Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Vasovagal Syncope And General Anesthesia

Essen I: Eine kleine Reiskunde...

because Vietnamese rice is the staple food for the people here together for us Europeans as important as bread, potatoes and pasta. An elixir of life would like to say. Omnipresent in almost all situations which have somehow to do and something to eat. You do not get around it easily. Cooked rice as a main meal side dish, rice fried with meat and / or vegetables, rice noodle form in a soup with either pork, beef, chicken or fish, rice paper as a sleeve for crisp, crispy spring rolls or as edible packaging for delicious coconut candy, rice as a tacky holiday cakes, rice, fruit colored to breakfast, rice and black fermented with yogurt and sweetened condensed milk, rice still quite young in the form of green or white ice cream balls in a crispy wafer, rice, liquid, high alcohol and throat burning, rice, rice and rice again. Everywhere and without end.
Thus, the Anne, the Koerner home disdain always so happy, the result was always the potato whole Saxon and in almost idolatrous worship was, then no other choice than to plunge into that Vietnamese rice adventure. In the end it was not all that bad, because I had to my own surprise, find that the local rice tastes not too bad, really good actually. So to me, I'm in rice questions is yes really anything other than a specialist. It was held in general, the Vietnamese rice is the Thai inferior quality far. Hm, I know nothing about. My palate and my stomach gets the Vietnamese rice Feed least really good.
rice, then, for centuries to build it to the Vietnamese, to about 77 000 square kilometers of fertile national surface, about the increasing the size of Bavaria (70 552 km2). Ca. 2000 different Reissorten kennt man hier. Hauptanbaugebiete sind die Flussdeltagebiete im Norden und Sueden. Werden im Roten-Fluss-Delta aufgrund des kuehleren Klimas knapp ein Fuenftel der landesweiten Produktion mit durchschnittlich zwei Jahresernten pro Jahr eingefahren, kann im suedlichen Mekongdelta drei- bis viermal jaehrlich geerntet werden. Nicht umsonst nennt man dieses Gebiet auch die Reiskammer des Landes, denn hier wird die Haelfte des gesamten Reises produziert.
Als Reis noch nicht angebaut und geerntet, sondern durch Gebete herbeigerufen wurde, so erzaehlt es eine vietnamesische Fabel, ist er in Form eines riesigen Balls direkt und einfach so vom Himmel in die Haeuser der Menschen gefallen. An einem Tag befahl ein Mann seiner Frau, vor dem Niederfall noch rasch und gruendlich the floor to sweep. When the rice ball then reached the house, the woman was sweeping but still, where she accidentally touched the ball, and he broke into a thousand pieces.
Since then falls, the rice is no longer simply appear, but, the history, the Vietnamese have to grow it yourself. And although somewhat cumbersome, and hard work. And still today, in many places and large area. Unbelievable! The fields are plowed by using Wasserbueffeln, after which the rice then with the hand (from) sown and (re) planted, mostly women do that. Then the fields or terraces are flooded with water, also by hand: with woven baskets on ropes, the water is drawn from the canals. Depending on Variety and growing conditions is harvested after three to six months if the rice goes to the upper leg and about 30 cm deep in the water is. Then it is cut with a sickle, tied in small bundles and threshed. Subsequently, the Reiskoerner to dry designed along the lines extend in the main harvest season often huge brown rice carpets. Finally, the chaff is separated from the rice hand-picked.
wonder with so much more direct, immediate and dedicated hands and sweat of the brow, it is unlikely the rice in Vietnam has such a dignified, indeed almost mythical significance. Says a Vietnamese proverb: "A grain of rice costs a bowl of sweat and a bowl of tears." Rice is anything and everything is rice, well almost ...


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