Im Zeichen des Mondes...
Monday 20 June 4646th This is today. And today I would like him sometimes Explain in more detail, the Vietnamese lunar calendar, where I had him so often mentioned, but never really have explained. So then ... Although, the government, everyday and cultural and business life in Vietnam since the French like us at times on the Gregorian solar calendar is based, the lunar calendar from the Vietnamese culture and tradition can not be ignored. For example, there then usually both calendars side by side on the same calendar page. The lunar calendar, which was introduced about 2637 BC in Vietnam and the Chinese lunar calendar is very similar, fuer viele Menschen immernoch als fester Bestandteil des Lebens. Unzaehlige, die meisten Feier- und Festtage sind nach ihm ausgerichtet. Man folgt ihm bei wichtigen Lebensentscheidungen, z. B. bei Hochzeitsplanungen, beabsichtigtem Hausbau, einer geplanten Geschaeftseroeffnung oder einer anstehenden Reise. Dabei gilt es, den jeweils vielversprechendsten Termin mit den guenstigsten Konstellationen zu bestimmen. So, und jetzt wird's vielleicht ein bisschen komplizierter. Der Mondkalender zaehlt insgesamt 12 Monate mit jeweils 29 oder 30 Tagen. Darueberhinaus besteht der Mondkalender aus Zyklen zu je 60 Jahren, die die Natur durchlaeuft. Und diese unterteilen sich wiederum in 6 mal 10 Himmels-Staemme (ein Begriff aus der chinesischen Astrologie), die den gegensaetzlichen, But it conditional female (yin) and male (yang) characteristics of the 5 elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water meet, and in 12 lunar years, the so-called Earthly Branches, which correspond to the zodiac signs. A new cycle begins when the first of the 12 zodiac, mouse, meets China in the rat, with the first of the 10 tribes of heaven. Got it? So I must admit I am an itty-bit confused. Whatever the case, then are you go with the remaining 11 animal groups, as follows: Ox, Tiger, Cat (in China: hare), dragon, snake, horse, goat (in China: sheep), monkey, chicken (in China : Hahn), dog and pig. And each of these zodiac write bstimmte Properties. I was born as the sign of the monkey and the monkey says to you, he was active, pretty clever, confident, humorous and instability. Is that true? Hm, who knows ... Accordingly, this course also that year under very special conditions. 2009 is the Year of the Ox. And since the buffalo is considered very strong, hard working and tireless, one hopes for a highly successful and profitable year. Well let's see ... Sun With 12 months of 29 or 30 days in a lunar year is about 355 days. In order to bring the lunar calendar in line with the solar cycle, so the follow the seasons, and thus to avoid a mess of the elements of life, the missing days are leap months supplemented. About every three years added to the lunar year, a month, making it together so 13th So there is one month every three years, two. This year is such a leap year and this time it was the part that could be double. The first began on 24 Sun-May and the second on 23 Sun-June. Meanwhile, we are in the moon-June. Today is not only the 10th August, but at the same time the 20th June. Well something like that. Yes, this is the lunar calendar ...
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