Saturday, August 8, 2009

Reliougious Thank You Sayings

Im Pagodenkindergarten...

Sometimes it is very quiet. Or silent. Occasionally, a clack, clack-a toy. Or the rustle of paper on which they scribble just shameless. And zwischen drin immer wieder freudiges Glucksen, Quiecken und Brabbeln. Und Lachen. Mal lauter, mal leiser. So hoert sich Kindsein an. Und so schaut es aus: spielend, malend. Erfrischend und leicht, irgendwie. Und friedlich. Kinder, selbstversunken und eins mit sich und der Welt, so ganz und gar. So unschuldig. Zumindest stellen wir es uns so vor. Doch diese Kinder hier sind anders, ihr Leben ist es. Linh, Nghi, Dung, Chi, Anh, Minh und wie sie alle heissen. Verwaist, verstossen, zurueckgelassen, HIV-Infizierung nicht ausgeschlossen. Oft ist der Name das Einzige, was man von ihnen weiss. Sie sind viele. Und sie werden immer mehr. Neulich die fuenfjaehrige Tuyet und ihr juengerer Bruder Nam, erst letzte Woche der kleine Viet, einfach abgegeben. Wer wird es be the next time? Their families are often zeruettet, poverty seems to eat them. Disturbed, destroyed mothers and fathers are overwhelmed, helpless, clueless. The Bo De Pagoda: a way out for many, the last and often most difficult. Or how must that feel? They feel at the end of anything, they can then the over all? The misery and what it does to people ... unimaginable. As tragic. And who is ultimately to blame? Such categories fail here completely, they have to, here in particular. Most children see their parents again. Sometimes a father, a mother or other relatives to visit. When they parted, each time it is then pulled as if the little child's soul in a thousand pieces, would die each time a small part of it. guarantees the pagoda to them but a bed clothes, food and drink, all very, very modest, but stable, reliable and above all loving bonds that give the children emotional support and their confidence to help both themselves and towards others to build , they can not guarantee this place. The children here are not alone. No one who takes away fears, no one who comforts her, no one who shows them the world and declared that nobody who helps them to life, no one who accompanies her at large. No one there who understands them and their difficult situation and believes in them. The nuns have little time, are very strong in their faith everyday involved. And the children of women seeking self zeruetteten relationships come and shelter in the Pagoda are overworked and overloaded, totally helpless, unsuspecting, often do not know it differently, better. Often scold and chase them, eg when Nam sucking with his 7 or 8 years still on the thumb. Clearly there is a reason, for they do not cost, they simply know nothing about it. How should they? Such knowledge appears here in Vietnam in general, not particularly widespread, being professional fields such as social psychology or social work is not as well developed. Yes, the children are alone. And they have not even himself, for in fact they are competitors, they compete for attention, Zuwendung, um Spielzeug, Essen, um alles, was sie kriegen koennen. Und das nicht gerade sanft, da wird gehauen, getreten, gebissen, was das Zeug haelt. Das Geschrei ist jedes mal gross.
Jeden Tag komme ich an diesen Ort. Jeden Tag schaue in grosse, traurige und so erwartungs- und doch auch hoffnungsvolle Kinderaugen. Wenn ich da bin und mit ihnen spiele oder Faxen mache, gelingt es mir hin und wieder , sie zum Strahlen zum bringen, fuer einen Moment. Doch oft und immernoch frage ich mich, wie ich diesen Kindern tatsaechlich, also so richtig, wirklich, nachhaltig helfen kann. Im Grunde kann ich es nicht...


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