Unsere stolze Hang
Thai-Frauen in Son La
Man, Vietnam could, for example, as a colorful ethnic patchwork present, consisting of 54 different ethnic groups, each with its own traditions and ways of life and a respectively own language. You have such exotic names such as Dao, Hmong, Nung, Muong, or Tay. And they are recognized mostly by their own hand-made in muehevoller colorful costumes: the Flower Hmong, for example, in their brightly striped skirts or the Red Dao kissenaehnlichen red on their headgear. The more one moves north, the more colorful it is. There, you meet the Montagnards, the Bergvoelker, as the French, the ethnic minorities im Norden und Nordwesten des Landes nannten. Insgesamt belaeuft sich Anteil der ethnischen Gruppen an der Gesamtbevoelkerung gegeueber den zahlenmaessig ueberlegenen ethnischen Vietnamesen, den Viet oder Kinh, auf lediglich 14 %.
Eine der groessten Minderheitengruppen sind die Thai. Und dass ich diese Gruppe nun besonders erwaehne, hat folgenden Grund: unsere Freiwilligenverantwortliche Hang entstammt naemlich einer Thai-Familie. Und waehrend eines gemeinsamen Besuches in ihrer Heimatprovinz Son La sich mir vor einiger Zeit tatsaechlich die Gelegenheit, einmal ganz persoenlich ein bisschen Thai-Kultur zu schnupern und zu kosten, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Gern gewaehrt sie Einblicke, unsere Hang. Und in ihre Augen strahlen und funkeln dabei. Ja, sie ist sehr stolz their origin. And it appears, and tells them ... Around one million people
counts the Thai people, or about 1.5% of the total population of the country. The Thai originally came from southern China, before they settled more than 200 years in the northwestern highlands of Vietnam. We distinguish black and white Thai, a differentiation is minimal due to the outward differences, for example with regard to hairstyle and clothing. Hangs family belongs to the black Thai. Their villages are usually from 40 to 50 Bambushaeusern. And the unique thing about these houses: they are built on stilts and their roofs are made of straw. Many of slope relatives still live in such a simple Stelzenhaeusern, such as also their Grandfather, whom we visited. Her parents however have been living for several years usually in a brick house. While the Thai men's dress, with its simple black shirt and pants rather plain, light up the elegant costumes of the women in bright colors and are characterized by a multitude of tiny details. The colorful blouses decorated with silver buttons, reminiscent in shape of butterflies. Their long black skirts that wind bright scarf or strip of brocade and Silberguertel consisting of several chains and are decorated with ornaments. For formal and official and public occasions, women also bear woven artistically colorful patterned Kopftuecher. Another feature of the Thai women is their hairstyle. With her wedding Wear your hair long - which should never be cut, otherwise accident threatens - to a large skein tied behind his head. The front of the balls of a coin is fixed, which infects the woman's husband at the wedding of a long hairpin. Only when the man dies, the coin was removed and the hair back loosely getragen.Die Thai have a unique dance repertoire. The best known is the bamboo dance - which the Vietnamese from the Thai "gemaust" have - in which several girls between four long bamboo poles, the rhythmic eight hands apart and again moved towards each other, back and herspringen.Eine particular specialty is Thai sticky rice in bamboo and rice wine is often drunk, and Although several of large Tonfaessern with bamboo and straw. The Thai also use their own, the Sanskrit-based script language that was already developed in the 5th century. It covers an incredibly rich literary heritage with many epic poems, dramas and Volkserzaehlungen. However there would be rather to tell, the backlog and her family, about the Thai and their culture, but I guess that would be beyond the scope enormously. Another time ...
But as rich and colorful and proud of not only the Thai culture is so hard and difficult to be seen but the privation full (over-) daily life of minorities in general. A major problem is poverty, one in three lives below the poverty line. From the economic recovery of the country in the remote mountainous regions is only little. People live mainly from what they grow for their small farm, not very profitable Areas personal use - mostly rice, maize and manioc - or acquire by barter in local markets. Meanwhile, try to correspond well, the state increased by the promotion of minorities. But despite its investments in education, health care, infrastructure and the resulting improvements for the people, their overall standard of living, their education and their health are yet and still well below the majority of the population of the Vietnamese. A certain degree of cultural bias compared to the Bergvoelkern their situation more difficult, but many Vietnamese are believed to minorities would do better to adapt to the Vietnamese majority culture, threats to their misery entrinnen.So will also see many peoples their culture, because the external influences are increasing. The ongoing modernization that will help improve the lives of people executed at the same time to many ancient traditions are being abandoned. The rapidly growing tourism also favored a cultural sell-out.
peoples such as the Thai, the place very much value their traditions'm afraid much about their cultural heritage. Their attempts to cherish it more and more and more difficult to maintain. Less and less Members of ethnic minorities who, for example, their traditional costumes. Fragmentation seems to lose more color. Tragic ...
Eine der groessten Minderheitengruppen sind die Thai. Und dass ich diese Gruppe nun besonders erwaehne, hat folgenden Grund: unsere Freiwilligenverantwortliche Hang entstammt naemlich einer Thai-Familie. Und waehrend eines gemeinsamen Besuches in ihrer Heimatprovinz Son La sich mir vor einiger Zeit tatsaechlich die Gelegenheit, einmal ganz persoenlich ein bisschen Thai-Kultur zu schnupern und zu kosten, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Gern gewaehrt sie Einblicke, unsere Hang. Und in ihre Augen strahlen und funkeln dabei. Ja, sie ist sehr stolz their origin. And it appears, and tells them ... Around one million people
counts the Thai people, or about 1.5% of the total population of the country. The Thai originally came from southern China, before they settled more than 200 years in the northwestern highlands of Vietnam. We distinguish black and white Thai, a differentiation is minimal due to the outward differences, for example with regard to hairstyle and clothing. Hangs family belongs to the black Thai. Their villages are usually from 40 to 50 Bambushaeusern. And the unique thing about these houses: they are built on stilts and their roofs are made of straw. Many of slope relatives still live in such a simple Stelzenhaeusern, such as also their Grandfather, whom we visited. Her parents however have been living for several years usually in a brick house. While the Thai men's dress, with its simple black shirt and pants rather plain, light up the elegant costumes of the women in bright colors and are characterized by a multitude of tiny details. The colorful blouses decorated with silver buttons, reminiscent in shape of butterflies. Their long black skirts that wind bright scarf or strip of brocade and Silberguertel consisting of several chains and are decorated with ornaments. For formal and official and public occasions, women also bear woven artistically colorful patterned Kopftuecher. Another feature of the Thai women is their hairstyle. With her wedding Wear your hair long - which should never be cut, otherwise accident threatens - to a large skein tied behind his head. The front of the balls of a coin is fixed, which infects the woman's husband at the wedding of a long hairpin. Only when the man dies, the coin was removed and the hair back loosely getragen.Die Thai have a unique dance repertoire. The best known is the bamboo dance - which the Vietnamese from the Thai "gemaust" have - in which several girls between four long bamboo poles, the rhythmic eight hands apart and again moved towards each other, back and herspringen.Eine particular specialty is Thai sticky rice in bamboo and rice wine is often drunk, and Although several of large Tonfaessern with bamboo and straw. The Thai also use their own, the Sanskrit-based script language that was already developed in the 5th century. It covers an incredibly rich literary heritage with many epic poems, dramas and Volkserzaehlungen. However there would be rather to tell, the backlog and her family, about the Thai and their culture, but I guess that would be beyond the scope enormously. Another time ...
But as rich and colorful and proud of not only the Thai culture is so hard and difficult to be seen but the privation full (over-) daily life of minorities in general. A major problem is poverty, one in three lives below the poverty line. From the economic recovery of the country in the remote mountainous regions is only little. People live mainly from what they grow for their small farm, not very profitable Areas personal use - mostly rice, maize and manioc - or acquire by barter in local markets. Meanwhile, try to correspond well, the state increased by the promotion of minorities. But despite its investments in education, health care, infrastructure and the resulting improvements for the people, their overall standard of living, their education and their health are yet and still well below the majority of the population of the Vietnamese. A certain degree of cultural bias compared to the Bergvoelkern their situation more difficult, but many Vietnamese are believed to minorities would do better to adapt to the Vietnamese majority culture, threats to their misery entrinnen.So will also see many peoples their culture, because the external influences are increasing. The ongoing modernization that will help improve the lives of people executed at the same time to many ancient traditions are being abandoned. The rapidly growing tourism also favored a cultural sell-out.
peoples such as the Thai, the place very much value their traditions'm afraid much about their cultural heritage. Their attempts to cherish it more and more and more difficult to maintain. Less and less Members of ethnic minorities who, for example, their traditional costumes. Fragmentation seems to lose more color. Tragic ...
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