Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mount&blade 1011 Cheats

Wandernde Strassenhaendlerinnen in Hanoi...

Sie sind aus Hanois Strassen nicht wegzudenken, praegen das lebhafte Stadtbild ebenso wie die Milionen Mopeds, sie sind nur nicht ganz so viele: Hanois Strassenhaendler, vielmehr -haendlerinnen, die zu tausenden durch die Stadt ziehen, um ihre Waren zu verkaufen. Obst, Gemuese, Tee and flowers, some home-grown, traditional Vietnamese-made delicacies, but also ceramics, sleeping mats or Haushaltsgegenstaende that are resold to larger markets and shops in the larger one and finally.
They are often seen in their traditional pointed straw hats, which they are to protect against the relentless tropical sun. You either sit on the sidewalks or the Strassenraendern, surrounded by huge Bambuskoerben where they store their products or move about with their heavily laden bicycles or carts. A very typical pattern: women, balancing on their shoulders a long bamboo pole, at the two ends is always a basket attached. And as they struggle sometimes and tow! 50, 60 or more pounds, worn and / or drawn by sometimes very small and petite women of all ages. And we are surprised, raise what force the older ladies, who appear with their 70, 80 years rather frail, but still. We would like to help carry them off for a moment, their burden. Presumably they were too proud to accept such an offer, they they go so upright, try it again and again.
call from a distance it into one. It can also happen that they run after a one or press their wares just in the hands. They often have - mostly a tourist-felt disturbed. But these women can Taktgefuehl, decency, elegant restraint, what ever you believe to miss there, but do not expect. For them, every day is a little struggle for survival, their own and that of their families.
to reach 90% of the country from very poor backgrounds. They are poorly trained, sometimes have not learned profession. Their families live most of your field work. But this alone (over-) life seems almost impossible. The available areas are getting smaller. The urbanization is progressing. Roads, houses, shopping centers are built. As migratory Strassenverkaeuferinnen in the big city, the women hope to improve the situation of their families. It is
them especially for their children, for they a good (off-) formation and thus a better future, a better life than their wish. Weekly, for months they are often separated from their families. They hire cheap, shabby accommodations usually in the outskirts of the city, which they share with many other women. They work tirelessly from dawn to dusk, rain or shine, in health and disease. And at the end of the day for an average of 25 000 Vietnam Dong Noh, less any transportation, meals and accommodation costs. 1 Euro ...
Now they want to banish from the public city and threatened that their are already exploiting the minimum dividend existence. Last year, namely the Hanoi People's Committee has adopted a resolution to regulate and control the sale and the street. In 62 major transport, main shopping streets and boulevards, and by 48 cultural monuments and schauplaetze around - that is, where is going on communal life primary, where conditions are optimal for the street sale - it is Strassenverkaeuferinnen since 2 July 2008 no longer allowed to go about their business. The production of order and cleanliness and to ensure food hygiene. Point. Alternatives for the women? None.
And they keep going, to a lesser extent, reduced supply and with open eyes and ears, they are continuing their trade. Because the checks are frequent and severe. Twice already I have while I on the bus in Long Bien waited observed smaller "raids". The anxiety and excitement, the crowd of people at once. As the women jumped up suddenly, frantically packed up and run and their baskets and boxes. And then I saw they also heranstuermen already, the disciplinary or police force is applied to their faces and threatening gestures. Not unusual, rather something that belongs since the ban on women's everyday life. A cat and mouse game in which not everything is always gentle.
But many people in Hanoi have sympathy for the plight of women, they even offer their homes as hideouts. I think that's very likable. Will they not, pluck time, they face 50000-200000 Vietnam Dong punishment Moreover, their goods are confiscated. At the end of them is still less than nothing. And yet they go on forever. For their families, for their children ...


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