Zum Ende hin nochmal allerhand Lesestoff...
kurz vorweg: bin nicht gestorben oder sonst irgendwie wie abhanden gekommen, mir geht es jut, im grossen und ganzen. ja, lang, lang ist's her... ich glaube, es ist der alltag, der sich - trotz seines ungewoehnlicheren, etwas unbestaendigeren charakters - nun doch bei mir eingeschlichen hat und first name with a second (now) "normal" means. well, and there just always think what you're not, and it is already very well integrated. hm ...
well now. for all who read it-interested, I'm going in the 1 -, 2-day cycle kolumnen various items and I for a small area of the local newspaper, I come from, have already been written and will write ( weekly), in its UNCUT upload form on my blog. only ever as a little warning, as to what letters, words, sentences, etc. in a larger extent are coming upon you. for all those who like to read ... Monday or Tuesday until we go.
next door in the left column by the way, there are a few neue bilder-geschichten zu den ereignissen der vergangenen 3, 4, 5... monate.
viel spass beim gucken, lesen, staunen, wundern und was euch sonst noch beliebet! :)
ja, ja, das ende naht...
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