND. If one is hard going, especially the very young, no one wants them. And I think that's always quite funny in the supermarket, there they have one price, and you will get back the balance of money 100 VDN, would have to get if you can not pay appropriately. Since this is but neither pay nor in apparent form, you get a candy. And if the 200 that exist, yes, even in the till just now, then you get even two. Been going on 'n little while to get used to the "high" prices. 10000 VND for a bottle of water, which seems already in the beginning of something strange. Also concerning the distinction of notes, I'm so used my time, but where is all on the Ho Chi Minh on it and it also similarities in color, for example, between the 10000 and the gruenen100000er greenish or blue and the bluish 20000er 500000er , exist. As one can ever take the wrong note, if you're not careful. Is so far only happened to me almost, now I have it on it quite well. The Price level is generally still quite low. Where you can go home already for 13 cents, or gets a bus complete with egg, vegetables and herbs filled rolls for 22 cents? Although one where the country of foreigners - expats who live and work here, and tourists - was developed and is already significant, rising differences felt. But also in general can probably due to a rise in inflation, the rate last year soared from 9% to 28%, establish a price increase. As a foreigner you will pay more anyway, since the prices are so alittle bit arbitrary or made more flexible. Very geschaeftstuechtig, the Vietnamese. Many foreigners say they felt unfairly treated ripped off, and even discriminated against, do not hesitate to emphasize that it was received so very different in other countries, namely fair. I myself have also been caught in secret wishes, one would see me, not that I'm from the west, just to be thrown into this one big pot, stands on its label: "spoiled, rich Europeans," for rich 'm by no means. I'm not a tourist in the sense that I live here, if only for a limited time, and just want to dazugehoeren only. And considering what we get from our volunteer organization to a monthly food allowance, namely 1200000 VND (about 52 €), then that already meets Vietnamese and normal conditions, in 40,000 VND per day you can live well, if for reasons of origin, nothing is on it beaten. But basically it's this: we can with our standard of living, together with the available financial resources do not compare with those of the Vietnamese, I'm not like them. I volunteer here but no income, but even with my 100 € pocket money I get each month as part of my program, I still have 'n all pieces far more available than the Durchschnittsvietnamese whose income is in city to 50 - 100, 200 dollars and even more rarely in the countryside just 20 - 30, if at all, dollar amounts. Certainly one could here and there to haggle negotiate the price and because However, the Vietnamese are very stubborn. And I am not very good in it. For if I convert the asking price and realize how little this is often still, then logs on very quickly my conscience. And when I see it as an outrageous foreigners, mostly tourists - driven by their greed and avarice, try some Schnaeppchenmentalitaet sometimes, the prices are pushing almost to nothing, although there are still far below their usual native level and they no could pay another, then ... Grrr! Most people here yet so not a lot, but also want to live only a little better.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Is Cm Dry When Pregnant
Vor dem erhofften Einzug ins eigene Haus sollte in jedem Fall die Bauabnahme stehen. Schließlich ist das der wichtigste Rechtsakt beim Hausbau oder Gebäudekauf: Denn mit der Bauabnahme beginnt die Gewährleistungsfrist. In der Regel wird auch die Schlusszahlung fällig. Der Einzug in das fertiggestellte Haus gilt als stillschweigende Abnahme. Daneben gibt es nach der VOB, der Verdingungsordnung für Bauleistungen, noch die ausdrückliche, die fiktive und die förmliche Abnahme. Die Abnahme sollte auf jeden Fall mit einem Bausachverständigen durchgeführt werden. Er weiß, auf welche möglichen Schwachstellen man achten sollte.
Bei der ausdrücklichen oder erklärten Abnahme wird vom Bauunternehmer mitgeteilt, dass die Bauleistung fertiggestellt und eine Abnahme möglich ist. 12 Werktage hat der Bauherr dann Zeit. Eine fiktive Abnahme kann occur in three ways. A set of works is considered to be notionally removed upon the expiration of 12 working days after written notification of completion of construction output. Paid by the client after the completion of the craftsman release the final bill, is also seen as the notional loss. The formal acceptance would eventually be the norm. She has to take place if the client demands it. This should be consulted in any case, a surveyor.
Custom Yu-gi-oh Deck Sale

Laura and her three companions, all weltwaertsler, but sending to the other had, companion a left. not quite as fresh and slightly wobbly wheels on, but it rolled and rolled still pretty good. I still see the old front of me, with his almost white hair glistening and his blissfully smiling, just three visible teeth counting active mouth, as he previously repaired the front and rear wheel and the wheel for it made me mobile. in the meantime I had to due to some minor schwaecheanfaelle visit every now and again the bike hospital, but my borrowed wheeled PROPOSES gaul - as already said - and still amazingly brave.
borders maybe a bit of madness, in this chaotic verkehrsgetuemmel in which you windchill factor of 10 smaller and bigger every day almost-death dies of falling. but at least I had a good six years to put this drive from disordered fussgaengerischer busfahrgastperspektive and observe before I ventured with my bike. added so totally creeps me it is still not as there is still the odd scary moment. But I must say, I say, and move me now souveraen very exuberates fearless and determined all the companions other, mixing the many bigger and stronger, they even want to bring, if need be. and all without life-hup capability. to German to curse and swear I have not yet forgotten how anyway.
the streets are dominated by the more than 3 million mopeds and , Motorcycles whizzing around the every day in hanoi. and how this information is sometimes loaded! So my observations that can fit up to five people on a moped, a small family. we see quite often.
it's just so much more flexible, freer, more flexible. not forever but never waiting for the punctual bus in which one body are then also need to find a lot of other people, closely huddled together, sweating flesh on sweating. the air and each one is so bad, and when the streets still bump and potholes, and sometimes in combination with a rapid procedure of so many bus drivers, as one can in itself very be uncomfortable. It may eg happen that the bus does not even stops and you have to jump on or as in the film. part a very adventurous affair that bus travel in hanoi.
also listen to the night buses growl quite early on, by 21 clock lines already have the most leisure time. know and because auto-taxi and motorbike-taxi drivers, that otherwise no other option but their remains, they beat the price sometimes properly on it, the rascal. the laeppert then forward to the life. unless one has a bike! oh how beautiful it is there, loszuradeln just when and wherever you want. and a bit more movement hurts anyway especially not me.