...Anfang August, es machten sich auf: zwei vietnamesische und drei internationale Freiwilliginnen sowie eine Freiwilligenkoordinatorin, an deren Haenden bzw. auf deren Armen acht neugierige, jedoch etwas ahnungslose, dafuer ganz niedliche kleine Quaelgeister mit Namen Ngi, Chi, Dung, Hung, Thom, Thao, Duc Anh und Quynh. Was war die Aufregeung riesig, als sie in das grosse Taxi stiegen, welches sie einmal quer durch die noch viel groessere Stadt schliesslich zu all den felligen und fedrigen Zwei-und Vierbeinern, die im Hanoier Zoo zu hause sind, bringen sollte und brachte. Fuer die Zwerge musste sich unserAusflug wie eine Weltreise anfuehlen, haben ihre kleinen Fuesschen den Pagodengrund doch bisher kaum verlassen.
As they quite intimidated and carefully torn open her eyes very wide and restless looking around, tramped through the great gate, overwhelmed and a bit overwhelmed by the size, all the many, the people, the rides, the countless ways to play and of course even the animals. The little Hung pullerte with terror in the same pants and volunteer coordinator who carried him, auf'sT-shirt.
- Goodbye to the six-trip Mamas had thought about changing stuff to pack for the little emergencies! -
Until the first enthusiastic laugh, squeal or beep, it took a while, the ride on the children's train at the very beginning was quite quietly and without any significant outbreaks of joy. Even with the parrots twisted into no bigger air. But then on Affenkaefig: the kids are suddenly began to squeal in her usual way, beep babble, and glucksen.Dazu their little hands fluttering excitedly through the air and stomped their little feet firmly on the ground. Oh, and only at the elephant! "Con voi! Con voi!" - "! An elephant An elephant," she screamed. Her small body shook and her eyes sparkled. Now everything was good.
approx.28 ha measure of the Zoological Garden of Hanoi.Auf first glance you think: Oh, green actually quite nice, so much so idyllic to the Thu-Le-Seegelegen. At second glance, reminds the Whole thing more like a theme park than a zoo. To Tierkaefige countless snacks and Imbissstaende, carousels and Hoppseburgen string together. And the animals in the middle, more like exhibits at the approach of the visitors come as close soll.Von animal welfare but it is still a much further. The Tigerkaefige, eg relatively small. And the outsiders Affenkaefige empty, there is little climbing. - Where even the polar bear as in local zoos also more like other welfare-not really living because its natural-polar conditions. - The Hanoi Zoo will in any event, the conditions over the last few years have been greatly improved. And I must confess actually, I will be seeing me somehow be worse.
Apart from a few exceptions, the zoo is home to probably mainly native animals, species that are found in European zoos have little or not at all be found there. Some of them may be extinct in the wild such as the Vietnamese Silk-Hirsch, for example, also some rare and strange animals to look at themselves, for example Binturongs or slow loris. How do they look? No idea. Up to them, we made it, unfortunately. After about 11 / 2 hours, small and large zoo visitors were already pretty exhausted. The dwarves of footprints and watching excursion Mamas and the capture of the dwarves and gnomes-Haul ...
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